
"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

author:The clouds are light and the wind is clear 886

After "Sister Lang 5" became a group, I didn't expect the turmoil on the Internet to become more and more intense.

The first is the C-position controversy

The C position of this season's "Sister Lang 5" is Chen Haoyu.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

When the name of this C position is mentioned, everyone's first reaction is, who is this female star?

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

You must know that in the past, the group C position of "Sister Lang" was more powerful than the other, more popular than the other, and the popularity of the people was very high.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

The C position of the first season is Tranquility, Tranquility is the queen of the movie, and there are many representative works, such as "Yellow River Love", "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", etc., and Tranquility's topic has always been very high, and he has participated in many popular variety shows, and often appears on hot searches.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

The C position in the second season is Na Ying, Na Ying is the eldest sister in the music world, with many representative works, and her influence in domestic entertainment is undoubtedly very strong.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

The C position in the third season is Wang Xinling, Wang Xinling is the sweetheart leader, and he is a smash hit youth representative, and Wang Xinling directly turned the tables against the wind just through a song, and directly became the most popular person in "Sister Lang 3", and even directly led to the rise of Mango's stock price.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

The C position in the fourth season is ella. ella is the ceiling figure of the Chinese music girl group, she can sing and dance, and a song "superstar" is really popular all over the streets, and in recent years, ella's personal development is also very good, and she has been a mentor in various top music comprehensives and top drafts, so it is not surprising that ella will get the C position.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

In such a comparison, Chen Haoyu got the final C position, which is really too low and too low.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

Especially Chen Haoyu's strength is not so strong, and there is no stage to get out of the circle, let alone a stalk out of the circle, so when they heard that Chen Haoyu got the C position, netizens wondered who this female star was.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

You must know that this season, to be honest, Chen Lijun has the most fans, and she is also the most popular and popular female star at the moment, but because Chen Lijun is a staff member in the system, she is not suitable for Mango's track, so she can only exclude Chen Lijun early.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

Then came Qi Wei's revelations

When Qi Wei recently replied to netizens, she said that when she signed the contract, she actually signed the regulation of the C position of the group.

Including Qi Wei at the beginning of the show, it was indeed the treatment of the C position.

But then the wind direction changed, Qi Wei personally does not value the ranking so much, she attaches more importance to feelings, and pays more attention to the rules of making connections in the workplace, so she has always chosen players who are not so popular, but she chooses the players she likes.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

In the end, Qi Wei did not win the first place, but also won a consolation prize.

Qi Wei is actually in "Sister Lang", to be honest, she is out of the circle.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

Qi Wei's first stage performance of "7", although it is not good, but because of the magic, it is out of the circle.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

Later, when Qi Wei performed "Bangbang", Qi Wei's demonic dance was also successfully out of the circle on the Internet.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

When singing "If Love Forgot" in the live broadcast, Qi Wei also directly appeared on several hot searches.

"Sister Lang 5" escalated as a group: Qi Wei broke the news that the contract was signed in the C position, and her own conditions could not be met

Although she didn't get the C position, Qi Wei still gained a lot in terms of exposure and hot stalks out of the circle.

What do you think about this?

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