
The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

author:Big Fish Quest
The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year
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The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

In the Guangdong TV circle, the name Ou Zhihang used to be like thunder. At the end of the 80s of the last century, he partnered with Chen Xuran to host the "Morning" program, and the two were known as the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" group and became the idol of countless audiences.

However, as time flies, the former partners eventually go their separate ways.

Ou Zhihang's life is like a roller coaster, experiencing the glory of his career, the ups and downs of his marriage, and then regaining his life. Today, he and his new wife have formed a happy family, and their 26-year-old daughter is already slim.

This story is not only Ou Zhihang's personal struggle, but also a microcosm of an era, witnessing the great changes from the golden age of TV to the wave of digitalization. Let's walk into the world of Au Zhihang and feel this legendary life spanning half a century.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

In 1958, Ou Zhihang was born in an ordinary family in Guangzhou. As the youngest child in the family, he has shown a well-behaved and sensible quality since he was a child, and his academic performance is excellent, which makes his parents feel very gratified.

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke on those who work hard.

In 1976, 18-year-old Ou Zhihang took the college entrance examination with great expectations. Unfortunately, due to the weak foundation of cultural classes, he was unable to achieve his wish. After the defeat, Ou Zhihang responded to the call and joined the tide of intellectual youth going to the countryside.

This setback did not defeat him, but fueled his thirst for knowledge.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

The turning point came in 1978. With his own efforts, 20-year-old Ou Zhihang was successfully admitted to the Guangzhou Supply and Marketing Commercial Secondary School. Although he was not the university of his choice, he still devoted himself to his studies and laid the foundation for the future.

After graduating, he was assigned to work at the Guangzhou Supply and Marketing Cooperative, where he got a stable job.

However, the dream of going to university has always haunted Ou Zhihang's heart. In 1981, at the age of 23, he once again resolutely joined the college entrance examination army. This time, his persistence finally paid off and he was successfully admitted to South China Normal University.

The four years of university life not only increased his knowledge, but also broadened his horizons, laying a solid foundation for his future career development.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

In 1987, with his love for television, 29-year-old Ou Zhihang signed up for the second art training class of Guangdong TV Station. With his excellent academic background and outstanding performance, he became the only undergraduate student who was exceptionally admitted.

Here, he met many partners who would shine in the entertainment industry in the future, such as Meng Weiming, Huang Huiyi, Wu Jiahui, etc.

However, what really made Ou Zhihang famous was "Fashion Broadcasting", which he planned and hosted himself. With its novel form and rich content, this program has quickly become a "must-see" program for Guangdong audiences.

The wisdom and humor shown by Ou Zhihang in the show made him gain a large number of loyal fans. A perennial viewer recalled: "Every time I see Ou Zhihang appear on the screen, I feel very cordial, as if I am chatting with a close friend.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

In 1988, 30-year-old Ou Zhihang ushered in another peak in his career. In the "Morning" program, he partnered with the 20-year-old newcomer Chen Xuran.

The duo was elegant and intellectual, and the other was youthful and lively, which soon caused a sensation and became the focus of the Guangdong TV circle at that time. Affectionately known as the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl", they have captured the hearts of countless audiences.

Fame brings not only applause and praise, but also invisible pressure. Ou Zhihang knows that in order to gain a foothold in the highly competitive TV industry, he must constantly improve himself.

He began to study his hosting skills more diligently, and tried to bring new surprises to the audience every time he appeared on camera. He often said: "The love of the audience is the biggest spur to me, and I have to keep improving to live up to their expectations."

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

At the peak of his hosting career, Ou Zhihang always maintained a humble attitude. He not only pays attention to his own performance, but also enjoys helping newcomers grow. A young host who used to work with him recalled: "Brother Ou is not only brilliant in front of the camera, but also a humble and loving person behind the camera.

He was always patient to guide us and share his experience.

Looking back on Ou Zhihang's hosting career, what we see is not only the growth of a host, but also the epitome of an era. In those days when television was the center of the family, the host was as much of a celebrity as a star.

And Ou Zhihang is undoubtedly one of the most dazzling stars of that era. His success is not only due to talent, but also to continuous hard work and love for his profession.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

Today, although the TV industry is no longer as glorious as it used to be, the good memories left by Au Zhihang to the audience are still vivid. His story has become a warm footnote in that special era, and it has also set an example for later hosts.

