
The digital person with a beautiful wrist is not "Li Jiaqi", can the AI live broadcast satisfy "all girls"?

author:Business that little thing

This time, the beautiful wrist did not choose "Li Jiaqi". On July 1, the editor of the business scene exclusively discovered that the live broadcast room of "All Girls" under the United States has launched an AI digital human live broadcast, but the image is not Li Jiaqi. Although the number of viewers is not as good as that of live broadcasts, the beauty wrist has not stopped trying to cover more time slots. According to a number of digital human live broadcast business personnel, the price of pure unmanned live broadcast is roughly 24,000-50,000 yuan/year, while the "Avatar" model driven by real people is more expensive. There is no doubt that in order to run ahead in the digital human live broadcast track, merchants, live broadcast institutions and platforms must calculate the ledger of technology, cost and audit risk.

The digital person with a beautiful wrist is not "Li Jiaqi", can the AI live broadcast satisfy "all girls"?

Digital human "horse racing" real people

The beautiful wrist has taken the first step towards digital human anchors. Recently, the digital people in the "All Girls" live broadcast room have broadcast a total of three times, and the time period is mainly concentrated at half past nine in the morning and eleven at noon. Among them, the live broadcast at half past nine had 61,000 views, while the noon session had 213,000 and 868,000 views, respectively. In addition, the number of product chains in the live broadcast of "All Girls" digital human is also less than that of the live broadcast room. Taking the noon session as an example, about 130 products were put on the shelves of the digital human live broadcast, covering categories including food and beverage, digital appliances, daily necessities, etc.

If you compare the flat broadcast period after "6.18", although the digital human live broadcast is lower than the live broadcast room in terms of average audience views and the number of products, there is also an "overtaking" performance. The broadcast started at 11 o'clock at noon, and the number of chains attached to the live broadcast of digital humans on June 24 was 6 fewer than that of the live broadcast on June 28, but the number of viewers was 21,000 higher than the latter.

It is understood that the "All Girls" live broadcast room was incubated in November 2022 and is a full-category daily broadcast live broadcast room under the United States. At present, the account has 3.869 million followers. It can be said that the original intention of the "All Girls" live broadcast room account was to expand the breadth of the category and fill the vacant live broadcast time in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room.

In addition to trying to extend the live broadcast time of the "All Girls" live broadcast room and covering more time periods, the beautiful wrist seems to be comparing and observing the live broadcast effect of digital people. On the eve of "6.18" this year, Wei Yinghui, a partner of ONE in the United States, explained that he tested the waters of digital humans in the "All Girls" live broadcast room. He believes that digital humans can supplement the vacant time slots of live anchors, and can achieve 24-hour non-stop broadcasting, so that the live broadcast room can serve users at any time like shelf e-commerce.

However, for fans, it will take some time to accept the new way of digital human live streaming. When the "All Girls" live broadcast room conducted a digital human live broadcast, some fans reported in the comments that "compared with the live broadcast, there is less emotion, it is still worse" and "I don't like this model very much".

So, will the digital human live broadcast in the "All Girls" live broadcast room be normalized in the future? How will it match the rhythm of the live broadcast room? As of press time, the relevant person in charge of the US wrist has not responded.

The quotation is tens of thousands of yuan per year

Since last year, the attempts of leading live broadcast institutions and platforms in the AI digital human live broadcast track have become more and more intensive.

In July 2023, the head anchor of Taobao Live, Lie'er Baby, was broadcast live on the same stage with 6 digital people with different makeup. Subsequently, in August of the same year, the live broadcast agency Qianxun announced the AI digital human live broadcast business to provide services for brands and small and medium-sized businesses. In this year's "6.18", AI digital human Liu Qiangdong pushed this live broadcast form to the public eye, setting off a wave of live streaming of president digital humans on

The digital person with a beautiful wrist is not "Li Jiaqi", can the AI live broadcast satisfy "all girls"?

