
The post-80s, 38-year-old, is seriously thinking about breaking off their relatives! Breaking off relatives in middle age is a salvation for the soul

author:Sister dragged with temperament
The post-80s, 38-year-old, is seriously thinking about breaking off their relatives! Breaking off relatives in middle age is a salvation for the soul


Although Sister Tu decided to break off her relationship in her heart, she was actually sad in her heart, many things were frozen, not a day's cold,

If a person can make such a decision, he must be heartbroken.

I still remember when I was five or six years old, when it came to the Chinese New Year,

My father's car was full of gifts, and I took my mother, brother, and me.

The scene of a family of four visiting the New Year everywhere, they were all in their hometown and in the countryside at that time.

It's all the front yard and the back yard, and if there is something in the family, the whole village can't wait to get started.

It is indeed lively and harmonious, and the family affection is unlimited.

My mother has often talked to me about my aunt's goodness since I was a child, even now,

She did not speak ill of her, but when she mentioned her, she said that she was good to me.

She has three older brothers in the family, and no daughters.

Seeing my birth made her very happy, and often helped my mother take me.


When did it start to change? Now I think it's because everyone has gotten better and better!

They have bought houses and cars outside, moved out of the small ravine, and become city people.

I don't see each other a few times a year, and when my father is there, because of my wide connections,

He helped settle the jobs of several older brothers.

But in the end, when I needed my father, he died.

After dealing with his father's funeral, because the uncle is considered an authoritative figure in the local area,

The elder brothers also have stable jobs and have helped each other.

I heard my mother say that she mentioned to my aunt about helping me find a job.

The rattle of the big lady's head is like that:

No, no, no, we little people,

The niece's education is too high, and it will be delayed again.

Actually, I never thought about asking them to help me find a job.

Later, I heard my mother say that my uncle knew many high-ranking officials.

Work will definitely help me find a more stable one,

Because I have already found many younger brothers and sisters in my hometown, but the premise is that I have to give gifts!

The eldest lady has already received a lot of red envelopes because of the matter of handing over a word to the uncle.

Mom doesn't say anything at all, just with a mouth, red mouth and white teeth,

Can you help my child find a job? Why do people have it?

What about brothers? My father is gone, orphans and widows,

What a burden it will be! Who wants to move forward?


After my father left, I began to celebrate the New Year for a few years, although my salary was meager,

But I will also buy things to visit the New Year, and I still remember it vividly.

I'm going to pay New Year's greetings, and the eldest lady said politely and detachedly

"There is no shortage of nothing, don't buy it in the future!"

Also asked me:

"Why are you wearing so thin, why don't you wear a down jacket?"

Actually, I was about to burst into tears at that time, and the monthly salary was low when I first worked.

I want to rent a house and give money to my mother, how can I have the money to buy a down jacket?

There was also an impressive one, and Seashore went to visit the New Year in the first year of marriage.

When we arrived at my uncle's house, my aunt saw that we had gone, but she didn't say a word, and her face was gloomy.

I still can't figure out whether I dislike me or Seashore,

I've never stayed at their house to eat before, but that time because I brought Seashore,

The little uncle stayed for a while, but in the end he went to the restaurant to eat, and the whole meal was embarrassing!

The table was full of cabbage and tofu, and Seashore's face changed when he came back.

yes, if you don't look down on Seashore,

At that time, the engagement and marriage were all discussed by my mother.

I don't want you to say it, if you don't say it, who will you give it face afterwards?

Since then, and for the New Year, we only go occasionally,

I went and put down my things and left immediately, and I never ate again.


When my father was alive, my grandfather was all supported by my father.

But grandpa and grandma have 5 children! Why do you want to come now?

Grandpa was hospitalized when he was sick and sick, and none of them took the initiative to share some of them every year.

Good to give grandpa 200 yuan every year during the Chinese New Year, or move the cheapest box of wine.

The eldest mother was even more funny, so she bought a pair of cotton pants for her grandfather at the big set at home.

Everyone who has to make a phone call knows how filial she is,

And that kind of cotton pants, at that time, was only 15 yuan, and it was so easy for them to support the elderly?