In 1988, the recording site of the "Morning" program became the starting point of the love affair between Ou Zhihang and Chen Xuran. 30-year-old Ou Zhihang, elegant and intellectual, exudes the charm of a mature man; 20-year-old Chen Xuran is young and beautiful, full of vitality.

The two tacitly cooperated in front of the camera, and gradually fell in love in private.

Chen Xuran once recalled: "The first time I met Brother Zhihang, I was attracted by his knowledge and temperament. He is like a walking encyclopedia, always giving me new inspiration.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

Ou Zhihang was moved by Chen Xuran's vitality and kindness, calling her "sunshine injected with vitality".

The two began a four-year love run. During this period, they were inseparable and supported each other. Chen Xuran even became Ou Zhihang's early mannequin, and this trust and intimacy made the relationship between the two deeper.

At work, they are tacit partners; In life, they are lovers who know and love each other.

In 1992, the two finally entered the palace of marriage. However, married life is not a fairy tale. Both have put their careers first, and even deliberately postpone their birth plans.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

This decision seems to foreshadow the testing of their marriage.

The turning point of fate came in 1993. With her outstanding performance, Chen Xuran became the host of the program "Thousands of Purples and Thousands of Reds" and was promoted to the chief female anchor of Pearl River TV.

The take-off of her career made Chen Xuran start to re-examine her life, and she felt that marriage might become a stumbling block to her career development.

In February 1994, an unexpected car accident turned the relationship between the two around. When he learned that Ou Zhihang had been in a car accident, Chen Xuran immediately put down his work and rushed to the hospital.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

In the ward, the warmth of the past seemed to resurface, and Chen Xuran said in tears that he wanted to start over. However, when the initial emotional turmoil subsided, the two rationally chose to break up peacefully.

The end of this relationship is not only a turning point in the lives of Ou Zhihang and Chen Xuran, but also marks the end of an era. The era when TV hosts were as bright as stars seemed to fade their halo as they broke up.

However, life is always full of surprises and surprises. Although his love with Chen Xuran came to an end, Ou Zhihang's life story did not end there. After experiencing this unforgettable relationship, he learned to cherish life more and was ready for the next chapter of his life.

After breaking up with Chen Xuran, Ou Zhihang was not knocked down by life's setbacks. He puts more energy into his work, strives to improve his professional level, and uses busyness to heal the wounds in his heart.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

In 1996, the god of fate favored Ou Zhihang again. By chance, he met his second spring, a kind and generous outsider.

This relationship came plain and warm, but it gave Ou Zhihang an unprecedented sense of security and steadfastness.

Today, Ou Zhihang's daughter is 26 years old and slim. Whenever he sees a family photo, Ou Zhihang always smiles: "This is my happiness." Although there have been ups and downs along the way, I have finally found my own harbor.

This new relationship and family life seems to have given Ou Zhihang a second life. He is no longer the radiant TV host, but an ordinary husband and father.

The family photo of the famous host Ou Zhihang is inseparable from his ex-wife Chen Xuran, and his daughter is 26 years old this year

But in his ordinary life, he found true happiness and fulfillment. Au's story tells us that there are always ups and downs in life, but as long as we keep hope, happiness will eventually come as scheduled.

Looking back on Ou Zhihang's life trajectory, we can't help but sigh at the great changes of the times. In the 80s and 90s, the television industry was booming, and hosts enjoyed extremely high social status and influence.

At that time, Ou Zhihang and Chen Xuran, the "golden boy and girl" partner, became an idol in the hearts of countless audiences.

However, with the rapid development of technology, the traditional TV industry has gradually declined. Today, the turn-on rate of televisions has dropped to about 20%, and the former glory is gone. The aura of the host has long faded, replaced by the rise of network anchors and self-media people.

In the face of such changes, Ou Zhihang's experience enlightens us: no matter how the times change, maintaining a learning and progressive mentality is the foundation of our foothold. In this era of digitalization, we should be like Ou Zhihang, looking for new opportunities in the midst of change and writing a new chapter in our lives.

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