
Is it still a poor household with 800 million?

author:Ye Zihan

Is it still a poor household with 800 million? The example of Hubei Lao Yang tells you that it is true! By chance, Uncle Yang was told that the ancestral house where he lived for half his life was all made of golden silk nanmu, worth 800 million.

Is it still a poor household with 800 million?

I thought it was a happy event, but I didn't expect that because the amount of money involved was too large, the expert suggested that it be handed over to the state. Before he was immersed in the emotions of the Monopoly, Lao Yang was poured cold water, and was blinded by the experts' words, donate, how to explain to the ancestors and ancestors after a hundred years? Don't donate it. Golden silk nanmu is a national second-class protected plant, the whole house is still a cultural relic, who dares to buy and sell in front of everyone's eyes?

Is it still a poor household with 800 million?

To put it bluntly, when I didn't know the truth before, Lao Yang's family lived with peace of mind, but now I know that I can give my son a daughter-in-law if I smoke one, which is equivalent to guarding Jinshan and asking for food, and no one can sleep soundly. It seems to have observed Lao Yang's dilemma, so a collector surnamed Chen gave Lao Yang a compromise method, just in Lao Yang's village planning scenic spot, it is recommended to move the ancestral house to the Dong Township Scenic Area, not a single brick or tile will be destroyed. Afterwards, he will give up to 1 million moving fees, promising Lao Yang's family free admission fees for life, and go back to see it at any time. After weighing the pros and cons, the other party agreed. The follow-up was that Xiao Yang got a new job from the scenic spot, Lao Yang moved into a nursing home, and in 2013, the Golden Silk Nanmu Ancestral House also completed an overall relocation.

Is it still a poor household with 800 million?

Golden silk nanmu is a rare and precious wood in the mainland, called the head of a hundred trees, the grain of its trees and its exquisite gorgeous, look carefully and there are golden wires emerge, will shine under the sun, although the use of thousands of years will not have a great deformation, so people also call the golden silk nanmu "thousands of years do not rot, ten thousand years do not rot". Therefore, there are restrictions on the use of these nanmu, it can generally only be used by the royal family, if the people use these materials privately, it is a crime to exceed the law, and this golden silk nanmu ancient house is still very rare in the mainland.

Is it still a poor household with 800 million?

In fact, the owner of this old house did not know that it was built of golden silk nanmu at first, their family in the Ming Jiajing period, in order to escape the war to settle here, at that time their ancestors were still a big official, and this house was also established at that time, because now the local development and construction, just this house is going to be demolished, and considering that this house is also hundreds of years old, so they specially found experts to investigate and evaluate this old house, so as to calculate the demolition money, Unexpectedly, the experts accidentally discovered that this house was actually built of golden silk nanmu, and only then did they find that this house was worth 800 million, and it was still priceless.

Is it still a poor household with 800 million?

Personally, I think that the old house is inherited from the ancestors, and it is a personal asset that can be handed over without handing it over. However, it is very difficult for individuals to maintain the historical footprints and years of precipitation of old houses. The conflict between the passion for conservation and individual ownership, which places private sentiment and public responsibility at both ends of the scale, is beyond my measure.

In modern society, the preservation of historical heritage requires the joint efforts of governments, institutions and individuals to balance public interests and private feelings. Historic buildings carry traditional culture and spiritual memory, and are a bridge for dialogue between us and the past. On the road to protecting cultural relics, we need to respect the rule of law and ethics, and strive for fair and inclusive solutions. Only with responsibility and reverence can we inherit the glory of history, protect the dignity of cultural relics, and let future generations share this precious heritage with us.

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