
There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

Since ancient times, the word "auspicious time" has flowed in the blood of Chinese children, just like "Zhou Yi" said: "The auspicious and the evil are also lost." "The ancients looked up at astronomy and geography, and incorporated the subtle changes between heaven and earth into their daily lives, in order to conform to the way of heaven and seek well-being.

"The Book of Songs, Daya, King Wen" has a cloud: "Sihuang Toshi, born in this kingdom; Wang Guokesheng, Wei Zhou Zhizhen. It implies the deep meaning that the fortune of the time is intertwined with the fortune of the country and the fortune of the people, and it can be seen that the saying of "auspicious time" is not only related to personal destiny, but also closely related to the rise and fall of the country, carrying people's beautiful vision and spiritual sustenance for the future.

Let's use the past as a metaphor for the present, and count the legends of "auspicious times" that have been passed down through the ages with relaxed and witty strokes.

For example, the opening sentence of "Dream of Red Mansions" "full of absurd words, a handful of bitter tears" seems to be ridiculous, but in fact, it exhausts the impermanence and helplessness of "time, fate, and luck", reminding the world to cherish the present and laugh at life.

There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

"Mao Shi" - when the dawn breaks, when the rooster crows.

Maoshi, also known as "sunrise" and "dawn", in the ancient "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", it is endowed with the symbolic meaning that the qi of heaven and earth begins to transform and all things recover.

The ancients said: "The rooster crows, and the breeders are good, and the disciples of Shun are also." The rooster crow at the time of Mao is not only a signal of time, but also a symbol of the spirit of diligence and progress, just like the self-improvement ambition advocated by "Zhou Yi".

The Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran recited in "Spring Dawn": "Spring sleep is not aware, and birds are heard everywhere." This is not only a delicate depiction of a spring morning, but also a metaphor for people born in the early days of the year, whose lives are full of life and hope, as bright as spring, and who can meet every challenge with a new look no matter what the situation is.

In ancient times, Mao Shi was regarded as the time when officials went to court, symbolizing responsibility and responsibility.

"Zuo Biography" recorded: "The rooster is crowing, and the dynasty is profitable." This scene not only depicts the diligent government of the imperial court, but also suggests that the people of Mao Shi are naturally capable of taking on heavy responsibilities.

"The early bird gets the worm." This proverb is popular all over the world and is in keeping with the spirit of the time, emphasizing the importance of diligence and opportunity.

On the road of entrepreneurship, the people of Mao Shi often have a sense of urgency, they understand the truth of "time does not wait", constantly explore the unknown, and dare to open up new paths in the morning light.

Just like the ancient reformer Shang Ying, he implemented the reform of the law in the Qin State, and it was at the end of history that he led an epoch-making change with extraordinary courage and wisdom.

If you want to have both wealth and health, people in the Mao era also need to learn from the ancient wisdom of health preservation, as the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" said: "Eat and drink modestly, and live regularly." ”

They need to be busy, do not forget to recuperate their body and mind, just as the ancient health master Sun Simiao advocated "the way to cultivate nature, do not walk for a long time, see for a long time, and listen for a long time".

In the modern world, this means maintaining good habits, such as regular routines, a balanced diet, and moderate exercise, which are the cornerstones of their successful careers and well-being.

There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

"Noon" - the day in the sky, all things are the most prosperous.

At noon, also known as "Rizheng" and "Tianzhong", in the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, it symbolizes the image of the anode, the period when all things are at their peak.

As the "Yi Qiangua" said: "The great Qianyuan, the beginning of all materials, is the domination of the sky." "The sun at noon, like the breath of the sunshine in the universe, is full and shining, just like those born at noon, whose character and abilities reach their fullest state at this moment.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, "I love my teacher, and I love the truth even more." This fearless pursuit of knowledge and truth coincides with the spirit of the noon man.

They not only pursue excellence in personal cultivation, but also in their careers, as the Song Dynasty writer Su Shi said: "The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the characters of the ages are merry." "The people of noon, with their wisdom and courage, have become the backbone of promoting social progress.

