
The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

To this day, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been going on for two years, and the two sides have maintained a state of standoff. However, a South Korean official recently revealed that Russia and North Korea have signed a strategic partnership agreement. If the Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues, then North Korea is likely to send troops to aid Russia!

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The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

In fact, this is not the first time we have heard similar remarks, and many foreign experts have also speculated about the DPRK's thinking. According to the agreement signed between the two countries, Russia must be invaded by other countries, and North Korea must send troops to help. In other words, judging from the current actual conditions, North Korea does not necessarily have to send troops to support Russia.

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

Some experts speculate that North Korea may provide Russia with some military help, but not direct help, and it is less likely to send troops directly to the battlefield, but it is very likely to provide Russia with some supplies to help Russia cope with this long "war".

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

Although the news broke by the South Korean side is only a guess, the United States has not missed any opportunity to target Russia and North Korea. The United States issued a solemn statement to the DPRK not to try to interfere in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, otherwise the DPRK may only end up becoming cannon fodder!

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

Before the news was confirmed, the United States warned North Korea. In this way, it seems that the United States is not targeting Russia, but more directly targeting North Korea! At the same time, they want to sow discord between Russia and the DPRK, after all, in the eyes of the United States, neither Russia nor North Korea is a country that is easy to deal with.

If you want to curb Russia's development, you can't let Russia out of the quagmire of war. Western countries, led by the United States, will inevitably continue to give Ukraine military support so that they can last longer, while cutting off other countries' help to Russia, such as North Korea and China.

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

Regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the mainland has made its attitude clear from the beginning, that is, it will not support any party, and will maintain its original intention and live in peace with other countries. However, the United States and other Western countries do not agree with this approach, and they believe that China should stop all cooperation with Russia.

Of course, we must not be at the mercy of Western countries! We always stick to our attitude. If Western countries led by the United States still want to continue to interfere with the cooperation between China and Russia and want to intervene in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, they will inevitably be countered in the end!

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

In this regard, many netizens have also expressed their opinions. Some netizens think: China has its own attitude, its own ideas and opinions, we are an independent country, why listen to European and American countries!

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

Today's Western countries can only threaten others by warning and sowing discord! Some of their methods are not any better than in the past! It can only be said that these paper tigers are getting weaker and weaker!

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

This is how the United States became the number one in the world: it does not let others develop, it tries its best to meddle in other people's affairs, and it doesn't matter if others can't surpass themselves!

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

The United States wants to cut off cooperation between China and Russia, isn't it also to restrict the development of the two countries?

The United States is suspected of spreading rumors that North Korea is going to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at a critical moment Senior US officials called the Chinese side, and they couldn't hide from a question

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been going on for so long, and the United States has indeed succeeded in pulling Russia into the quagmire of war and restricting Russia's development. But have they thought about the consequences? How many Russian and Ukrainian civilians have been affected, losing their families and homes, and how much human resources have been invested in this war?

But for the United States, they may not care at all! The only thing they care about is their own interests, and they are worried that their position as the number one in the world will be snatched away by others. If they continue to be obsessed with such despicable means against other countries, then they will eventually be counterattacked!

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