
Incredible! Squatting toilet washing vegetables makes people sick, do you dare to go to the restaurant? Food safety is more important than Mount Tai

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

#头条首发大赛#太让人触目惊心了, it's incredible! Today, I swiped a video of "washing vegetables in the toilet" on the Internet, which is really disgusting and disgusting.

Now that you've seen this frequency, how do you feel? Do you still dare to go to the restaurant with your family or invite relatives and friends to eat? It's unimaginable, I feel terrified all over my body, and my stomach is going to vomit!

In the message area of the video, countless people have left their feelings and feelings, and expressed their opinions, some scolding, some condemning, food safety is not child's play! The people take food as the sky, food as the first, and the message area has been bursting with excitement.

Although I didn't see the fact that there were people washing vegetables in the squatting toilet in the restaurant, I saw the unsightly sloppy scene in the back kitchen of a lot of restaurants, and the stench was so foul that it really made people lose all their appetite and want to vomit, so I can say that I will never want to go to such an unhygienic restaurant again.

Incredible! Squatting toilet washing vegetables makes people sick, do you dare to go to the restaurant? Food safety is more important than Mount Tai

In many seemingly glamorous, elegant and luxurious interior decoration of the hotel restaurant, the kitchen and the living room are too far away or on the other floor, all the facilities and equipment are not to be said, but the cleanliness of the kitchen is indeed outrageous and unsightly.

The kitchen is full of sewage, several chefs look like they are wearing white clothes and white hats, but when they are stir-frying, they really don't pay attention to hygiene, the oil and water of the washing pot are splashed everywhere, all kinds of condiments and oils, everywhere, splashed all over the sky when they are used, and the waste is serious.

When taking the pot, the dishes are overloaded, poured out with the shovel, do not care about the food, purely treat the food as garbage, the kitchen cleans every day just to go through the motions, sweep it at will, sweep the garbage aside and do not clean it up, these foods are moldy and rotten for a long time, the smell is unpleasant, attracting flies, and it is a paradise for rats and cockroaches.

I have a few fellows who are cooks, some work in small restaurants, some in high-end restaurants and restaurants, when chatting with me, they all say that when they go to the toilet every day to come back to cook, they have never washed their hands, and only when they eat and get off work all day long, do you dare to eat the dishes they make?

A fellow chef told me that they had an urgent need to urinate when stir-frying, and they didn't have time to go to the toilet, so they solved it in the kitchen drain, and sometimes they had an urgent stool, and they also solved it here, and he said that he didn't do it, but the men and women in the kitchen did it, and no one interfered.

Incredible! Squatting toilet washing vegetables makes people sick, do you dare to go to the restaurant? Food safety is more important than Mount Tai

They say that the kitchen is very strictly managed, and no outsider can enter, therefore, the kitchen is dirty and smelly, only the internal people know, and outsiders can't know, so there are often people who report that there are rat feces, cockroach legs, flies and other disgusting things in the dishes, which is not groundless, alarmist, and this is indeed the case.

Therefore, several fellow chefs said that they only eat the food made by themselves and their families, and refuse to go out to eat in restaurants in their daily lives.

In the video I got today, the publisher angrily revealed that the amazing scene of a restaurant staff washing vegetables in the toilet is really shocking and angry.

According to the content of the video, the man said that when he witnessed the restaurant owner walking into the toilet with a basin and dipping the cabbage in the dirty water full of filth, his inner shock was beyond words, food hygiene was trampled on by them, food safety was neglected by them, and the health of consumers was ruined in this way.

He said angrily that what is even more unbelievable is that there are special vegetable sinks and dishwashing sinks in the back kitchen of the restaurant, and there are also large and small, basins and buckets are not used, but the boss wants to choose such a ridiculous and appalling way of washing vegetables, which is incomprehensible.

Incredible! Squatting toilet washing vegetables makes people sick, do you dare to go to the restaurant? Food safety is more important than Mount Tai

The owner of this restaurant is not only the greatest disregard and malice for the health of the customers who come to eat, but also a serious violation and insult to their professional ethics, and at the same time an illegal and criminal act.

In the comment area of this video, enthusiastic netizens have left messages, surging like a tide, scolding, complaining, condemning, and angry voices, so where will the majority of consumers go?

Some people joke that when you go to a restaurant to eat, you have to eat with your eyes closed, mouse feces, cockroach legs, flies, etc.

Food hygiene can not be ignored, health is guaranteed, food safety is settled, food hygiene and safety are more important than Mount Tai, not child's play, otherwise everything has fallen short and no longer exists.

Incredible! Squatting toilet washing vegetables makes people sick, do you dare to go to the restaurant? Food safety is more important than Mount Tai

I am wondering why some restaurant owners are so indifferent and contemptuous of food hygiene and safety issues. I can't help but wonder if I want to ask a few more questions, as a diner, how can I avoid eating unhygienic food? How should the relevant parties strengthen the supervision of the industry to ensure the food safety of diners? Should the relevant parties severely punish and warn those businesses who do not pay attention to industry rules and public morality? As an ordinary person, what should you do for food safety?

If you have any thoughts on this, please discuss it in the message area.

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