
God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

The ancients said: "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and act chaotically, so they are motivated to endure and gain what they cannot." This statement expresses the truth that heroes and heroes have gone through hardships and show their heroic appearance.

However, when God wants to recall a person from the world, will there be some signs? This question, like a lighthouse in the fog, is thought-provoking and exploratory.

In ancient legends and classics, we may be able to find some clues.

It is recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" that some strange people and strange people, before they die, there will be visions in the sky, or auspicious clouds, or hundreds of birds and phoenixes, as if nature is playing a tragic elegy for their departure.

The records in the "Historical Records" are even more mysterious, some great people often have celestial changes and stars are out of place before they die, as if God is mourning their departure.

And in modern times, there are also those who believe that when a person is about to die, his state of mind will change subtly.

They may become extraordinarily calm, as if they have seen through the prosperity and loneliness of the world; Or maybe you will become extra nostalgic, full of deep attachment to the people and things around you.

This change in mood may be the last hint God has given us, telling us to cherish the people in front of us and cherish every moment of time.

God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

Signal 1: Radiant, like a return to the light.

This situation and this scene can't help but make people suspicious. There is a saying in "Dream of Red Mansions": "It's like eating all the birds and throwing them into the forest, and the white land is really clean!" This phrase speaks of the desolation and loneliness after the prosperity has fallen.

When a person suddenly looks radiant, as if he has returned to the shore of youth, his face is radiant, and his spirit is strong, this may not be a good omen, but like the sunset on the West Mountain, the afterglow is dazzling and gorgeous, but it indicates that the long dark night is coming.

The ancients had a saying: "The sunset is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk." "Just like the afterglow of the setting sun, although beautiful but short-lived, after the brilliance is silence.

This abnormal mental state is sometimes like the "return to light" in life, just like the ancient book "Liezi Tangwen" contained in the "candle will be extinguished and the light will become brighter", indicating that the oil is running out and the lamp is running out, and the fire of life is about to burn to the end.

In ancient legends, such stories are often circulated.

For example, the ancient famous general Han Xin, who fought on the battlefield all his life and was extremely brave. However, before he died, he suddenly looked radiant and energetic, as if he had returned to his youth.

Everyone thought it was a good omen, but they didn't know that it was the last shining light before the flame of his life was about to be extinguished.

Modern medicine has also confirmed that this phenomenon is mostly a short recovery of the body after extreme exertion, like a candle flame that is about to burn out, blooming the brightest light at the last moment.

When we are faced with such a situation, we should be vigilant, cherish the people in front of us, and do not wait for "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to raise but does not wait".

It reminds us to cherish every moment of time and care for the people around us, because the fire of life may burn to the end at any time.

God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

Signal 2: Frequent dreams of old people, as if yin and yang are at the junction.

The ancients said: "When you meet thousands of times in a dream, it is still the same as it was back then." This statement expresses the deep feeling and emotion of reuniting with the old man in the dream.

If a person begins to dream frequently of deceased relatives and friends, those old voices and smiles will reappear in the dream like a movie, and the scenes are so clear that they seem to be within reach, this may be a mysterious hint between heaven and earth, which makes people wonder.

The proverb says, "Dreams are thoughts, dreams are soul swimming." "Dreams are often a reflection of our innermost emotions, the free flight of the soul in the unconscious.

When a person frequently dreams of deceased relatives and friends, is this kind of dream, as the "University" says, "as if you feel something and then pass through", is it a premonition of some kind of upcoming change in the soul, or even a parting?

Modern psychology has also interpreted this. There is a view that frequent dreams of the deceased may be a kind of psychological self-healing when the brain is trying to process the unfinished emotions or memories related to the deceased.

No matter how it is interpreted, this dream is undoubtedly reminding us to cherish the person in front of us and cherish every emotion, because life is impermanent, and parting can come at any time.

"Dreaming of returning to my hometown, where is the old man? Yin and yang are separated, and the love is deep and difficult to break. This phenomenon of frequent dreams of old people may be the most mysterious and deep emotional bond between heaven and earth, which allows us to reunite with old people in our dreams, and also reminds us in reality to cherish every moment with the people around us more.

No one knows which time after waking up from a dream, it will really be "yin and yang separated, and it will be difficult to meet again".

God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

Signal 3: The things around you are broken for no reason.

As the saying goes: "Things are people, and everything is restless, and tears flow first when you want to speak." This is a statement that speaks to the deep bond between objects and emotions.

When the objects around us, especially those that have been with you for many years, such as old ceramic cups and ancestral jade pendants, suddenly break or damage for no reason, it often makes people feel ominous.

This may not be a simple coincidence, but it contains a deeper meaning.

In ancient legends, the fragmentation of an object was sometimes seen as a sign of a close connection to the owner's life.

