
Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

author:I'm a little golden carp

It is estimated that Tang Shangjun himself could not have imagined that there would be such a thing on his life path, he had the intention to plant flowers and flowers that did not bloom, and he had no intention of planting willows and willows in the shade, and he won hemp!

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

In this year's college entrance examination, the 36-year-old Tang Shangjun, the best nail household, became popular again, not because of his college entrance examination score of more than 600 points, nor because he met his teacher, reviewed in Hengshui, and returned to his hometown to continue the exam, but he opened the live broadcast of self-media, and the traffic was like a flood, which instantly poured into the live broadcast room, and the data was outrageously high, and all of a sudden, it attracted the attention and heated discussions of many netizens.

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

Many people know Tang Shangjun, who has participated in the college entrance examination for 16 years, and has always had a dream, to be admitted to the top university in his heart, repeating again and again, failing again and again, and coming again and again, but on the road of his dream, he has never seen fruition, and has been ridiculed by many people.

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows
Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows
Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

If you find your ideal job, it's still good, if you don't find a suitable job like some college students, you start the life of a delivery person, you come and go in the wind and rain, you don't have a meal, and it's hard to take care of your family, it is estimated that this is what he doesn't want, after all, he is 36 years old, and in a few years, he can't afford to lose. But he was persistent and stubborn, and he did not have the persuasion of his family and the cold ridicule of the outside world and gave up his dream.

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

His mother revealed that Fa Xiao, who grew up with Tang Shangjun, has children who have gone to school, and Tang Shangjun has not yet married and started a family, and has been working hard for the college entrance examination to repeat his studies. This year, Tang Shangjun decided to go to the campus of the university to not let his family worry about him anymore and fulfilled his dream of college. But Tang Shangjun, who has not yet entered the university campus, changed his mind and played personal self-media, as soon as the live broadcast came out, good guys, the flow of people poured in, this is what he never expected, what happened in the live broadcast room?

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

According to netizens who watched the live broadcast, as soon as he was on the air, there were not many people at first, but slowly, the number of people continued to increase, and finally reached 100,000+. After 16 years of taking the test, such perseverance, such perseverance, and such spiritual energy, he can still stand tall after repeated defeats.

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

Tang Shangjun chatted with everyone in the live broadcast room, many people were moved by Tang Shangjun's spirit, only half an hour later, the number of likes in the live broadcast room skyrocketed, reaching more than 3 million, which can be called a super big anchor, in addition, the gifts in the live broadcast room are also bursting, Tang Shangjun has never seen this kind of scene, and he didn't expect so many people to pay attention to him, let alone expect the gifts in the live broadcast room to fly all over the sky, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

It is estimated that this is the stubborn person who has survived the cold winter and met the spring, this live broadcast, it is estimated that many people will earn income for several years or even a lifetime, and Tang Shangjun has become the maker of this hot spot. If you don't make a move, you can surpass your peers as soon as you make a move.

Tang Shangjun won hemp! I never thought that there was a intention to plant flowers and flowers not to bloom, and I had no intention to plant willows and willows

After 16 years of pursuit, he didn't reach his goal, everything seemed to be useless, but there was a certain number in the dark, what should be obtained, through hard work, it was naturally indispensable, it should not be obtained, no matter how hard he tried, 16 years, for Tang Shangjun, whether it was good or bad, if he didn't insist on these 16 years, it is estimated that there would not be this splashing traffic.