
Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother
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Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

In a corner of Beijing, there is such an ordinary old man. He lived in an old rural house and lived a life of simplicity to the point of near-poverty. Who would have thought that this unknown old man would be Li Lianli, the second brother of kung fu superstar Jet Li.

The life trajectories of the two brothers are like parallel lines, one is radiant, and the other is as plain as water.

What kind of story is hidden behind this seemingly contradictory emotion? Let's uncover the story of this legendary family.

In 1963, a dilapidated courtyard house in Beijing ushered in the cry of new life. This baby is Jet Li, and his birth has added joy to the Li family and brought more responsibilities.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

The Li family's father was a skilled worker, and his mother was a diligent bus conductor. Despite the couple's hard work, the family's financial situation is still stretched to support their five children, including Jet Li.

The blow of losing her husband did not break Li's mother. She wiped away her tears and resolutely shouldered the burden of the entire family. Day after day, year after year, Mother Li toiled between work and family, never having a moment of respite.

Li Lianli recalled that his mother's gray hair seemed to increase overnight. Looking at their mother's thinning figure, the five siblings were filled with gratitude and guilt, and they secretly vowed to share the pressure for their mother.

In such a difficult environment, the relationship between Jet Li's brothers and sisters has become deeper and deeper. They support each other and face the hardships of life together. The eldest brother and second brother Li Lianli joined the work as soon as possible to reduce the burden on the family.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

The older sisters take on the responsibility of caring for the younger siblings, so that the mother can devote herself to her work.

When night falls, the family huddles in the dim light, sharing the joys and sorrows of the day. Although life is hard, the warm family affection makes the family full of hope.

Jet Li later recalled that it was this difficult period that made him deeply appreciate the unforgettable love between his family.

It was in this environment that Jet Li and his siblings learned to be strong, united, and grateful. These qualities also become an important strength for them to face life's challenges later in life.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

In 1971, the god of fate favored the Li family. 8-year-old Jet Li was recognized by martial arts coach Wu Bin and selected to study martial arts in a sports school. This opportunity completely changed the trajectory of Jet Li's life and brought a ray of hope to the whole family.

From the moment he stepped into the sports school, Jet Li's life became extremely busy. Every morning, while the other children are still asleep, he has already started his cultural lessons.

In the afternoon, he threw himself into the arduous training of martial arts. The high-intensity training day after day made the young Jet Li often scarred and in unbearable pain. The family looked at this thin figure distressedly, both proud of his strength and worried about his hard work.

However, Jet Li never complained, nor did he complain about being tired. He always had a simple dream in his heart: to let his mother live a happy life. This desire has become the motivation for his hard work, pushing him to continue to move forward on the path of martial arts.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

Hard work pays off. At the age of 11, Jet Li won the honor of the national martial arts junior champion in one fell swoop with his outstanding performance. This achievement not only brought him a lot of attention, but also brought real financial benefits to his family.

His monthly salary gradually climbed from 5 yuan to 43 yuan, and by 1979 it had reached 88 yuan. Although this income may seem insignificant today, it greatly improved the Li family's financial situation at the time.

In 1980, opportunity once again favored this hardworking young man. Jet Li won the role of the male number one in one fell swoop with his outstanding performance in the movie "Shaolin Temple".

After the film was released, the box office exceeded 100 million yuan, creating a miracle in the history of Chinese film. Jet Li also became an instant hit and became a well-known martial arts star.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

After becoming famous, Jet Li did not stop. He continues to improve his acting skills and martial arts, and has starred in many classic works such as "Shaolin Kid", "North and South Shaolin", and "Chinese Hero".

Each film further strengthened his position in the film industry and made his star journey more and more bright.

Looking at the once thin younger brother who was now radiant and standing under the flashlight, Li Lianli's heart was full of pride. He sighed sincerely: "It is really a blessing for me to have such a younger brother!" This sentence not only expresses his admiration for his brother's achievements, but also reveals a deep brotherly feeling.

Jet Li's success not only changed his fate, but also brought earth-shaking changes to the entire family. However, he never forgot his roots, and did not forget the boy who struggled in the dilapidated courtyard.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

It is this original intention that allows him to always care about his family after becoming famous, and strive to repay those relatives who have supported him.

With the prosperity of his career, Jet Li always remembers the hardships of his childhood and the dedication of his family. His mother's advice was engraved on his heart like a brand: "Son, when you make a difference in the future, don't forget your brothers and sisters."

