
As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

author:Barley said

The ancients said: "It is better for a person to be born than to be born", although this remark is a bit fatalistic, but it also shows the subtle connection between fate and birth.

In a long history and culture, lunar birthdays and personal destiny always seem to be indissolubly linked.

Today, let's talk about which lunar birthdays have been endowed with the meaning of wealth and happiness in old age, and have the right to make a spiritual expedition to explore the auspicious codes in those ancient wisdoms.

Since ancient times, people have been willing to explore the relationship between the time of birth and the fortune of life, believing that people born on certain days seem to be blessed with good fortune and have a smoother life journey.

On these mysterious days, the stars seem to be extraordinarily favored, and the wheel of fortune quietly favors the lucky side.

Next, let's unveil the mystery of these five "lucky stars in old age".

As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

On January 15, the full moon is reunited

On January 15, the auspicious day of the full moon reunion, the Lantern Festival lights reflect not only the warmth of every family, but also the life trajectory of those lucky people.

"University" cloud: "Knowing and then there is determination, determination and then can be quiet, and then quiet and then can be peaceful." ”

This "quiet" and "peaceful" are just like the full moon on the fifteenth night of the first lunar month, and the clear light is sprinkled all over the heart, making the character of the person born on this day have a calm and warm, as if the mountain spring is flowing for a long time, nourishing everything around.

Zhu Xi, a great Confucian of the Song Dynasty, emphasized the idea of "learning from things" in his commentary on the University, which meant that by observing the essence of things, one can gain true insight.

The consummation of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month inspires us to seek inner balance and harmony even in the midst of the vagaries of life.

Tang Yin, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, wrote in "Song of the Peach Blossom Temple": "Others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others and can't see through it." This transcendent and free and easy is just like the inner portrayal of those born on the night of the full moon, in their later years, they face life with an indifferent mentality, and Fu Lu naturally comes uninvited.

There is a proverb: "The moon to the fifteenth day is less bright, and people have nothing to do in their old age." However, for those born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the situation in the later years is more like "the moon reaches the heart of the sky, when the wind comes to the water", not only does not show decline, but adds a bit of transparency and tranquility.

Their lives, just like those depicted in modern literary works, have both the family harmony of the old man Qi in Lao She's "Four Generations in the Same Hall", and the warmth and wisdom in Mr. Yang Jiang's "We Three".

In this way, people born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month not only inherit the joy and harmony of traditional festivals, but also show a unique charm of life under the baptism of modern culture.

Their lives, just like Su Shi's sentence "I wish people a long time, thousands of miles together", no matter where they are, the love and pursuit of life in their hearts is always as bright as the full moon, illuminating themselves and warming others.

As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

On the eighth day of April, the joy of the Buddha's birthday

On the eighth day of the fourth month, the auspicious birthday of the Buddha, on this day, all things are revived, and spring is full of joy, just like the Buddha's first arrival in the earthly world, bringing endless wisdom and light.

There is a cloud in the "Diamond Sutra": "All things have a way, like a dream bubble, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such." People born at such a spiritual moment seem to have their own insight into the vanity of the world and the pursuit of inner truth, and their lives are a profound practice of "all actions are impermanent, and all laws have no self".

As the old saying goes: "Plant melons and get melons, and plant beans and get beans." As "Zengguang Xianwen" said: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and only fight for early and late." Those who were born on the eighth day of the fourth month of the fourth month were deeply influenced by the Buddha's teachings and devoted their lives to sowing good causes, whether it was the compassion of "saving a person's life and winning the seven-level floating slaughter" in the Eastern "Hundred Parables", or the golden rule of "you would like others to be treated as you would like to be treated by others" in the Western Bible, all of which became the code of their behavior.

As the proverb goes, "Kindness is like the sun of spring, which can warm people's hearts; Evil deeds are like the cold of a winter night, and they can hurt people's hearts. "These people born on the Buddha's birthday, with their continuous good deeds, like the warm sun of spring, melt away the indifference between people and promote social harmony.

The English writer Charles Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities: "This is the best of times and the worst of times." And it is in such an era that they prove with their actions that everyone can become a glimmer of light to change the world and make this era move forward in the best direction.

In "Zhuangzi Wandering", there is a saying: "To man without self, God and man without merit, and saint without name." "Those who are born on the eighth day of the fourth month may not seek fame and fortune and achievement, but they practice the Buddha's teachings with a selfless heart, and the blessings they receive in their later years are actually a natural return to their lifelong cultivation.

As the modern bestseller "Living the Meaning of Life" explores, the value of life lies in giving meaning and contribution, not just in the pursuit of external success.

As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

On July 7, the Magpie Bridge met

On the seventh day of July, a day covered by the Milky Way light veil, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl crossed the stars and reunited on the Magpie Bridge, interpreting the love myth that has been passed down through the ages.

People born at such a romantic moment seem to have inherited the purest emotional power in the sky, and their hearts are like the starry sky on a summer night, vast and deep.

Xu Zhimo, a giant of modern literature, wrote in "Farewell to Kangqiao": "Gently I go, just as I come gently." This gentle and delicate expression of emotions is just like the sensitivity and cherishment of the emotional world of the children of Qixi Festival, they weave dreams with words, build bridges with understanding, and the good popularity comes from the deep resonance of the soul.

As the old saying goes, "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat." "In interpersonal communication, the delicacy of emotions is like flowing water, which can not only be gently surrounded, but also rippled by careless handling.

For the sons of Qixi Festival, they seem to have a key to unlock the code of people's hearts, and Jia Baoyu's fraternity and sensitivity in "Dream of Red Mansions" are a portrayal of their delicate emotions and good communication.

