
Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-07-01 14:13E-commerce newspaper official account

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

The head anchor collectively went out to make a brand

The market has changed, and the top anchors have to change.

In previous years, 618, the head anchors were always active in the live broadcast rooms of major platforms, setting off a shopping boom one after another. However, this year, 618 seems to be unusually quiet, and the head anchors seem to be "invisible", and the frequency of appearances has decreased significantly.

What are the top anchors doing? In fact, he went to engage in a "side hustle".

Brother Xiao Yang devoted himself to the creation of short dramas and bet on overseas markets; Li Jiaqi crosses variety shows, and at the same time focuses on his own brand; Simba announced that he would say goodbye to live streaming and turn to learning in the field of artificial intelligence; And Luo Yonghao has already announced his return to the road of entrepreneurship, and since then he has rarely appeared in the live broadcast room......

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

Source: Beautiful wrist

Of course, the head anchors have been engaged in "side jobs" for a day or two, and they are no longer limited to the core area of the live broadcast room, but to explore more possibilities through diversified layouts.

In their "side business", self-operated brands are obviously the standard, such brands are directly controlled and operated by the head anchor and the MCN agency to which they belong, and its success often depends on the extensive influence of the anchor and the strong supply chain integration ability of the MCN agency.

As one of the first head anchors to set foot in the field of self-operated brands, Simba proposed related self-operated brand plans such as "Xin Youzhi Strict Selection" in 2018; In the same year, Simba began to promote and sell its own brand "Cotton Code" in the live broadcast room; In 2021, after experiencing the "fake bird's nest" turmoil, Simba launched the "Xinzao" plan to further increase the construction and investment of its own brand.

Last year, Simba once again launched the food brand "Jianfeng Eater", and its first live broadcast achieved good results, with a GMV of 113 million yuan and an order volume of more than 975,000 orders. In this year's 618 promotion, the brand's single live broadcast sales exceeded 1.11 million products, with cumulative sales of 75 million yuan, and the performance was also very good.

Up to now, Xinxuan has launched a number of self-operated brands, the number of which has reached dozens, covering multiple categories, including the "original system" in the beauty and skin care industry, the "Miaojiesi" in the field of daily chemicals, the leader in the food industry "Jianfeng Eater", and the "cotton code" of the health brand.

After talking about Simba, let's look at Brother Xiao Yang again.

A year ago, Brother Xiao Yang announced in the live broadcast room that he would soon launch his own brand "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan", and ambitiously said that 50 products would be launched in 2023, hoping to launch "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" on the market.

In January 2023, "Xiaoyang Zhenxuan" will officially debut on the market. Just over five months later, the "Three Sheep Network" announced that the total sales of "Xiaoyang Zhenxuan" products exceeded 10 million orders. On September 21 of the same year, this figure was refreshed again, and the total sales reached 20 million orders.

Up to now, the cumulative sales volume of the "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" Douyin flagship store is 32.014 million, and the cumulative sales of a garbage bag priced at only 9.9 yuan have reached 14.778 million orders.

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

Source: Douyin

On the other hand, Li Jiaqi has also taken substantial steps in the layout of his own brand.

Tianyancha information shows that in April this year, Meifang (Shanghai) Network Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully applied for the registration of a number of "Meifang Preferred" trademarks, covering advertising sales, education and entertainment, daily chemical products, food and other categories.

On June 15th, Meifang officially launched the Meifang Preferred Tmall flagship store. Since its launch, the store has launched a total of 7 products, including laundry pods, towels, silicone mattresses, silicone quilts, etc., among which the highest sales volume is the laundry pods recommended by Li Jiaqi with a unit price of about 100 yuan, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 3,000 pieces; The second is the cumulative sales of latex quilts exceeding 600 pieces.

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

Source: Taobao

Although the name of "Li Jiaqi" is not directly marked in the logo design and product detail page, as the partner and head anchor of the beautiful wrist, the close relationship between Li Jiaqi and the beauty wrist is self-evident.

It is also understood that the products of "Beauty Wrist Preferred", like other products in the live broadcast room, will pass multiple rounds of product selection, multiple audits by the ONE team, and quality control screening by the QC team to ensure that the product quality is accurately matched with consumer needs. This will not only help Meifang optimize the supply chain, but also promote the collaboration and win-win situation of upstream and downstream industries, and create an ecological channel for win-win cooperation.