This sentence has become a source of motivation for Jet Li to return to his family.

After realizing his dream, Jet Li immediately set out to improve his family's living conditions. He first bought property for his four siblings in Beijing, giving them a place to live in the bustling city.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

For his beloved mother, Jet Li is even more filial and bought a luxurious courtyard house for her to make up for her hard work and dedication over the years.

In his career, Jet Li has not forgotten to bring his family. He hired his second brother-in-law as his agent, which not only solved the livelihood problem of the second sister's family, but also gave them the opportunity to display their talents.

For the eldest brother, Jet Li gave him generous treatment and arranged for him to become his personal assistant, with an annual salary of up to 1.2 million yuan. This income not only changed the quality of life of the eldest brother, but also reflected Jet Li's trust and importance to his family.

However, in the face of his younger brother's kindness, the second brother Li Lianli made a surprising choice. He politely rejected Jet Li's kindness and insisted on staying in the old house in the countryside and living a simple life.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

Li Lianli said frankly that only by spending the money he earned can he feel at ease. Although this decision made Jet Li feel a little disappointed, he also deeply respected his second brother's choice.

Jet Li's actions interpret the true meaning of "one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven". He repaid his family's nurturing kindness with practical actions and fulfilled his promise.

However, Li Lianli's choice also adds a unique touch to the family's story, showing different life values.

Against the backdrop of Jet Li's aura, the life of the second brother Li Lianli is extraordinary. He did not choose to rely on his brother's fame and wealth, but stuck to the most basic work, working silently.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

Every morning, when the people in the city were still in the warm bed, Li Lianli had already gotten up and was ready to go to work. His palms were rough and thick from years of labor, and the wrinkles on his face deepened as the years passed.

Despite living in poverty, Li Lianli's eyes are always full of tranquility and contentment.

Li Lianli often said: "I don't need to be rich and rich, I can support myself, and I am very satisfied to live with dignity." This sentence expresses his philosophy of life. In his opinion, his younger brother has contributed a lot to the family, but life needs to be created by his own hands after all.

This spirit of independence is also the consistent style of the Li family.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

However, fate does not seem to be kind to this kind man. When he was 60 years old, Li Lianli was diagnosed with throat cancer. In the face of the torture of illness, he still maintained an optimistic attitude.

This love for life and gratitude to relatives was vividly demonstrated in Li Lianli's last days. Instead of regretting his choice, he cherished every moment with his family even more.

Jet Li often finds time to visit his second brother, and although the brothers have embarked on different life paths, their feelings for each other have become deeper and deeper.

In 2019, Li Lianli finally left this world. At his funeral, Jet Li was grief-stricken and burst into tears. Looking at the second brother lying peacefully in the coffin, Jet Li's heart was full of complicated emotions.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

He respects his second brother's choice, but regrets that he can't help more.

Li Lianli's life, although he was not rich and rich, he lived his own wonderful life. He explained with practical actions what true happiness is—not in external glory and wealth, but in inner fulfillment and satisfaction.

His story also adds a touch of simplicity and deep background to this legendary family.

The life trajectories of Jet Li and Li Lianli brothers are like two sides of the same coin, showing a completely different picture of life. Jet Li is radiant, famous, and has become a high-profile kung fu superstar; Li Lianli chose an ordinary and simple life, adhered to his heart, and spent most of his life in an old house in the countryside.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

These two seemingly different life choices are worth pondering. Jet Li's success tells us that as long as we work hard, we have the opportunity to change our destiny and realize our dreams.

And Li Lianli's life reminds us that a simple and ordinary life can also live its own wonderful, and happiness does not lie in the external aura, but in the inner satisfaction.

The most important thing is that no matter what situation they are in, the brothers know how to be grateful and cherish the people in front of them. Jet Li did not forget to repay his family after becoming famous, and Li Lianli was still grateful for his brother's achievements at the last moment of his life.

The story of these brothers is not only a contrast between success and ordinariness, but also a profound interpretation of family affection, choices and the value of life. It tells us that the meaning of life is not in external achievements, but in how to live one's own value and how to be kind to those around us.

Jet Li's second brother: Living in an old house in the countryside, he died of throat cancer in poverty, and bluntly said that he was so lucky to have a younger brother

Whether it is a bright starlight or an ordinary candlelight, it can illuminate the road of life and write your own wonderful life.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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