
The adopted daughter is actually her own sister! In 1941, Einstein secretly commissioned his son to adopt a little girl who was just 8 days old. When the girl grew up, she found that Eins, who had been shouting "grandfather" for many years

author:Bread clip knowledge

The adopted daughter is actually her own sister! In 1941, Einstein secretly commissioned his son to adopt a little girl who was just 8 days old. When the girl grew up, she found that Einstein, who had been shouting "grandfather" for many years, was actually her biological father!

The world remembers Einstein's theory of relativity and his greatness in changing human cognition, but there is always a corner under the spotlight of history, where a woman who is connected to him by blood, who has struggled with the weight of the name "Einstein" all her life, finally died alone in poverty and illness, she is Evelyn Einstein.

Evelyn was born in Chicago in 1941, and her arrival in those turbulent times did not bring much joy to the world, and even her very existence was a deliberately hidden secret.

Just eight days after her birth, she was sent to a distant land, in the hands of a couple who treated her as their own but never told her what the missing piece of the puzzle looked like.

It wasn't until many years later that Evelyn pieced together the truth of her life story from the few words left by her adoptive mother: her adoptive father Hans was her own brother, and her biological father was the genius who wrote the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein.

This should have been exciting news, after all, not everyone has the opportunity to climb into a relationship with a great scientist, but the arrangement of fate is full of irony, because for Evelyn, the words "Einstein" are more like an insurmountable mountain than glory, and she struggles in the shadow of looking up and catching up all her life.

She longed to get to know her father, whom she had never met, and to feel his warmth, but Einstein left her with nothing but cold letters and theories.

People expect her to be like her father, showing a shocking talent in a certain field, but Evelyn is just an ordinary person, she has her own dreams and her own limitations, and she can't meet everyone's expectations, and this inability gradually evolves into a kind of self-doubt and denial.

In 1986, Evelyn opened up about her origins and filed a lawsuit against Einstein's legacy, accusing the great scientist of turning a blind eye to her descendants and allowing her to languish in poverty.

But the American law is cold, it only talks about evidence and does not make sense, Evelyn finally lost the case and only received a small part of the inheritance, which is far from enough to change her life, Evelyn, who has lost her last glimmer of hope, has a worse life, she divorced and lost her job, and finally became a homeless homeless on the streets.

In her later years, Evelyn suffered from breast cancer and liver disease, but she was still fighting for survival, rummaging through trash cans for food and recyclables, just to be able to live one more day and one more chance, to prove her existence, to fight for her rightful rights.

Evelyn Einstein died in a sanatorium in 2011 at the age of 70, her death did not alarm too many people, like a meteor across the night sky, leaving no trace, she walked through her bumpy and sad life in the shadow of the halo of a great man.

Reference: Golden Eagle Network "German writer Neffy reveals that Einstein has two illegitimate daughters"

The adopted daughter is actually her own sister! In 1941, Einstein secretly commissioned his son to adopt a little girl who was just 8 days old. When the girl grew up, she found that Eins, who had been shouting "grandfather" for many years
The adopted daughter is actually her own sister! In 1941, Einstein secretly commissioned his son to adopt a little girl who was just 8 days old. When the girl grew up, she found that Eins, who had been shouting "grandfather" for many years
The adopted daughter is actually her own sister! In 1941, Einstein secretly commissioned his son to adopt a little girl who was just 8 days old. When the girl grew up, she found that Eins, who had been shouting "grandfather" for many years
The adopted daughter is actually her own sister! In 1941, Einstein secretly commissioned his son to adopt a little girl who was just 8 days old. When the girl grew up, she found that Eins, who had been shouting "grandfather" for many years

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