
Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

author:Yong A said gossip

In a scholarly family in Beijing, the story of the three brothers and sisters of the Liang family unfolds. His father was an editor and his mother was a screenwriter, both of whom were writers and had a good reputation in the industry.

In such an atmosphere, the three children Liang Zuo, Liang Tian and Liang Huan have each embarked on different life trajectories. The eldest brother Liang Zuo is undoubtedly the pride of his parents. Talented since he was a child, he excelled in his studies and was praised as a "genius boy" by his neighbors.

His writing skills are profound, as if he has inherited the mantle of his parents, and he is the bright pearl of the family. Sister Liang Huan followed in the footsteps of her eldest brother and also showed good talent. Her writing is outstanding, and she has become a well-known talented girl at a young age, which makes her parents feel very gratified.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

However, Liang Tian, who is sandwiched between his brother and sister, seems a little out of place. His academic performance is mediocre, and in this family that pays attention to literary literacy, he seems to have become a "reverse scale".

Liang Tian has a lively personality and has a strong interest in music and art. When his family was quietly creating, he often tinkered with musical instruments in the room, making bursts of noise, which made Liang Zuo and Liang Huan quite dissatisfied.

Liang Tian's difference made his parents worried. They hope that all three children will be able to make achievements in the field of literature and inherit their mantle. However, Liang Tian seems to have no interest in this, and his dream is to become a household name actor.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

In this talented family, Liang Tian felt out of place. He often looked at the backs of his brothers and sisters, and his heart was full of contradictions and struggles. He longs for his parents' approval, but he is unwilling to give up on his dreams.

This inner conflict has become an important factor in shaping Liang Tian's unique character, and it has also laid the groundwork for his future life choices. In order to change Liang Tian's "stinky problem", his parents decided to send him to the army for training.

When he learned the news, a glimmer of hope ignited in Liang Tian's heart, because he had always cherished a dream of being a soldier. However, reality soon hit him in the face. When Liang Tian stood at the gate of the barracks and learned that he needed to take the written test, his face instantly turned pale.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

At that moment, he was full of remorse, and silently blamed himself in his heart: why didn't he study hard? As expected, Liang Tian was assigned to the cooking class. Fate always likes to play jokes with people.

After spending some time in the cooking class, Liang Tian was transferred to the propaganda team. It was here that he met Feng Xiaogang, who would later become a famous director. The two hit it off at first sight and soon became good brothers who talked about everything.

During his days in the army, Liang Tian began to slowly find his direction. After demobilization, Liang Tian returned to an ordinary life. His parents found him a job in the Writers' Guild's Outreach Department, hoping that he would settle down.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

However, the days of serving tea, pouring water, and cleaning every day made Liang Tian feel extremely boring. Deep in his heart, he still burns with his love for acting. Finally, Liang Tian made up his mind to resign and resolutely broke into the entertainment industry.

At first, he was just an ordinary field worker, still serving tea and pouring water. But Liang Tian was not discouraged, he cherished every opportunity to contact actors, observed attentively, and studied silently.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. One day, one of the crew's actors was suddenly absent, and the director urgently needed a replacement. His eyes fell on Liang Tian: "Whoever it is, it's you, yes, it's you, play a monkey in two days."

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

Liang Tian was so excited that he immediately took a taxi to the zoo and observed the monkey park for a whole afternoon. He threw himself into this small role, hoping to be a blockbuster.

However, reality once again gave him a blow in the face - all the footage was cut. Despite this, Liang Tian did not give up on his dream. He continued to work hard and finally got an important role in "Two Sons Open a Shop".

Subsequently, he played the role of "Jia Zhixin" in "I Love My Home", which made him famous in one fell swoop and officially stepped into the door of the entertainment industry. Liang Tian's success was not easy to come by.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

With his perseverance and hard work, he proved that even if he is not the best child in the family, he can shine in the field he loves. In the crew of "I Love My Home", Liang Tian established a deep friendship with Song Dandan and Yingda.

The three of them get along day and night, like family. However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly, and a complex emotional entanglement quietly unfolds. One day, Liang Tian's sister Liang Huan came to the crew to visit the class.

It was originally just an ordinary family visit, but it unexpectedly became the fuse of a relationship. Liang Huan and Yingda hit it off at first sight, and the two quickly fell in love. However, this relationship was based on betrayal - Yingda was still Song Dandan's husband at the time.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

After learning the news, Liang Tian was furious. He scolded his sister: "Aren't you being a junior? Say love so noblely? You are shameless, and our Liang family is shameless? How can I, Liang Tian, have such a sister as you.

Liang Tian's words were full of disappointment and anger, and he couldn't accept the fact that his sister had become a "third party". After the other members of the Liang family learned of this, they also persuaded Liang Huan bitterly.

However, Liang Huan, who is immersed in love, ignores the advice of his family. She insisted on her choice, ignoring the harm the relationship could cause to others. Looking at Song Dandan's painful appearance, Liang Tian's heart was full of guilt.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

Although the main responsibility for this matter is not on him, after all, Liang Huan is his own sister. He felt that he had no shame to face Song Dandan, and began to avoid her intentionally or unintentionally.

However, Song Dandan showed admirable generosity. In a chance encounter, she calmly said to Liang Tian: "It's okay, you are you, we are still us, don't be unfamiliar with other things."

These words made Liang Tian both moved and ashamed, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. In the end, Song Dandan and Yingda's marriage came to an end, and Yingda and Liang Huan formed a new family. This emotional turmoil left deep scars on everyone, especially Liang Tian, who was sandwiched between family and friendship and felt extremely tormented.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

This experience made Liang Tian deeply realize the importance of adhering to principles in the face of the conflict between family affection and morality. He began to re-examine his values and gain a new appreciation for his relationships with family and friends.

