
The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

author:Big Fish Quest
The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity
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The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

On a cloudy afternoon, I followed my friend to the crematorium on the outskirts of the city to see off his recently deceased grandfather. Pushing open the heavy iron door, a chill suddenly hits, as if you have traveled to another world.

The moment we stepped into the cremation room, a shrill "strange scream" suddenly broke the silence, making me shudder and involuntarily take a few steps back.

My friend tried to reassure me that it was just a normal sound, but I couldn't calm down. The voice was so strange that it seemed to contain some kind of unspeakable horror.

I fought back my fear and began to think: What the hell is this sound? Why is it ringing at this time? With these questions in mind, I decided to dig deeper and unravel the mystery of the crematorium.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

With a stomach full of questions, I decided to look for answers. With the introduction of the crematorium staff, I had the pleasure of meeting an experienced cremator. He was a middle-aged man in his forties, dressed in neat overalls, with a serious and peaceful expression on his face.

"Hello, I'm here to ask some questions about the cremation process." I spoke a little nervously.

The cremator nodded slightly, motioning for me to continue. I took a deep breath and asked the question that bothered me the most: "Why is there that horrible 'weird scream'?" "

He smiled understandingly, and patiently explained, "Actually, it wasn't some mysterious voice. This is the sound that naturally occurs when human tissues are rapidly dehydrated and contracted at high temperatures.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

Seeing my surprised expression, he continued: "The high-temperature incinerator we are using now can reach temperatures of 900 to 1,000 degrees Celsius. At such high temperatures, the tissues of the human body change rapidly, inevitably producing some sound.

It's completely normal physics, nothing to be afraid of.

I nodded thoughtfully, but I couldn't help but ask, "What about the 'corpse' phenomenon?" I've heard of such terrible things. "

The cremator shook his head lightly and explained, "'Fraudulent corpse' is actually a misunderstanding. In the past, when the temperature was burned, the human muscles would contract and deform due to heat, making it look like a corpse was moving.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

But today's high-temperature incinerators can effectively avoid this.

After listening to these explanations, I felt that my tense nerves finally relaxed. It turns out that there is a scientific explanation behind these seemingly terrifying phenomena. I can't help but lament that people's fear of the unknown often stems from ignorance, and the power of science can dispel these fogs.

Seeing that I was thoughtful, the cremator added, "In our business, the most important thing is to be rational and respectful. We are facing the end of life, and we need to treat each and every one of those who have passed away with professionalism and respect.

These words gave me a new understanding of crematoriums. I realized that this was not just a place to dispose of human remains, but a place that needed wisdom and human care.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

With this in mind, I continued to ask the cremator for more details about cremation.

As the conversation deepened, the cremator's expression became more serious. He began to explain to me some of the taboos and precautions during the cremation process. These rules may sound "strange" at first glance, but there are deeply human considerations behind them.

"First of all," the cremator said in a heavy tone, "we usually advise families not to be present at the cremation site. Seeing my puzzled eyes, he explained: "During the whole incineration process, there are some unpleasant smells and sounds.

These stimuli can seriously affect the emotional state of the family.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

Hearing this, I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement. Indeed, there are some scenes that may not be suitable for witnessing.

The cremator continued: "Secondly, the handling of ashes also requires special care. After the cremation is over, the ashes also need to be cooled for a period of time. "

He describes the whole process in detail: the staff will use special tools to cool the hot ashes on a steel plate, and wait until the temperature is completely reduced before they can be loaded into the urn.

During this process, they also screen metal objects and other impurities that may be present.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

"Some of the deceased may have jewelry or implants," the cremator explained, "and these items may melt or remain in the ashes at high temperatures."

We must ensure the purity of the ashes.

I couldn't help but marvel at the level of detail in the work, and understand why it would be better for families not to witness the process.

