
Reciprocal countermeasures may restrict EU pork imports, and the tariffs on electric vehicles have reversed

author:90 companies

The EU originally wanted to follow the United States to impose tariffs on China's electric vehicles, but what it did not expect was that the mainland carried out reciprocal countermeasures at the first time and launched an anti-dumping investigation on pork products exported by the EU, which directly caused many European farmers and EU car companies to protest and dissatisfaction with the EU's tariffs. Even many foreign media have said that the tariff on electric vehicles has completely reversed.

Reciprocal countermeasures may restrict EU pork imports, and the tariffs on electric vehicles have reversed

Previously, the United States decided to further expand the scope of goods subject to tariffs on China after reviewing the goods subject to tariffs on China, including electric vehicles, lithium batteries and other products in the scope of additional tariffs. The tariffs on electric vehicles have even reached 100%, which means that the selling price in the U.S. market will directly double, exceeding the manufacturing cost of electric vehicles.

After that, the EU also followed up as soon as possible, imposing punitive tariffs on Chinese electric vehicle products with an average of 21% and a maximum of 38%. In the voting within the European Union, even France voted in favor, and the EU is about to start imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, which has also attracted the attention of many industry insiders.

Generally speaking, for anti-dumping and other reasons, for the purpose of protecting the development of the local industrial chain, a country will indeed impose tariffs on some imported products. However, this situation is generally carried out only after the application is filed by the manufacturer in the relevant field in the local area, and the investigation is carried out to confirm the existence of anti-dumping and other circumstances.

Reciprocal countermeasures may restrict EU pork imports, and the tariffs on electric vehicles have reversed

However, although the EU has launched tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles this time, many car manufacturers in the EU are actually very dissatisfied with this. After the relevant news came out, many well-known EU car manufacturers made it clear their opposition and protests, including the world-renowned BMW, Mercedes-Benz and other car brands.

In recent years, trade between China and the EU has deepened, and in-depth cooperation has been carried out in many industrial chains. For example, in the field of electric vehicles, in fact, many EU car manufacturers have become a member of the supply chain of China's electric vehicles, especially in the field of automotive shells, and are deeply involved in them.

However, it is obvious that the EU's imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles has not only caused dissatisfaction and protests from automakers within the EU, but has also been countered by the mainland. According to the news reported by the "Global Network" on June 20, the mainland has introduced the latest measures against the pork industry in the EU, announcing that it will launch an anti-dumping investigation on imported pork and pig by-products from the EU.

Reciprocal countermeasures may restrict EU pork imports, and the tariffs on electric vehicles have reversed

It is worth noting that the anti-dumping investigation against the EU pork industry is also an anti-dumping investigation, and the anti-dumping investigation against the EU pork industry is fully in line with various procedures and regulations, and at the same time, it does have relevant evidence sufficient to show the reliability of the facts. In this case, it is only a matter of time before relevant targeted measures are launched for the EU pork industry.

This will also have a very bad impact on the related industries of the European Union, you must know that the mainland is one of the world's largest pork consumption markets, and it is also one of the main pork export markets of Spain, the Netherlands, France and other countries. Once the mainland imposes tariffs or restrictions on pork products imported from the EU, the EU's related industries are likely to face a large number of accumulations and cannot find an embarrassing situation of shipping markets.

In fact, it is likely that this anti-dumping investigation against the EU pork industry is only the first step in reciprocal countermeasures against the EU. Previously, the mainland had restricted the shipment of germanium, gallium and graphene and other materials, although mainly for the US market, but the EU market is still included in it, if the mainland further carries out reciprocal countermeasures, not only can restrict the import of EU products, but also can restrict the shipment of a variety of key materials and products. This is obviously not good news for the EU, not to mention that there is a lot of close cooperation between China and the EU, and such actions by the EU will only affect cooperation.

Reciprocal countermeasures may restrict EU pork imports, and the tariffs on electric vehicles have reversed

For example, the mainland has previously purchased a lot of large aircraft from Airbus, and not long ago it was reported that it plans to purchase 100 large Airbus aircraft. However, after the EU exports electric vehicles to China, it is estimated that it will not be so easy to continue to get large aircraft orders from the Chinese market.

At the same time, some cooperation between the two sides in other areas will also be affected. As one of the world's largest automobile consumer markets, the importance of the Chinese market is undoubted, and a large number of European car manufacturers are unwilling to give up the Chinese market.

What's more, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and other European automakers have actually launched in-depth cooperation and technical exchanges with Chinese companies in the transformation of electric vehicles. For these manufacturers, it is actually the key to maintain friendly cooperation with China in the field of electric vehicles. This time, European automakers immediately launched opposition and protest, which is actually a kind of dissatisfaction with the EU's tariff behavior.

Reciprocal countermeasures may restrict EU pork imports, and the tariffs on electric vehicles have reversed

Now, EU countries are also starting to worry, and want to find various channels and ways to start dialogue, calling for communication to resolve the current trade disputes. However, it is clear that if the EU does not cancel its decision to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, then the mainland will not let go in areas such as pork.

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