
After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

author:Hu said nonsense

First he was rammed by a car, and then chased and killed with a knife.

What is the deep hatred that must be killed like this? If you behave so wildly, aren't you afraid of going to jail?

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

Hit someone with a car

A few days ago, a man in Baoding, Hebei Province was like this. first drove into a collision, and then chased all the way with a knife, looking at the strength of not stopping.

It happened on the afternoon of June 27. Judging from the surveillance video at the scene, a man in black was riding an electric car and was going home. At that time, the electric car had already ridden to the doorstep.

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

Suddenly, a black sedan rushed out from behind and drove straight towards the man in black.

Because it happened suddenly, there was not enough time to react. Despite his best efforts to dodge, his electric car was instantly overflew and smashed into pieces. The man in black flipped off the electric car and fell to the ground.

The man in black then got up and sat on the side of the road to check his injuries. But fortunately, it should be okay to watch.

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

But the danger was not over at this point, and the car slowly stopped not far away. Immediately, a man got out of the driver's seat and ran all the way in the direction of the man in black.

But the man didn't come to apologize, or to send the man in black to the hospital, but to kill them all! I saw him holding a knife in his right hand, holding it high, and rushing towards the man in black like crazy.

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

The man in black didn't care about the pain at this time, turned his head and ran towards home. But the gate did not stop the man, and he followed the man in black all the way into the courtyard. Fortunately, the police arrived in time to save the life of the man in black!

The contradiction of the trash can

At first glance, you must think that there is some deep hatred between the two. Otherwise, why do we have to be like this in a society governed by the rule of law? It must be that the hatred is too deep, so that the law and morality are not taken into account.

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

According to insiders, these two people are actually neighbors and have no grievances at all. The reason why the man hit him with a car and chased him with a knife was just because there was a little conflict.

The trash can at the man's door was emptied, and the garbage came out, and the man in black said a few words. As a result, the former suddenly became emotional, and twice wanted to kill the man in black!

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

At the same time, the insider also revealed another key point. The reason why a man is so arrogant is because he is a psychopath! When it happened, it was as if I had just returned from the hospital.

Before, he was still chasing a pancake seller on the street and slashing all the way. Even his brother said that if he saw that the state was wrong, he must pay attention to safety!

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

Hu said

Every time I see more brutal and unusual cases in the news. Not only am I afraid that someone will be injured or die because of this, but I am also afraid that the perpetrator is a mentally ill patient!

Because no matter what kind of homicide, as long as the perpetrator is stained with mental disorders, cognitive impairments, mental illnesses, schizophrenia, and so on. There is a high probability that these diseases will become a legal "gold medal for avoiding death" to exonerate their crimes!

Not only will there be no sentence, but there will be no cost. At most, they will be imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital and subjected to compulsory treatment.

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

But in this way, the murder is committed, treated, relieved, discharged, and the murder continues. The cycle goes on forever and there is no end.

Just like this man, he was hospitalized for cutting and selling pancakes, but he was just discharged from the hospital and killed the man in black! If there is a grudge, it is a bit of a reason, but in fact, it is just a garbage can, and it is not a matter at all.

Such a person is like a time bomb that disturbs public order.

Those used to fight against anger, such as not quarrelling, not arguing, not hurting other people's self-esteem, do not work here.

Because you don't know which words will provoke him or which will anger him. It's hard to figure out, it's hard to dodge.

After the man hit someone, he chased and slashed with a knife: the two had a conflict with the garbage can, and the victim was slightly injured

Originally, the gold medal for avoiding death was a kind of protection for the mentally ill. But today, it seems that this gold medal for avoiding death will only fuel its arrogance and increase social insecurity!

In the event of an accident, the mentally ill person is indeed protected, but what about the person who is hurt by him? Who can you talk to?

In today's frequent incidents of similar incidents, should this death-free gold medal exist? What do you think about this?

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