
"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death
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"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

In 2015, a silent funeral was underway in a cemetery in Taipei. Lying in the coffin is Ke Junxiong, the "underworld actor" who once dominated the film industry.

However, his biological daughter was not seen at the scene.

From a street gangster to a Golden Horse actor, and then to a betrayal in his later years, Ke Junxiong's life is like a movie with ups and downs. His legendary story is a mixture of power, lust and violence, as well as countless hidden secrets.

Let's unravel the saga of this controversial figure and explore how he rose to prominence in showbiz and how he lost himself in power and lust, and ultimately lost the love and respect of his loved ones.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

In October 1980, in a high-end restaurant in Taipei City, a seemingly ordinary dinner was going on. Mr. Ke mingled with his followers, feeling that the night was dark.

At this moment, an unexpected news came: Gu Long, a master of martial arts novels, was drinking with friends in the box next door.

What was supposed to be an occasion for a reunion turned into a tragedy due to alcohol and arrogance. Ke Junxiong, who was drunk, decided to invite Gu Long to drink together to show his "big brother" style.

However, he chose a "little brother" who had a holiday with Gu Long as the messenger. This seemingly trivial decision became the fuse that detonated the tragedy.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

The "little brother" who passed the word had a sense of revenge and conveyed Ke Junxiong's invitation to Gu Long in a provocative tone. Gu Long, who was already drunk, naturally did not want to be humiliated by this and categorically refused.

When the news reached Ke Junxiong's ears, it had already changed its taste. Ke Junxiong, whose self-esteem was frustrated, was furious, believing that Gu Long was flouting his position.

Alcohol fueled the anger, and the argument quickly turned into a physical altercation. In the chaos, a sharp knife stabbed into Gu Long's body. The bloodied Gu Long was rushed to the hospital, but the bad luck didn't end there.

Due to the shortage of blood banks, the blood purchased in a hurry actually carried the hepatitis B virus. This fatal negligence eventually led to Gu Long's death from liver disease a few years later.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

This accident not only took the life of a literary giant, but also became a shadow that Ke Junxiong could not get rid of in his life. It exposes the latent violent tendencies in the entertainment industry, and also reflects the reality of the blurred boundaries between black and white in society at that time.

This incident has become a taboo topic in the circle, and people have discussed it in private, but they dare not talk about it publicly, for fear of angering this "underworld actor".

Gu Long's death is not only a tragic case, but also a microcosm of the deformed ecology of the entire entertainment industry. It reveals how power, fame, and violence are intertwined in this glamorous world, and it also casts a lingering shadow over Ko's later life.

In the golden age of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Ke Junxiong established an image of a "bully" that people respected and feared with his underworld background and strong style. What he did not only showed his personal domineering, but also reflected the complex ecology of the entertainment industry at that time.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

In 1991, a shocking incident quietly circulated in the circle. The popular superstar Andy Lau could not escape the clutches of Ke Junxiong. The matter originated from a movie invested by Ke Junxiong, who took a fancy to Andy Lau's star effect and hoped to invite him to participate.

However, when Andy Lau politely declined this "warm invitation", Ke Junxiong showed his domineering side.

It is rumored that Ke Junxiong not only led someone to smash Andy Lau's residence, but also pointed a gun at Andy Lau's head to force him to accept the role. In the face of such a threat, even Andy Lau, who is the "king of heaven", has to succumb.

What's even more staggering is that Andy Lau was not only forced to act in the end, but also failed to get a penny of pay.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

However, Andy Lau is not the only victim. Even Stephen Chow, who is known for his funny image, has been bullied by Ke Junxiong. It is reported that Ke Junxiong spoke ill of Stephen Chow many times on the set, and even scolded him to tears.

These experiences left a deep psychological shadow on Stephen Chow and became an indelible dark memory in his acting career.

Ke Junxiong's domineering behavior does not stop there. In the films he invested, many big-name stars such as Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Leung Ka-fai, etc., have been "forced" to participate.

He used his underworld background to run rampant and domineering in the entertainment industry, as if he had become an untouchable existence. Even those top stars had to bow their heads in front of him.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

However, the abuse of power will eventually lead to backlash. Although few people dared to challenge Ke Junxiong's behavior openly at the time, this bad style also laid the groundwork for his future isolation in the circle.

Many celebrities avoid him in private, but they have to compliment him superficially because of his power.

Ke Junxiong's actions are not only a matter of personal behavior, but also reflect the deformed ecology of the entertainment industry in that era. In an environment where interests and violence are intertwined, many celebrities have to compromise and endure humiliation.

It was only later that this phenomenon gradually improved with the improvement of the social legal system and the awakening of public consciousness.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

Ke Junxiong's image of a "bully" in the entertainment industry also reflected some social problems at that time to a certain extent. In that era when the boundaries between black and white are blurred, characters like Ke Junxiong can call for wind and rain in the entertainment industry, which is not only a reflection of personal ability, but also a portrayal of the entire social ecology.

However, with the changes of the times, this kind of "empire" maintained by threats and violence will not last long. Although Ke Junxiong's behavior won him benefits and "respect" in the short term, it also made him lose the respect of his true friends and peers in the end.

This once powerful "underworld actor" could not escape the fate of betrayal and divorce in the end.

Ke Junxiong's love life can be called the best portrayal of his complex personality. From his first love Chen Shuxia, to the bright and moving Zhang Meiyao, to the young and beautiful Shu Qi, Ke Junxiong's love history is full of betrayal, exploitation and hurt, showing his selfishness and ruthlessness in his relationship.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

Chen Shuxia is Ke Junxiong's first love, and the two met on the set and started a seemingly romantic relationship. However, when Ke Junxiong got her heart, he soon lost interest.