Just like Jia Baoyu's psychic treasure jade in "Dream of Red Mansions", when he encounters misfortune, Baoyu also loses its luster, as if it resonates with it.

This sudden change may be a harbinger of the fragility and rupture of the thread of life, which reminds people of the sentence "Things have a beginning and an end, and if you know the order, you will be short-sighted".

From the perspective of "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing", "people and heaven and earth are also coherent, and the sun and the moon correspond", and there is also a subtle connection between people and the surrounding objects.

When objects are broken for no reason, perhaps it is some kind of force between heaven and earth that reminds us of the fragility and impermanence of life. This is just as the ancients said, "Heaven and man are one", and people and things, and heaven and earth are all interrelated.

The unprovoked fragmentation of things around us may not be a simple coincidence, but a harbinger of the fragility and fracture of the thread of life.

It reminds us to cherish every moment, because life is impermanent, and partings and changes can come at any time.

As the ancient poem said: "If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." "May we all cherish the people and things in front of us and leave no regrets.

God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

Signal 4: Change of mood, indifferent to fame and fortune.

Tao Yuanming once said: "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see Nanshan." This quote depicts the poet's idyllic life away from the hustle and bustle and the pursuit of inner peace.

When a person suddenly loses interest in fame and fortune and begins to pursue inner peace and indifference, it may not be a simple maturity or epiphany, but a sign that life is coming to an end.

This change of state of mind is like nature whispering in the depths of the soul, reminding people of the impermanence and preciousness of life.

As the saying goes, "Money is something outside the body, which is not brought with you in life and not taken away in death." "When a person has experienced ups and downs and seen through the prosperity and loneliness of the world, he may find that the fame, fortune and power that he once chased are just a passing moment after all.

The change of state of mind at this time is more like an awakening of the soul and a profound understanding of the essence of life.

And from the perspective of modern literature, this change of mood is not uncommon. In their later years, many writers will choose to return to inner peace and use pen and ink to depict those beauty that have been neglected.

Their works are often full of deep reflection and cherishing of life.

To quote a foreign proverb: "All the glory in the world is less than a friend" may be the best interpretation of those who are indifferent to fame and fortune and pursue inner peace.

By now, we must understand that the true value of life does not lie in those external glory and power, but in inner satisfaction and sincere feelings.

This change of state of mind is a profound understanding of the essence of life, and it is also a gentle reminder of nature in the depths of the soul. May we all cherish every moment of time and feel the true meaning and beauty of life with our hearts.

God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

Signal 5: The body is abnormal, and all kinds of diseases are riddled with diseases.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a saying: "If the form is weak, the essence is insufficient, and if the essence is insufficient, it will be vivid and decaying." This statement speaks of the close connection between physical health and vitality. When a person begins to feel unwell, as if he is suffering from various diseases, it may be a sign that life is failing.

Every cell of the body is telling the ruthlessness of the years and the fragility of life, as if whispering: "Time flies, cherish every moment." ”

As the folk proverb goes, "Sickness comes like a mountain, and illness goes like a thread." "Strange sensations in the body are often not sudden, but the result of accumulation.

It seems to silently tell our past negligence and inattention, reminding us to cherish the current healthy time more.

In modern literature, this feeling of physical abnormality is also often depicted. For example, Lin Daiyu in the famous foreign novel "Dream of Red Mansions", she is seriously ill, but she is still tenacious, interpreting her love and pursuit of life with the power of life.

Her image is undoubtedly a profound interpretation of the theme of "life is impermanent, cherish the present".

From a psychological point of view, physical sensations are sometimes a reflection of inner emotions.

When a person's heart is filled with anxiety, restlessness, or fear, his body often experiences various discomforts as well.

This interaction between body and mind is undoubtedly a reminder to pay attention to our inner world and maintain peace and harmony in our minds.

And as the saying goes, "No disease is light." This sentence not only expresses the importance of health, but also reminds us to always pay attention to the changes in our bodies and adjust our life rhythm and mentality in time to avoid being riddled with diseases.

"Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." May we all cherish every moment of healthy time and feel the beauty and true meaning of life with our hearts.

God wants to take away a person, and will give these five signals in advance

As the ancients said: "Life and death have fate, and wealth is in the sky." "The length of life is not something we can control, but we can choose how to face it.

When these mysterious signals appear, we don't need to be overly alarmed or frustrated.

On the contrary, we should cherish every moment in front of us more and feel the beauty and warmth of life with our hearts.

In this world, nothing is eternal, only change is the only constant.

When we learn to face the ups and downs and ends of life with a peaceful mind, we will be able to truly understand the true meaning of life.

May we all be able to shine with infinite brilliance in our limited lives.