
25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

author:Foreign French

01, this is the head of a longhorn bull, look closely, there are small insects on it! The head of the longhorn beetle is covered with mites.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

02, blood-red eyes are also very mad.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

03. The worm parasitizes the turtle's face

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

04. The eyelashes of an African elephant

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

05. The forelimb muscles of the leopard look very developed.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

06. A large obese sow is lying on the ground and sleeping, and its cub (I don't know why, only one cub) - a poor little pig is gulping milk.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

07. One of our kittens will only sleep in the bathtub of my daughter's doll.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

08, this battle on the African savannah is another scene

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

09, the foreigner's joke made the tail of the deer into a head, which looks funny and terrifying.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

10. Where the natural environment is too good, when you look up, you will be surprised by your animal friends outside the window.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

11. Look at this dude, it is clear that it rests on the skin of a person, and it is about to pierce the skin of a person to suck blood, this is the notorious tsetse fly, which can transmit a terrible disease - narcolepsy, which is an infectious disease caused by Trypanosoma cloth, and when infected, people will be drowsy all day long.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

12. Another reason why Japanese people like bobtails - Japanese legend says that the shorter the cat's tail, the less evil it has.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

13. When I saw this scene while surfing, I went into cardiac arrest instantly.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

14. Take a look at the close-up of the cobra squirting venom, like a high-pressure faucet squirting water all at once.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

15. A common sight on the African continent - a room or toilet that has not been used for a long time will be occupied by vultures, and the photos look a little scary.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

16, hum... (Tsundere face).

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

17. A beautiful bird, its name is easy to remember - Peacebird. It is characterized by a crest of brush-like feathers and black, white and yellow wing patterns, and it likes to eat a variety of wild fruits.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

18, women and turtle slaves.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

19. These beetles are all golden and delicate, as delicate as jewelry, which one do you like the most?

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

20. There are many kinds of Cordyceps, some larvae have become fungi, some are adults, and some are in a state between larvae and insects

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

21. Wild dogs are feeding from the buttocks of the antelope

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

22. Frogs? It looks like it crawled out of a horror movie.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

23. One of his favorite ways to sleep

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

24. India is really a strange place, and Indians have unrivaled ability to pick honey with their bare hands. In the high mountains of Tamil, India, the local residents love to eat large chunks of honey directly, and the honey looks bigger than the whole child!

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

25. Like a frog, like a bird, and like a fish, what kind of animal is this? This is a strange fish caught by fishermen in the waters of New Zealand.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

26. A strange spherical creature was photographed on the seabed in the waters of California.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

27, good guys! It's been a long time since the freighter hit and killed a whale while sailing!

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

28. Look at the picture and guess the idiom????????

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

29. Beautiful and weird, mysterious and terrifying, this is not some mysterious creature, but the most common turkey. That's right. On Thanksgiving, they are sent to the oven, which is an American tradition.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

30. A bamboo leaf green is stuck in the chain of the bicycle.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

31. After it gets dark, for some reason, these sheep become weird, and countless points of light shine on the grassland.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

32. We go back to the Forbidden City in 1905, when Alice Roosevelt, the daughter of the then President of the United States, walked into the Hall of Yiluan and met with the Empress Dowager Cixi, and her visit was permanently frozen by this historical photograph.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

33. The hyena's face after the anus was dyed red

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

34. The key fell out during the skydive, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find it again!

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

35. Camel spider, you won't want to be bitten by it.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

36. Giant pandas who love bamboo sometimes want to eat meat, no, this giant panda is biting a peacock in its mouth, is the peacock coming to grab the bamboo of the giant panda?

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

37. Penguins

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

38. When you observe a horse smiling, it's actually smelling the air.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

39. The larvae of the American stinging moth are probably the ugliest moth larvae in the world, and they are daunting.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

40. Stray dogs interrupt street performances in Turkey and try to help actors who pretend to be injured.

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

41. Black-nosed sheep

25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

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25 photos of rare animals: the head of the longhorn is full of mites, and the face of the dropfish is full of sadness

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