His tone softened, "You know, for many people, it's a matter of life and death. Our job is not only to dispose of the remains, but also to take care of the spiritual needs of the deceased and their families.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

After listening to these explanations, I gained a whole new perspective on the work of crematoriums. These seemingly "strange" regulations actually reflect respect for life and careful consideration of the feelings of family members.

I can't help but be in awe of these crematorium staff who work silently, and they use their professional and humane service to send the last respect to the deceased and provide the greatest comfort to the living.

The cremator gave a knowing smile, as if he had expected me to ask this question. He said slowly: "This regulation seems strange, but it is actually based on many considerations.

Let me break it down for you.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

He began by talking about the rational arrangement of working hours. "Cremation requires a high level of focus and meticulousness," he explains, "and long hours of work can easily lead to fatigue, which not only affects the quality of work, but also can endanger safety."

I noticed a hint of seriousness in his eyes as he said this.

"We usually use the morning as the main cremation period," he continues, "while the afternoon and evening are used for other workflows, such as the transportation of remains, the storage of ashes, etc."

Such an arrangement ensures that each deceased person receives the respect and attention they deserve.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

Hearing this, I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement. Indeed, this work arrangement takes into account both the working status of the employees and the quality of service.

Next, the cremator talked about the effects of light conditions. "As the sun wanes in the afternoon, the light in the cremation site becomes dim," he explains, "and the environment can be eerie, especially for families who are already emotionally vulnerable."

I nodded thoughtfully and began to understand the meaning behind the rule.

Finally, the cremator mentioned the influence of traditional cultural factors. "In some areas, people believe that 'cremation after noon is not appropriate,'" he said, "and they believe that it will upset the balance of yin and yang and is not conducive to the rest of the dead."

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

Seeing my slightly puzzled expression, he added: "For example, in Buddhist teachings, it is mentioned that after 3 p.m., the yin qi becomes thicker, and it is not appropriate to perform the cremation ceremony.

The cremator's expression became more serious: "Although these concepts have a certain superstitious color, we will still consider them in order to respect traditional culture."

After all, for many, it's a matter of life and death. Our job is not only to dispose of the remains, but also to take care of the spiritual needs of the deceased and their families.

After listening to this explanation, I have a new understanding of this seemingly "strange" regulation. It not only reflects the humanized management of the staff, but also shows the careful consideration of the feelings of the family, and also reflects the respect and tolerance for traditional culture.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

I can't help but be in awe of the crematorium's thoughtfulness and human care. It turns out that a seemingly simple time regulation contains such profound considerations behind it.

After this in-depth conversation, I gained a new understanding of life and death. The cremator's words were like a beacon that illuminated the dark corners of my perception of death.

"Life is as short as a meteor," the cremator said earnestly, "the present moment is the most precious." We face life and death every day, and this job makes me cherish every moment of my life even more.

His eyes deepened and he continued, "We should live with an open and positive mindset and put our heart and soul into each day. At the same time, learn to respect and understand different cultures' interpretations of death.

The "wonderful" rules of the crematorium: why is the cremation not carried out after 3 o'clock in the afternoon What is the particularity

These words made me ponder.

The cremator's words are still ringing in my ears: "In the face of death, what we need is not fear, but peace." In this way, we can truly cherish life and live life to the fullest.

This conversation not only solved many of my doubts about the crematorium, but also gave me a profound life education. I am determined to face life with a more positive attitude, cherish every moment in front of me, and live the true meaning of life.

Walking out of the crematorium, I took a deep breath and felt the fresh evening air. The sun is sinking in the west, giving the sky a warm orange hue. This experience gave me a new perspective on life.

The "strange screams" and "strange phenomena" that once frightened me turned out to have their own scientific explanations. The seemingly "strange" regulations of the crematorium actually reflect respect for life and tolerance for culture.

I looked at the sun as it sank in the west, and my heart was filled with awe and gratitude for life. Death is no longer a terrible end, but a natural continuation of life's journey.

I secretly made up my mind to face life with a more open and positive attitude, cherish every moment of the moment, and live out the true meaning of life.

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