But why did I make my father so worried? One person bears it all?

After my father died, I had to go out to work, and my younger brother went out to school.

It was inconvenient for my mother and grandfather to live together.

The second grandfather came out to have a meeting to talk about grandpa's pension, and all of them were silent.

In the end, the result of the deliberation was:

The eldest lady cleaned up their old house in their hometown and let the grandfather live in it.

My aunt lives close and often goes to take care of her.

Grandpa was originally physically tough, and all physical indicators were better than his 40-year-old father at that time.

Climb the Great Wall so high and a few towers for a few miles without breathing, leaving us far behind,

However, due to a misdiagnosis, he opened his intestine and died early.

When my grandfather went out of the funeral, the people in the village said,

If my father is here, my grandfather will be 100 years old.

But why is he here?

Didn't he have so many other children?


The most ridiculous thing is that a few years ago, my hometown was spread wildly.

The land occupied is not occupied in vain, according to the head, according to the number of acres of land, it is necessary to divide the money;

All the uncles and even aunts have been recovered,

My aunt said that she had land and was still at home, and it was in our land.

The eldest lady said that the house in our hometown was theirs before,

The aunt said that there was a piece of land in her hometown, which her grandfather promised to her when she got married.

When grandpa was in our house, no one cared about it, and grandpa's share of the land was in our household register, but they all came.

Mom dropped the chain at a critical time, and she couldn't keep up with the words, and the second grandfather's uncle still helped the uncle and uncle.

My mother was isolated and helpless, and it is said that she fainted at that time, and it took a long time to recover, and then she was infused for several days.

But what should be robbed was also snatched away by them, no way, the village cadres are all towards the uncle.

My little brother and I don't understand anything, we don't even know where our home is, and we are not qualified to speak at all.

It's just that when I came back in the follow-up, I listened to my mother and sighed that the world was hot and cold, and my relatives were not relatives!

It was also from that year that I began to go back to my parents' house and stop visiting them.

I didn't go to the New Year's greetings, and then there were rumors,

The eldest mother said that we are not sensible, and we don't look at them during the New Year, and said that they are all taught by my mother.

I'm sweating so much, and they're righteous, but I really want to ask: Are you worthy?

I've been more emotionally attached since I was a child, although I don't remember when my aunt was good to me,

But I remember my uncle's goodness, when I was a child, many of my photos were taken by my little uncle, holding me to play,

Because my grandmother passed away early, my uncle and father had the best relationship.

However, I have to admit that time will change, feelings will change,

Even if it is a family member, even if it is a brother of a sibling, when it comes to each other's interests, they will tear their faces,

My parents, all the time, put up with it,

We've been losing,

Shouldn't such heart-wrenching relatives be broken?

I really thank my nephew for not informing me of his engagement and marriage this time, I not only saved money, but also broke off this family with a ruthless heart.

It's not just their decision, it's the result I expect.

We can be tolerant, but others can't cross the line;

We can give, but we have to do it within our means.

Don't go to the heart of the unimportant things, and don't back down the important things.

Breaking off relatives starts with relatives who do not act.

After years of depression, it's time for a soul redemption!


Sister dragged with temperament

Hello everyone, I am Sister Tuo, born in the 80s, I have had a dream of being a writer since I was a child, and my articles have been published many times during school, but because of the interweaving of work and life, this dream has always been missed by me.

At the end of January 2024, unfortunately caught up with the company's layoffs, it was my turn, and I suddenly became free, so that I had more time to think about my life, who I am, what I want, how I want to live, and the growth and experience of these years, bit by bit, I want to put it into words, tell you, and also use it as a review of my life.

Maybe self-media writing is the first step for me to save myself from being unemployed, and I would like to encourage you who are temporarily at a low point!

After 100 days of self-testing and exploration, I decided to officially enter the self-media from June 24, realize my dream of freelancing, and win life with writing!

I hope to complete the transformation in the continuous healing of words, and from now on, everything I do is just to love myself! Become a better version of yourself! Thank you for your company and witness my growth!

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