In Chinese history, Tang Taizong Li Shimin can be used as a representative of the noon spirit.

With an open and inclusive attitude, he created the "rule of Zhenguan", and his concept of governing the country of "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat" embodies the broad mind and far-reaching political wisdom of the people of Wushi.

In the West, there are also examples of the spirit of noon, such as Alexander the Great, who led the Macedonian army to sweep through Europe and Asia with his young body, showing the bravery and glory of noon.

People born at noon often show the bearing of "self-cultivation and family governance" advocated in "The Book of Rites and University".

They not only focused on personal cultivation, but also committed to family harmony and social responsibility, just like Cicero in ancient Rome, with his eloquence and profound thoughts, not only influenced the Roman legal system, but also inspired later generations to think about justice and morality.

On the road of pursuing prosperity and longevity, the people of noon not only follow the health preservation method in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", but also absorb the wisdom of all nations in the world.

For example, the ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun god Ra, believing that the sun gave vitality to life, and people at noon paid attention to the maintenance of inner energy like the sun, and at the same time learned pranayama and meditation in Indian yoga to achieve the harmony of mind and body.

The "Whole Person Theory" proposed by modern psychologist Carl Rogers emphasizes the importance of self-actualization and positive interpersonal relationships, which also coincides with the open-minded outlook on life of people at noon.

Those born at noon, with their unique personality charm and leadership skills, have left a brilliant light in the long history of ancient and modern China and foreign countries.

There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

"戌時" - at dusk, heaven and earth are in Thailand.

"The sunset is infinitely good, but it's just near dusk." This poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin, although there is a touch of sorrow, also depicts the tranquility and beauty of the time.

As the end of the day, it is not only the alternation of day and night, but also the precipitation of life wisdom and the return of the soul.

As "Caigen Tan" said: "Observing the mind in silence is really delusional." "It is in this tranquility that people born in the time of life can gain a deep insight into the world and refine the true meaning of life.

The modern poet Hai Zi once wrote: "I only wish to face the sea and bloom in spring." This yearning for a quiet life echoes the inner world of the people of the time. What they seek is not only outer peace, but also peace and freedom in the depths of their hearts.

In the hustle and bustle of modern society, the people of the time seem to be hermits in the urban forest, they can find simplicity in the prosperity, insist on themselves in the busy, and create extraordinary art and profound philosophical thinking with a peaceful heart.

There is an old proverb: "The way to health is greater than peace." "The people of the time know this very well, they know how to slow down in the fast-paced life, and nourish their minds in the silence of dusk.

Lu You Shiyun in the Song Dynasty: "On paper, you will eventually feel shallow, and you will never know that you have to bow to it." "The generations of the time are not only good at thinking, but also pay more attention to practice, they turn the perception of life into the driving force of creation, and flow a deep understanding of the world in the pen and ink.

In modern times, the humanistic theory proposed by the psychologist Carl Rogers emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-realization, which coincides with the concept of inner peace and spiritual enrichment pursued by people at the time.

Through continuous self-exploration and creation, they realize their personal value and contribute valuable spiritual wealth to the society.

In ancient and modern times, the tranquility and wisdom of the time have been praised by countless people. The English poet William Blake's "One Sand, One World, One Flower and One Paradise" is just like the microcosm of the world in the eyes of the people of the time, who can see the truth in the subtleties and understand the profound in the ordinary.

The "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" emphasizes that "tranquility and nothingness, true qi comes from it", which is a portrayal of the people's health philosophy in the time, reminding us that only by maintaining inner peace can we live in the days and enjoy every moment of life.

There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

"Sub-time" - in the middle of the night, yin and yang alternate.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a cloud: "Yin and Yang are secret, and the spirit is the rule." This statement speaks to the deepest mysteries of heaven and earth, and also reveals the extraordinary endowment of those born in the child.

In the middle of the night, when yin and yang alternate, everything is silent, and the universe is running, which is the most mysterious moment between heaven and earth.