Through the contact information provided on the official website of Qianxun, the editor consulted a staff member who claimed to know about the live broadcast business of Qianxun digital human. According to him, at present, enterprises provide two types of interactive modes of digital human live broadcast. One is to conduct unmanned live broadcasts on shelf e-commerce such as Tmall,, and Pinduoduo, where it is necessary to record the answers to the questions and products consulted by users in advance, and the digital humans will interact after triggering keywords. The other is to do the "Avatar" live-person driven mode for platforms such as Douyin, which requires a human-driven digital human to speak to meet the interactive needs in the live broadcast room.

"Because Douyin's live broadcast is very fast-paced, it requires a high-intensity interactive mode. Compared with Taobao and other platforms, Douyin digital human live broadcast also needs a real person to operate behind the scenes, and the cost is relatively high. The above-mentioned staff said that in terms of cost, the regular price of the unmanned live broadcast mode is 50,000 yuan/year, including services such as digital human customization. Douyin's digital human live broadcast price is 30,000 yuan/month, plus a 10% commission.

In response to the accuracy of the above-mentioned staff's descriptions in terms of business introduction and expenses, the relevant person in charge of Qianxun responded to the editor that the company's digital human business has different prices according to different services. At the same time, the direction of the digital human business this year is still under discussion.

At present, AI digital human live broadcast has more options in terms of simulation and gameplay. Li Peng (pseudonym), the person in charge of the digital human live broadcast business of a technology company, introduced that the digital human products provided by the company can not only achieve natural and realistic expressions, synchronize the voice and mouth shape, and intelligently generate actions, but also intelligently switch between far and near scenes, and multi-camera live broadcast close-ups of commodity shots, which can be broadcast live in the same frame with real people.

"According to the needs of merchants, we will match different solutions, and the price of digital human services ranges from 25,000 to 45,000 yuan/year. Judging from the performance of merchants after investment, the conversion rate of digital human live broadcast can reach about 60%-80% of the conversion of real people. Li Peng said.

Facing the risk of platform review

When merchants and digital human service providers collide with each other on the virtual live broadcast track, they must always pay attention to the attitude of the platform. In March this year, the Douyin Security Center issued the "Douyin Announcement on the Governance of Improper Use of AI to Generate Virtual Characters", requiring creators, streamers, users, and merchants to follow corresponding regulations when using generative AI technology. Kuaishou also issued a statement in June that it will no longer give additional e-commerce traffic to e-commerce live broadcast rooms that use Kuaishou's official digital human capabilities (Nuwa products).

Compared with Taobao, Jingdong and other shelf e-commerce, Li Peng believes that Douyin, Kuaishou and other digital human live broadcasts are less tolerant, mainly because of the different attributes of the platform, Douyin and other content review rules are stricter, "the platform does not want the live content to be played repeatedly, without any innovation, there is a suspicion of platform traffic wool." At the same time, Li Peng pointed out that the use of real people to drive digital human models, businesses have reduced the cost of building live broadcast rooms to a certain extent, but fundamentally speaking, it has not completely liberated manpower, and the better way is still to complement real people and digital people for live broadcasting.

This also means that merchants need to choose the right digital human image according to their own brand tonality, category characteristics, and budget space, and reasonably arrange the live broadcast rhythm. The person in charge of the digital human business of a leading brand revealed to a reporter from Beijing Business Daily that the brand's live broadcast room is a live broadcast of real people and digital people, and the live broadcast of digital humans is concentrated from 0:00 to 8:00 the next day, and the conversion rate of live broadcast in the early morning can reach about 10%.

Jiang Rong, an e-commerce research expert, pointed out that the current live broadcast industry with goods is too "volume", and many live broadcast rooms are "volume" for a long time, and only if there is enough time for merchants' live broadcasts to have more exposure opportunities. For live streaming e-commerce platforms, it is a good choice to supplement the free time of live live broadcasting.

Zhao Zhenying, a researcher at the National Engineering Laboratory of E-commerce Transaction Technology, also recognized the advantages of digital human live broadcast with low cost and low error rate. But at the same time, he believes that digital humans face challenges in user acceptance, and the virtuality of digital humans will affect the intimacy of live broadcasts, which in turn will affect the conversion rate. In addition, once the real anchor personality collapses, the reproduced digital human live broadcast will also be implicated.

He Qian/text

Source: Screenshot of the platform's live broadcast

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