
Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

author:The clouds are light and the wind is clear 886

Recently, when it is time to apply for the college entrance examination, college entrance examination candidates all over the country, regardless of whether they have good or bad results in the college entrance examination, are choosing the colleges and universities they apply for and the majors they choose to study.

Because the major chosen in college is really too important, if you choose a major that suits you, you can really change your life, and you can't say for sure.

Moreover, if you choose the right major, some of them can also opportunistically enter famous colleges and universities from ordinary colleges and universities, so that their academic qualifications are more competitive.

First, the missile maintenance profession has become popular

Recently, the "missile repair profession" has become popular.

When it comes to missile-related majors, even ordinary people know that this line of work really requires a genius among geniuses to be able to drill the chosen major.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

Students who have reached Tsinghua University and Peking University in the college entrance examination may not be able to choose missile-related majors, because the requirements for students in this major are really too many. If you're not a genius, you can't really do this job.

But I did not expect that a "missile repair specialty" would appear.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it
Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

There are only two colleges and universities in the country that enroll students in the "missile maintenance major," and both of them are actually junior colleges. That is to say, the cultural course is not the undergraduate line, and basically as long as you have more than 300 points, you can be admitted to this school.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

So netizens reflected that with such a profound major, can students with more than 300 points really learn well?

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

Moreover, this major advertises 100% employment, and after graduation, you can get an iron job directly through school recruitment, and you will not have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of your life.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

Second, Zhang Xuefeng heard the reaction of this profession

As we all know, Zhang Xuefeng specializes in helping high school juniors choose the colleges and universities they apply for.

In the minds of many parents and students, Zhang Xuefeng is a walking application guide, always able to help students uncover all kinds of confusion and choose a major that is truly suitable for them.

Therefore, Zhang Xuefeng knows a lot of college majors.

But when Zhang Xuefeng heard about this "missile maintenance" specialty, he was directly shocked.

However, the torture of the soul was issued: "Missiles need to be repaired?" ”

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

It is precisely because of Zhang Xuefeng's soul that this profession has become popular.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

3. Netizens in the comment area laughed to death

"I'm afraid that 985's will be blown up, so let's go to the junior college to repair it."

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

"So the job in this profession is a one-off?"

"Sir: It's not fried, you, look at it—I, yes, sir—sir: it's really professional, and I'm going to blow it up as soon as I go."

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

"You approach the missile, and you pat him and say, 'Don't be a trickster.'

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

"The commander with a score of 700 passes the report submitted by an observer with a score of 600, and then orders the messenger with a score of 500 to relay it to the field staff with a score of 400, and sends a 300-point super-specialized disposable consumable weapon maintenance personnel to repair it."

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

"Teacher: Classmate, your surname. - Me: Disposable. ”

I have to say that this major is real, and it is indeed possible to find an iron rice bowl, and the daily work of this iron rice bowl is relatively easy.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

However, when working, it is very dangerous, and after the actual missile is launched, if the missile does not explode, then there will be special personnel to carry out the maintenance, and this is the meaning of the existence of the missile maintenance profession and the prospect of this specialty.

Major in missile maintenance, 300 points in the college entrance examination, graduation iron rice bowl! Zhang Xuefeng's expression was numb with a smile when he saw it

If it were you, would you choose to repair this profession?

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