In order to pursue a broader space for development, he resolutely went to Hong Kong and left Chen Shuxia behind. Many years later, when Ke Junxiong remembered Chen Shuxia again, it was to take advantage of her.

He used his influence to bring Chen Shuxia into the entertainment industry, but let her star in several Fengyue films. This decision eventually led to Chen Shuxia being reduced to a tertiary film actress, and Ke Junxiong ruthlessly abandoned her again after discovering her extramarital affair.

Zhang Meiyao was once the "first beauty" in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. She and Ke Junxiong fell in love for a long time during filming, and they entered the marriage hall only three years later. However, after marriage, Ke Junxiong soon showed his true colors.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

He messes with flowers outside, but he is indifferent and ruthless to Zhang Meiyao. The wife who used to take care of him in every way became the object of his casual trampling after marriage. Zhang Meiyao was in deep pain and eventually died of a heart attack.

What is embarrassing is that she didn't even want to see Ke Junxiong for the last time before she died, which shows how deep the pain in her heart is.

In 1998, Ke Junxiong cooperated with Shu Qi, who was still a newcomer at the time, to shoot "Spirit and Desire", and the scale of the film caused widespread controversy. It is rumored that Ke Junxiong took the opportunity to take away Shu Qi's "first night".

What's even more shocking is that there were not many intimate scenes in this movie, which were greatly increased due to Ke Junxiong's intervention. He constantly revised the script and asked for remakes under various pretexts to satisfy his selfish desires.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

This experience brought great distress and pressure to Shu Qi, and became an indelible shadow in her acting career.

The selfishness and cruelty shown by Ke Junxiong in his love life are the same as his domineering in his career. He seems to see women as playthings to be played with, and quickly loses interest when he gets them.

This behavior not only hurts the women with whom he has been intimate, but also exposes the emptiness and uneasiness in his heart.

His relationship history is like a tragedy, and every relationship ends in hurt and betrayal. From Chen Shuxia to Zhang Meiyao to Shu Qi, Ke Junxiong's actions not only ruined the feelings of these women, but even affected their life trajectories.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

He uses his position and influence to satisfy his own selfish desires, but he never considers the feelings of the other party.

This kind of selfishness and ruthlessness in the relationship also reflects Ke Junxiong's inner world to some extent. He may never truly understand the meaning of love and cannot make a genuine emotional connection.

This may be one of the roots of his aggressiveness in his career and arbitrariness in life.

Ke Junxiong's love life is not only his personal tragedy, but also reflects some deformed power relations in the entertainment industry at that time. What he did revealed a disturbing reality: in those days, some powerful figures could play with the feelings of others without any consequences.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

Ke Junxiong's growth trajectory can be called a legendary story from grassroots to superstar. He came from a humble background, and his parents were exhausted in order to make ends meet, and they had no time to take care of their son's growth.

This lack of discipline laid the groundwork for Ke Junxiong's future rebellion.

After graduating from junior high school, Ke Junxiong did not choose to continue his studies, but began to socialize with all kinds of people in society. This experience allowed him to meet a variety of characters, which laid the foundation for his future success in black and white.

His slightly ruffian image, coupled with his real experience in the rivers and lakes, has become a unique label for him to stand out in the entertainment industry in the future.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

The twist of fate occurred when Ke Junxiong was 17 years old. With his handsome appearance, he unexpectedly stepped into the showbiz, and his first appearance in a Hokkien film caused a warm response in the local area.

This success ignited Ke Junxiong's passion for acting.

In order to join Hong Kong's performing arts company, Ke Chun-hung showed his unscrupulous side. He did not hesitate to let his father go to prison instead of him, just so that he could continue to chase his acting dream.

This decision, while morally questionable, also reflects his desire to succeed and his determination to do whatever it takes.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

Ke Junxiong's unique image and background just met the demand for "reckless heroes" in the film industry at that time. His image between a ruffian and a hero, coupled with his real experience in the rivers and lakes, makes him stand out among many actors.

With the development of his acting career, Ke Junxiong gradually accumulated a large number of contacts and resources, and finally topped the Golden Horse Awards and won the title of actor.

However, behind this seemingly brilliant success, there are many hidden dark sides.

In the twilight of his life, Ke Junxiong, who was suffering from advanced lung cancer, finally began to reflect on his ups and downs in life. The once dominant "underworld actor" is now facing the end of his life alone, and there are no more people around him who tend to be inflammatory.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

In the last moments of his life, Ke Junxiong may finally realize how much damage his past actions have caused to his family. However, such a realization came too late.

His daughter's refusal to attend his funeral was undoubtedly the greatest irony of his life and the final denial of his role as a father.

From a powerful film superstar to a betrayal of his relatives in his later years, Ke Junxiong's life is like an absurd drama. He used violence and power to gain a brief period of glory, but lost the love and respect of his relatives forever.

At the end of his life, he may finally understand that true success should not come at the expense of others and the hurt of family affection.

"Underworld Actor" Ke Junxiong: insulted Shu Qi, "killed" Gu Long, and refused to be buried after his death

Ke Junxiong's story may be the final judgment of fate on him, and it is also a profound warning to everyone. It tells us that no matter how brilliant an achievement, if it is lost in family affection and sincere human connection, it will eventually become meaningless.

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