Those who come to the world at this time seem to be endowed with the essence of the moon, and are born with insight and perception beyond ordinary people, just like the bright moon in the night sky, quiet and deep, with its unique light, illuminating the darkness and guiding the journey.

The ancients said: "When is the bright moon?" Ask the sky for wine. "The people of the child, just like the bright moon above the blue sky, are good at discovering the glimmer of light in the chaos and darkness, and finding the key to the turn in the thorny bushes of adversity.

The trajectory of their lives is like an unfinished poem between heaven and earth, which not only contains challenges and tests, but also heralds hope and rebirth.

However, in order to achieve prosperity and longevity, people in their children also need to be well versed in the way of "yin and yang harmony".

As the Tao Te Ching says: "Knowing its male, guarding its female, is the world's best." "In their careers, they should be like tigers descending from the mountain, forge ahead, and not be afraid of difficulties; And in the depths of the soul, it is necessary to seek the precious peace and tranquility like still water.

Through meditation, yoga and other methods of self-cultivation, harmonizing the inside and outside, and maintaining the harmony and unity of body and mind, we can move forward steadily in this chaotic world, without being disturbed by external objects and not trapped by the world.

Recalling the past, such as Zhuangzi's dream of butterflies, he realized the "Theory of Things" and found the freedom of the soul between illusion and reality; Another example is Tao Yuanming's return to the countryside, "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan", and finding his true self in a simple life.

People of the age should also follow the example of the ancients, seek tranquility in the hustle and bustle, and seek certainty in impetuousness, so as to achieve an extraordinary career, and at the same time enjoy the wealth of the soul and the joy of longevity.

In this way, Fang did not live up to the unique talent given by his son, and achieved a good story that has been passed down through the ages.

There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

"Chenshi" - early Chen, all things recover.

"Chenshi" - early morning, all things are revived, and heaven and earth are full of vitality. "The Book of Rites: The Order of the Month" has a cloud: "The month of Meng Chun is in Dongjing." This statement expresses the unique charm of Chenshi, which is like a messenger of spring, quietly descending to the world with warmth and hope.

People born in the hour are like the young leaves in this spring, full of vitality and vitality, and their tree of life grows vigorously in the morning light.

The man of Chenshi, just like the ancient name Guan Zhong, he is good at planning and is well versed in the truth that "the plan of the year lies in the spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning".

At the beginning of each day, they sow the seeds of hope, water them with diligence and wisdom, and look forward to a good harvest in the future.

Whether it is the academic climb or the development of the career, they can work step by step, steadily, like the ancient craftsmen, meticulously carved, and strive to make every work a witness of time.

The pursuit of wealth and longevity, for the people of Chenshi, is not an overnight delusion, but a daily persistence and accumulation.

They knew that Rome was not built in a day, and the Great Wall could not be built brick by brick. Therefore, they continue to enrich themselves, whether it is the accumulation of knowledge or the improvement of skills, they never slack off.

Maintain a grateful heart, cherish the company and support of the people around you, and enjoy every gift of life, just like Su Dongpo, even in adversity, you can "bamboo cane and mango shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid?" A cloud of smoke and rain is Ren Ping's life".

As Zhuge Liang said in the Book of Commandments: "If you are not indifferent, you will not have a clear ambition, and if you are not quiet, you will not be far-reaching." "In the pursuit of material prosperity at the same time,

They pay more attention to the abundance and longevity of the soul, through reading, meditation and other ways, dialogue with ancient and modern Chinese and foreign wise people, absorb the nutrients of the soul, so that the tree of life is more deeply rooted and leafy, standing in the long river of time, becoming a unique landscape.

There is an "auspicious time" when people are born, and those who are born in these five hours, but whoever occupies one, is rich and long-lived

Although each of the above five seasons has its own auspiciousness, it actually implies different philosophies of life. Affluence and longevity are not destined by nature, but the result of acquired cultivation and choice.

With an optimistic attitude and positive actions, write your own "auspicious time". After all, the real "auspicious time" is not in the flow of stars, but in the heart of the light, there is a road under the feet.