
On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

author:Ling Ling Qi Entertainment
On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

At the award ceremony of the Shanghai Magnolia Awards, Liu Yifei's appearance became the focus of the night. As one of the leading actors in "The Story of Rose", she won the image ambassador award, which was presented by Tong Dawei, the "elder brother" in the play. Liu Yifei's stunning appearance became the focus of the night. Wearing a sexy low-cut evening dress, Liu Yifei showed an enviable "round and jade" figure, which formed a clear contrast with her best friend Wan Qian in the play next to her.

At the ceremony, Tong Dawei stood on the stage early as the guest of honor and presented the image ambassador award to Liu Yifei. The warmth and emotion of this moment infected everyone present, and the audience couldn't help but express their opinions.

"Liu Yifei is really beautiful! That figure is simply enviable. ”

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

"Tong Dawei and Liu Yifei acted so well in "The Story of Rose", and their feelings were sincere."

"Wan Qian sat next to Liu Yifei, the difference between the temperaments of the two is so big, but they are both beautiful."

Chen Xiao's appearance as an award presenter has also become a hot topic. His bald head has not only become the focus of discussion among netizens, but also has been appreciated and concerned for his gentlemanly behavior of intimately lifting the skirt for Liu Yifei on the stage.

"Chen Xiao's bald head is really eye-catching, but the scene where he lifted the skirt for Liu Yifei was too heartwarming."

"Liu Yifei's low-cut evening dress is really bold, but she is really beautiful to wear."

"I was moved by the interaction between Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei on the stage, this scene is like a scene in "The Story of Roses".

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

The audience's evaluation of Liu Yifei's figure is also a variety of praise:

"Her figure is really 'round and jade', she is simply born beautiful."

"Now there are too many skinny beauties in the entertainment industry, and Liu Yifei's healthy beauty is really fresh and refined."

"Her confidence and generosity are her greatest charm, not only in the play, but also in reality."

Liu Yifei, with her natural and healthy beauty image, has become a topic of conversation on the scene and on the Internet. Netizens have discussed the award ceremony on social media:

"Seeing Liu Yifei so beautiful, I suddenly had a new understanding of 'pearl round and jade run'."

"Her outfit is really fashionable, it's a goddess."

"Chen Xiao's gentlemanly demeanor is really heartwarming."

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

At the ceremony, the contrast between Liu Yifei and her best friend Wan Qian in the play was particularly significant. Wan Qian wore a simple and elegant dress, which contrasted sharply with Liu Yifei's bold low-cut design, which made the audience pay attention. Netizens also couldn't help but share their feelings and opinions on the scene on social media.

"Liu Yifei's figure is really good, and she is completely a model of 'round and jade'."

"Her natural beauty is really a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry."

"Although Wan Qian has an outstanding temperament, standing next to Liu Yifei, the gap is so big."

"Liu Yifei's confidence and generosity are simply goddesses."

In the award process, Liu Yifei won the image ambassador award, and Tong Dawei presented her with the award as a guest of honor. Tong Dawei's humor and Liu Yifei's dignified atmosphere formed a harmonious atmosphere on the stage and moved the audience.

"Seeing the interaction between Tong Dawei and Liu Yifei is really heartwarming."

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

"Their acting skills in "The Story of Rose" are so good, this tacit understanding is still rare."

Chen Xiao's appearance as another award presenter also attracted a lot of attention. The image of his bald head is very eye-catching on the stage and has become one of the hot topics among netizens.

"Chen Xiao's bald head looks so individual, it's very conspicuous."

"The scene where he brought up the skirt for Liu Yifei was too gentlemanly, and he felt that he really cared about her."

"Although Liu Yifei's evening dress is bold, she wears a different beauty."

Liu Yifei's appearance not only attracted attention because of her awards and acting skills, but also attracted the attention of many audiences because of her confidence and healthy beauty. Netizens have shared praise and attention to her image on social media:

"When I saw Liu Yifei, I suddenly had a new definition of 'pearl round and jade run'."

"Her outfit is really fashionable, it's just a modern goddess."

"This natural beauty is really refreshing, unpretentious, unassuming."

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

Liu Yifei became one of the focuses of the evening with her fresh and natural beauty image at the award ceremony. Her demeanor and temperament won praise from the audience, and also made netizens discuss it on the Internet. Her outstanding performance and confident attitude undoubtedly left a deep impression on the audience and became a beautiful landscape in the entertainment industry.

In this unexpected and heartwarming moment, the audience applauded Liu Yifei's sudden performance. She wore a sexy low-cut evening gown, with a tall figure and a thin belt around her waist that framed her perfect curves, like a modern fairy who had stepped out of a fairy tale.

At the awards ceremony, Liu Yifei's appearance undoubtedly became the most eye-catching focus of the night. Her figure full of health and beauty is in stark contrast to the "bony beauty" that is popular in the current entertainment industry, which makes people feel excited. This natural and unpretentious beauty deeply touched the audience and sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

"Liu Yifei is so beautiful! Her figure is really enviable! The comments of netizen "Xiao Lili" quickly ignited discussions on social media. "Today's celebrities are all skinny and beautiful, and after watching Liu Yifei, I know what it means to be 'round and jade'." Her words reflect the views of most people, and everyone is amazed by this healthy and confident figure.

When Liu Yifei walked on the stage and accepted the award as an image ambassador, the audience cheered not only because of her acting skills, but also because of her beauty and temperament. When she and her best friend Wan Qian in the play sat together, the two formed a stark contrast. "Seeing the two of them sitting together, Liu Yifei's figure is really 'out of the circle'!" The comment of netizen "movie fan Xiao Liu" caused a round of applause because he said what most people wanted.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

In an effortless way, Liu Yifei demonstrates her confidence and natural beauty. She is not bothered by the constraints of the current aesthetics, on the contrary, the innate charm she exudes makes people feel a different kind of beauty. "She's a 'fairy sister', not a cover!" The speech of netizen "Fan Xiao Wang" quickly resonated with others.

In "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei is not only a powerful actor, she is also a symbol of health and beauty. Those shots of her in the pool let people see her elastic skin and tight lines.

"She is the spokesperson of 'Zhu Yuan Yurun'!" The comments of netizen "Film and Television Fan Ajie" profoundly expressed their recognition of Liu Yifei's image.

The audience applauded this sudden and heartwarming moment, as if they had witnessed the sincere emotions between the characters in "The Story of Rose". Liu Yifei shows her healthy and beautiful figure, which is in stark contrast to the popular "bony beauty" in the current entertainment industry, and her self-confidence and natural beauty are deeply loved by fans, and she deserves the title of "fairy sister".

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei, who has a "big waist and a round waist", gave a vivid lesson to the aesthetics of domestic entertainment

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