
Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

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This summer, the highly anticipated new Nicholas Tse film was finally released. The investment scale of this film is as high as 200 million yuan, which is not only Nicholas Tse's blockbuster, but also brings together the cast of actors and actresses, and is known as the top configuration of "three emperors and two queens". However, what is surprising is that the box office performance of this film is far less than expected, and it is even dubbed by the industry as a big production with "no hope of recovering its cost". What exactly caused the film to fail? We will analyze it from multiple angles.

Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

Overview of the film

The film is an action-adventure film that tells the story of an elite team that unites and overcomes obstacles to eliminate a criminal gang in the face of customs smuggling. Director Li Haifeng has directed many high-reputation films, and the main creative team includes Nicholas Tse, Jacky Cheung, Wu Zhenyu, Lin Jiaxin and Liu Yase and other three emperors and two queens. Such a strong cast and top production team made this film attract attention from the beginning.

Pre-publicity and market expectations

During the production of the film, it was promoted on a large scale through major media platforms. As soon as the trailer was released, it caused heated discussions on social media, especially some of Nicholas Tse's difficult action scenes, which were talked about by fans. Investors are very optimistic about the box office of the film, which is expected to exceed 500 million in the first weekend. However, the reality has backfired.

Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

Reaction after the premiere

On the day of the premiere, audience feedback for the film was mixed. Some fans raved about the film's action scenes, but more viewers questioned the plot and character setting. Film critics were also harsh on the film, believing that despite the excellent performances of the actors, the script and directing skills did not meet expectations. There is a lot of discussion about the movie on social media, but most of it is negative.

Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

Box office performance

Although the box office of the film reached 250 million in the first weekend, the subsequent box office fell sharply. Compared to other films released during the same period, this film performed significantly less. Market analysis pointed out that the main reason for the box office failure was the poor reputation of the audience and the problem of the script.

Strengths and weaknesses of the movie

Star effect: the performance of three emperors and two queens

Nicholas Tse's action scenes in the movie are amazing, Lin Jiaxin and Liu Yase's acting skills are as superb as ever, and the scenes of Jacky Cheung and Wu Zhenyu are also classics. However, the star effect did not drive the box office as expected, but made the audience put forward higher requirements for the plot and the director.

Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

Evaluation of production and special effects

The production team of the film put a lot of effort into the special effects, and the effects are indeed Hollywood. The audience generally thinks that the visual effects of the movie are very shocking, but the special effects cannot make up for the shortcomings of the plot.

Analysis of the causes of failures

Script and plot issues

The script is the core of the movie, but the plot of this movie has been criticized by many viewers as "old-fashioned". The main story lacks novelty, and the character settings are thin, and many viewers say it's hard to resonate.

Market competition

The film was released in the summer and faced fierce competition from many high-quality films. Other films released at the same time, both in terms of storyline and audience reputation, are better than this movie, directly diverting its potential audience.

Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

Advocacy strategy

Despite the huge publicity momentum in the early stage, the publicity content was too focused on the star effect, and ignored the promotion of the plot and core selling points of the movie itself. After many audiences were attracted to the theater, they found that there was a large gap with expectations, resulting in a rapid decline in word-of-mouth.

Industry expert perspectives

Film critic Zhang Ming pointed out that the film relied too much on the star cast and neglected the polishing of the script, which was the root cause of its failure. Li Ran, an industry insider, also said that the film market is highly competitive, and it is difficult to ensure box office success by relying on star effect alone. The film's production and distribution teams are also reflecting and acknowledging deficiencies in scripting and promotional strategies.

Nicholas Tse's new film costs 200 million yuan to return to its original cost, and the three emperors and two queens can't be saved, where did they lose this time

Prospects for the future

Nicholas Tse and his team said that although the defeat was disappointing, they will learn from it and will pay more attention to script polishing and market research in the future. For the film industry as a whole, this failure is also a warning that star power alone is no longer enough to meet the needs of audiences, and high-quality stories and innovative filming methods are the keys to success.


The film's failure was mainly due to script and plot issues, fierce competition in the market, and insufficient publicity strategies. Although the star effect is strong, it cannot make up for the shortcomings of the script. Filmmaking teams need to pay more attention to polishing and innovating content in future projects to meet the changing needs and expectations of audiences. It is hoped that the Chinese film industry can learn from this failure, continue to make progress, and bring more high-quality works to the audience.

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