From the perspective of the beauty wrist, there are many benefits to developing self-operated brands, and it would be in vain not to do it.

At present, it seems that from Simba to Brother Xiaoyang, and then to Li Jiaqi, the head anchor has launched a new round of competition on the self-operated brand track. Next, as self-built brands become their standard, the entire industry may usher in a greater trend.

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

To be a self-operated brand, you can't take it lightly

Of course, the road to self-operated brands is not a smooth road, and the slightest carelessness may lead to the problem of poor regulation, which will damage the long-term accumulated reputation.

Generally speaking, MCN institutions or head anchors usually adopt two main strategies when laying out their own brands. One is to start from the source of the supply chain and ensure the uniqueness and quality of products through deep involvement in product development and quality control.

This strategy enables MCN organizations or top anchors to grasp market demand more accurately and directly control the production process of products, so as to occupy an advantage in product quality and user experience.

Another strategy is to partner with established external brands to create new brands. This method leverages the mature experience and resources of external brands to reduce the investment cost of MCN agencies or anchors in brand building and marketing.

While this strategy has advantages in terms of cost control, it may be relatively weak in terms of product control.

Nowadays, most MCN institutions or head anchors adopt the first strategy, which has relatively strong control over the product, but the cost is higher.

However, this strategy is not foolproof, and there is a possibility of setbacks and failures.

At the end of last year, "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" encountered a series of product quality turmoil, and many of its product foundries were ordered to rectify due to quality problems.

Among them, including but not limited to Anhui Le Kam Kee Food Co., Ltd., the foundry of meat floss cheese flavored toast bread, Anhui Huomiba Food Co., Ltd., one of the foundries of Bahei Shaqima, and Anhui Wangrenhe Mixian Food Co., Ltd., the foundry of sauerkraut rice noodles.

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

Anhui Wang Renhe Mixian Food Co., Ltd. sampling information Source: Tianyan Check

Although Brother Xiao Yang insisted that he personally participated in every link of the products of "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" from material selection to design and packaging, the rectification incident of "Xiao Yang Zhenxuan" foundry exposed the negligence of the head anchor and MCN institutions at the level of supervision and implementation.

Xiao Yang's rollover case warns us that even if the anchor has a high level of participation, it is necessary to maintain a long-term and firm investment in brand building and product supervision, and ensure that every link is strictly controlled to avoid the recurrence of similar problems.

Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

Step out of your comfort zone to have more possibilities

Since the beginning of this year, the signal of the head anchor's "exit" has become stronger and stronger.

Especially in the high-profile 618, the super anchors collectively "dumb fire", which made the market feel unprecedented silence and change.

For example, in Li Jiaqi's first live broadcast of 618, the GMV of the beauty category exceeded 2.675 billion yuan, a decrease of 46% from the same period last year; and "Brother Xiao Yang" slipped from eighth place in May to tenth place in June on the monthly sales list of Douyin; Although Simba achieved 1.4 billion sales in the 618 premiere, it also showed a significant downward trend compared to last year.

In such a situation, it is normal for the top anchors to no longer regard the live broadcast room as the only center of gravity.

Even though they face challenges in new areas such as self-operated brands and short dramas, the potential and opportunities in these fields are far more than the incremental ones shown in the live broadcast room.

Why not the head anchor?

Not long ago, Three Sheep announced that they would launch the "Threesome Live Classroom" project, officially entered the field of live broadcast training, and embarked on the road that Luo Yonghao and making friends had walked.

Although it is uncertain whether more streamers will join the ranks in the future, the Three Sheep method of "casting a wide net and catching more fish" is not only inherently problematic, but even a wise choice at the moment.

From focusing on the main business of live broadcasting, to developing side businesses such as short dramas and self-operated brands, the transformation of head anchors has been unstoppable. Perhaps in the coming days, the head anchor will set foot in more new fields and lay a bigger foundation.

Author | Li Xiang

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  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money
  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money
  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money
  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money
  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money
  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money
  • Li Jiaqi and Brother Xiao Yang found a way to make money

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