They know how to navigate the complex network of people, and maintain every precious friendship with sincerity and wisdom.

As the proverb goes: "Plant a plane tree, attract a golden phoenix." "The help and prosperity of the nobles in the later years of the son of Tanabata are the fruits of sowing emotions and communicating with their hearts when they were young.

As "Caigen Tan" said: "To make friends, you must be chivalrous, and you must be a little plain." "They have won trust and respect with their chivalrous bones, and their life path has been broadened.

Western psychologist Carl Rogers once said, "Listening is the deepest form of respect." "The ability to listen and understand the needs and feelings of others is especially valuable in later years, as it not only brings them physical help, but also builds a strong castle on the spiritual level, so that they can enjoy the abundance and tranquility of life both emotionally and materially.

People born on the Qixi Festival, their emotional richness, communication skills and interpersonal charm, just like the legend of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, have transcended time and space and become the brightest stars in the journey of life.

As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

On October 15, the lower Yuan water official relieved the misfortune

On the fifteenth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, the autumn mood is getting stronger, and the next yuan festival is solstice, which is a festival full of mystery and profound meaning. Legend has it that on this day, the Emperor Shuiguan descended to earth to relieve disasters and cleanse the soul for the world.

People born on October 15 seem to have a wisdom of reconciling the world and resolving difficulties, and their life journey is like a flowing landscape painting, witnessing both wind and rain and ushering in sunshine.

"Good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting." This sentence of Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching seems to be the best commentary on the character of those born on October 15.

They are as soft as water, able to adapt to various environments, and can show strong resilience at critical moments, just like the ancient water control hero Dayu, who replaced interception with channeling, and finally successfully controlled the flood and achieved a great cause.

In modern society, this ability to bend and respond flexibly is a valuable asset in the workplace and life, so that they can always find the best way to solve problems when facing challenges.

As the saying goes: "The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge." For those born on October 15, this is not just a word of comfort, but a true portrayal of their philosophy of life.

They believe that no matter what kind of adversity they encounter, as long as they maintain peace of mind and wisdom, they will always usher in a turnaround.

As the ancient Roman poet Ovid wrote in The Metamorphosis, even stones can turn into soft streams that flow into fields of hope.

In ancient China, the Xia Yuan Festival was also accompanied by the traditional custom of releasing water lanterns, which was used to express people's thoughts about their loved ones and good wishes for the future.

This drifting Krathong not only illuminates the night sky, but also reflects the picture of the life of those born on October 15 in their later years - family harmony, children and grandchildren around their knees, is the warmest home for them after resolving the storms of their lives.

Du Fu Shiyun: "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is the hometown of Ming." In their later years, they enjoyed not only material abundance, but also spiritual peace and satisfaction.

As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

December 24, the stove king ascends to heaven

On the twenty-fourth day of the lunar month, at the end of the year, every household cleans the court, prepares delicacies, and sends the stove to heaven, and the trivial matters in the world are described in detail in front of the stove.

The life born on this day seems to have been blessed by the Lord of the Stove, as "Caigen Tan" said: "One thought of kindness can brew two harmony; The heart is white, and it can show hundreds of generations of Qingfen. "Since childhood, they have a loving heart, walking in the world, spreading kindness and reaping warmth.

The ancients said: "In the house of goodness, there must be afterglow." This is true, for these lucky people who grew up under the blessing of the stove king, their life attitude and behavior pattern, just like the ancient Confucianism advocated "benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom and faith", in the modern society has not lost its brilliance.

They melt the winter cold with a cheerful smile, and convey the true feelings of the world with the warmth of their hands, which is in line with the saying: "Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans." "The little good deeds in daily life eventually converge into the full blessings of old age.

There is no lack of praise for good deeds and rewards in modern literature, such as Bingxin's pen: "Love is on the left, sympathy is on the right, walking on both sides of life, sowing seeds at any time, and blossoming at any time." This is not only a vivid portrayal of the people under the protection of the stove king, but also a modern interpretation of their philosophy of life.

Life, like a warm novel, exudes the brilliance of humanity on every page, teaching people to be good and giving them hope.

There is an ancient proverb: "The king of the stove speaks good things in the heavens, and the lower world keeps peace." This is not just a simple description of traditional customs, but also a good wish for those who are born on this auspicious day.

No matter how turbulent the outside world is, they can always maintain a pure land in their hearts, be willing to share, and have the courage to take responsibility, so that the family business will continue to prosper like a fire, and life will be harmonious and happy.

"Kindness is a choice, and those who choose kindness will eventually be treated gently by the world." This is not only a modern echo of ancient wisdom, but also a high evaluation of the person born on the 24th day of the lunar month.

They have proved with their actions that kindness and love are passports across the ages, whether in the poetry and songs of the ancients or in the fast-paced life of contemporary society, they can shine the brightest light.

As the saying goes: "It is better to be born than to be good"! These 5 lunar birthdays are born, and the old age is the most rich and blessed

Of course, the above are all beautiful meanings in folk customs and traditional culture, and happiness and success in real life lie more in personal efforts and choices.

"Zhou Yi" said: "Tianxingjian, a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement." "No matter what day you are born, maintaining a positive attitude, working diligently, and being kind to others is the most solid bridge to a happy old age.

In the long river of life, everyone is at the helm of their own destiny. Let's take these beautiful meanings, laugh at life, perhaps, the next corner, is our respective "blessed land".

Life is a journey of finding oneself and realizing value, and the so-called "good birth" is just a touch of scenery in the journey, and the real scenery still needs to be drawn and experienced by our hearts.