
The tragedy of Zhang Jinyu is that she is a beautiful woman from a poor family

author:Inch Gold Entertainment

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In the ivory tower of the university, the National Inspirational Scholarship and the National Scholarship are the coveted honors of many students. They are not only an affirmation of academic performance, but also an encouragement to the poor group. Zhang Jinyu, as one of the leaders, successfully won the National Inspirational Scholarship with his own efforts and talents, and became a leader among poor students. With the image of beauty and intelligence, she successfully entered the workplace after graduation and became a journalist.

The tragedy of Zhang Jinyu is that she is a beautiful woman from a poor family

However, the workplace is not as simple as she imagined. For people with no background, it takes more effort than the average person to advance in the workplace. Zhang Jinyu is faced with three paths: one is to work hard, boil up qualifications, and endure grievances; the second is to be shrewd and capable, looking for noble people to help; The third is to choose shortcuts to quickly obtain resources and wealth. Of the three paths, she chose the most difficult shortcut.

The tragedy of Zhang Jinyu is that she is a beautiful woman from a poor family

From the outgoing chat records, we can see that Zhang Jinyu's desire for wealth is so strong. She hopes to exchange her beauty and body for so-called resources and status. However, the resource backer she had high hopes for regarded her as the object of beauty hunting, not only discarding it, but also shooting videos as a capital to show off.

The tragedy of Zhang Jinyu is that she is a beautiful woman from a poor family

My view is that Zhang's fault is that she didn't resist the temptation of shortcuts. As a beautiful woman with no background, she is eager to achieve success and wealth quickly through shortcuts. However, the risks of such shortcuts are far greater than she realizes. She didn't realize that beauty and body are not long-term solutions, and real success depends on her own strength and hard work.

My teammates, however, have a different view. He believes that the tragedy of Zhang Jinyu is that she is a beautiful woman with a poor family. In such an environment, she is bound to encounter too many temptations. Beauty is her capital that cannot be hidden, and it is also her biggest temptation. And her poor family background made her even more eager to change her fate. In such a situation, it is difficult for her to resist the temptations that seem to bring wealth and status.

The tragedy of Zhang Jinyu is that she is a beautiful woman from a poor family

Thinking back to the dreams and pursuits of our youth, perhaps we all had similar fantasies. But what really keeps us awake is that shortcuts often come with great risk. Zhang Jinyu's story tells us not to lose ourselves for the sake of momentary gain. True success needs to be achieved by one's own strength and hard work.

In this complex and ever-changing world, we need to keep a clear head. Don't be fooled by the temptations of the outside world, and don't take shortcuts lightly. Only by being down-to-earth and working hard can we win real success and respect.

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