Although the turmoil subsided, its impact was deeply imprinted in Liang Tian's heart, and became an important factor affecting his behavior and decision-making in the future. May 19, 2001 is a day that the Liang family will always remember.

Liang Tian's eldest brother, Liang Zuo, had a heart attack and left this world forever. This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and the Liang family was instantly shrouded in a haze of sadness. Liang Zuo has always been the pride of his family, talented and promising.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

His departure is not only a loss for his family, but also a regret for the literary world. The white-haired man sent the black-haired man, and the Liang family's parents were devastated, and it was difficult to accept this cruel reality for a while. However, fate does not seem to intend to give the family a respite.

In less than a month, Liang's father also passed away. In just two months, Liang Tian lost two of his loved ones, and this double blow made him almost collapse. In the face of sudden changes, Liang Tian endured his grief and stepped forward to support the whole family.

He watched his mother grow much older overnight, and his heart became more determined to take on the burden of the family. While sorting through the belongings of his father and brother, Liang Tian accidentally found an IOU.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

He froze in place, unable to believe his eyes—the amount owed was millions of dollars. Liang Tian was puzzled and didn't understand why his brother owed such a huge debt.

After some investigation, Liang Tian finally learned the truth: it turned out to be a huge amount of money borrowed by his brother during the filming of the TV series. This discovery puts Liang Tian in a dilemma: on the one hand, his brother has passed away, leaving behind a 16-year-old daughter; On the other hand, how to repay such a huge debt has become a thorny problem.

Liang Tian knew that his brother had been upright all his life, and he was unwilling to let any stain tarnish his reputation. After much deliberation, he decided to take on the debt and use his own efforts to preserve his brother's reputation.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

This decision undoubtedly put tremendous pressure on Liang Tian, but he did not back down. In the face of the test of life and responsibility, Liang Tian showed extraordinary courage and responsibility, demonstrating his character and courage.

Faced with the huge debt left by his brother, Liang Tian decided to raise money by selling the works on Liang Zuo's computer. The idea stemmed from a small talk between the brothers, and Liang Tian remembers his brother mentioning the value of these works.

However, just as Liang Tian was about to take action, a shocking news came - Yingda took advantage of everyone's grief and stole Liang Zuo's computer. After hearing the news, Liang Tian immediately found Yingda, hoping to retrieve his brother's relics.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

However, Yingda's reaction surprised everyone. He arrogantly claimed: "The script was written by us together, we can't just sell it like this, how the money will be divided, we must make it clear."

These words were like a heavy punch, hitting Liang Tian's heart hard. Yingda's behavior is undoubtedly disrespectful to the deceased, and it is also a betrayal of the Liang family. You know, it stands to reason that Yingda should be honored as Liang Zuo's "uncle".

At the moment when the Liang family encountered such a predicament, not only did he not help, but he was still calculating benefits, which was despicable. What's even more chilling is that the reason why Yingda was able to succeed is probably because Liang Huan played a role in it.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

The choice of family affection and love exposes the ugliest side of human nature. In the face of such a betrayal, Liang Tian's heart was like a knife. However, he was not carried away by the anger.

Out of respect for his brother and a sense of responsibility for his family, Liang Tian finally decided to take on this huge debt alone. When Liang Tian's wife learned of this, she did not complain in the slightest, but fully supported her husband's decision.

She believes that this is exactly the responsibility that a man should have. The husband and wife worked together and began the arduous road of repaying their debts. This incident gave Liang Tian a new understanding of the character of Yingda and his sister Liang Huan.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

He was deeply disappointed, but not complained. On the contrary, this experience strengthened Liang Tian's moral beliefs and made him cherish those who treat him with sincerity even more. Liang Tian proved with practical actions that even in the most difficult moments, insisting on integrity and responsibility is still the most important life creed to follow.

This persistence not only maintained his brother's reputation, but also demonstrated Liang Tian's character. After experiencing family changes and Yingda's betrayal, Liang Tian's three views became more firm. He showed his position and principles with practical actions, the most notable of which was his refusal to attend the wedding of his sister Liang Huan.

The decision was undoubtedly difficult. As an older brother, it was heart-wrenching not to attend his sister's wedding. However, Liang Tian knew that this marriage was built on betrayal and hurt, and he could not agree with it, let alone bless it.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

This decision is an expression of his deep apology to Song Dandan, and it is also an explanation of his conscience. In contrast, the friendship between Liang Tian and Song Dandan has become deeper and deeper. Although he felt guilty about his sister and Yingda's affairs, Song Dandan's tolerance and understanding made the relationship between the two stronger.

To this day, Liang Tian and Song Dandan are still friends who talk about everything, and their friendship has transcended family disputes and become precious treasures in each other's lives. Liang Tian has always stood on Song Dandan's side, not only out of sympathy for her suffering, but also because he appreciates Song Dandan's personality.

Compared with his sister Liang Huan, Liang Tian agrees more with Song Dandan's character and way of doing things. In these experiences, Liang Tian has demonstrated exceptional emotional intelligence and integrity. He may not have an outstanding appearance, but his inner qualities are extraordinarily dazzling.

Actor Liang Tian: After the death of the eldest brother, I saw Yingda clearly, and I didn't attend my sister's wedding, I'm sorry Song Dandan

As someone commented, Liang Tian is a representative of "sobriety in the world", and his behavior is worthy of praise and emulation.

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