
I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

author:Leezai said entertainment

Zhang Xinyu rushed to the hot search again!

It's not because of the spring colors and melons and fruits in the garden

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen
I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen
I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

It's not because she's selling paintings on the street, either

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen
I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

It's because she has a street stall to eat!

To say that she has also set up some delicacies before, everyone has given high praise to her craftsmanship

The fragrant spicy crayfish can be said to be a perfect match for summer, and it is definitely a popular delicacy

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

In addition to the summer delicacy of crayfish, dessert Zhang Xinyu is also not a problem, although it is the first time to make it, but this appearance and ingredients, I think the taste must be good!

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

Due to the high cost of selling paintings, they often only paint one painting a day, and the demand for artworks is not high, and they are not willing to spend extra money to buy them!

So Zhang Xinyu changed her mind and bought oily noodles, and she would improve the dishes according to the feedback. I have to say that I drooled when I saw this oily noodles.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

And this time it is on the hot search because of another delicacy

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

It can be said that this time is the largest number of people in the history of Zhang Xinyu's food stalls, and the seasonings on the table are also readily available, it seems that the process of this dish is very complicated.

Zhang Xinyu was also afraid that she would not be able to do it well, so she invited the master to give her guidance on the spot

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

The old master also had a kind face, although Zhang Xinyu accidentally made a small mistake, he also said it with a smile.

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

Xiaobian doesn't know what this dish is, but it feels like it looks very fragrant, hot, and I feel its fragrance through the screen, and the finished product must be amazing!

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen

Zhang Xinyu had a controversy about setting up a stall before, and some people joked that they were so rich, why did they sell things and set up stalls to make money!

In this regard, the editor feels that Zhang Xinyu's stall is more like a love, a way of life, and the money she used to set up a stall to sell paintings has also been donated to people in need, and she is a very positive star!

I can't laugh anymore! Zhang Xinyu set up a stall to cook food on the street, with a variety of varieties, and you can smell it through the screen


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