
The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

author:Xiaomei told you

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other time in the "inner ghost", in that treacherous era, a seemingly ordinary National Day actually hid such a thrilling conspiracy, an assassination conspiracy against Ye Jianying, secretary of the South China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, almost detonated a huge disaster in the bustling city of Guangzhou. Fortunately, two primary school students inadvertently planted willows and picked up a time bomb buried under the National Day archway. Let's walk into this little-known history and see how those spies tried to commit murder back then, and how they fell into the crazy counterattack of the public security officers step by step?

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

Guangzhou in 1950 was filled with a festive atmosphere. To celebrate the first anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the city government built a huge archway in the middle of Weixin Road, which was filled with lanterns and colorful lanterns, and covered with bright flowers. The huge portrait of Chairman Mao is hung high above the archway, and the pedestrians on the street come and go, bustling, and the scene is very lively.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

Behind this dazzling scene of fire, a Kuomintang agent named Qu Jinhan is preparing to carry out a heinous assassination plot on this day of celebration. It turned out that as early as a few months ago, this guy was sent back to the mainland by Taiwan's "remnants of the Kuomintang" to carry out a mission to assassinate Ye Jianying, secretary of the South China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, during the National Day.

On September 27, Qu Jinhan received two time bombs delivered by an insider who identified himself as "Liao Xin" at the Chengzhu Teahouse, as agreed in advance. This guy was told by the spy chiefs that Ye Jianying would inspect the National Day Archway on Weixin Road at 8 p.m. on October 1, and his task was to plant explosive devices there to get rid of this stubborn communist once and for all.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

In this way, on October 1, when ordinary citizens were still celebrating the festival, Qu Jinhan secretly buried a time bomb in the flowers under the archway. He then fled quickly in order to await the tragedy of the explosion that night.

Who knows that good things are grinding, and fate often favors young people who are stupid and brave. At around 4 p.m., two naughty elementary school students, Zhang Rongji and Ye Yongxiong, were playing under the archway when they accidentally discovered the time bomb. In accordance with the school's instructions, they did not hesitate to hand over the frightened paper bag to a police officer.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

The next scene that happened really made people's hairs stand on end! It turned out that the bomb was detonated at 8 o'clock in the evening, when Ye Jianying arrived. If it hadn't been discovered by two children, it would have been an irreparable tragedy. Due to the children's gold collection, this sinister conspiracy was dissolved, and Ye Jianying, an old revolutionary, also escaped a catastrophe.

After the conspiracy was dismantled, the public security officers quickly launched an investigation and uncovered all the clues of the conspiracy little by little. It turned out that Qu Jinhan was only a small activist in the Taiwan authorities' "Spring Ploughing Operation", and the main messenger behind the scenes was Chiang Ching-kuo, the son of Chiang Kai-shek! In order to set off the clarion call for a so-called "counteroffensive" in Guangdong, they specially set up an underground spy organization, the "Guangdong Working Group for Action Behind Enemy Lines," in an attempt to create chaos and sabotage in this hot land.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

After the unremitting efforts of the public security officers, Qu Jinhan was soon arrested and more accomplices were exposed. By 3 November, the Guangdong public security organs had closed the net in one fell swoop and wiped out the entire "spring ploughing operation." In this way, a conspiracy against the Communists was completely smashed, and the broad masses of the people were spared a catastrophe.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

Of course, the investigation of this huge conspiracy is also due to the innocent and flawless conduct of the two children. At the subsequent National Day Security Celebration and Commendation Meeting, Zhang Rongji and Ye Yongxiong were commended by the public security organs, and the mayor personally presented them with honorary medals in recognition of their spirit of collecting gold.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

Looking back on this period of history, it is full of emotion. On the one hand, we see the wolf ambitions of the remnants of the Kuomintang, who are murderous and want to cause trouble in the peaceful years of New China at all costs. On the other hand, we also see the power of the noble character of ordinary people, even two young children, who can stand up and defuse a catastrophe.

The spy assassinated Ye Jianying twice: once in the hands of primary school students, and the other in the "inner ghost"

As the saying goes, "Misfortune descends from the sky, and blessing comes from the hands of man". The conspirators' sneaky plans will fail, and the simple virtues of the masses will be passed on forever. Let's learn from the glorious virtues of the two little heroes and try our best to defend the tranquility of the era of peace! Only in this way will our lives be sunny and the future of the motherland will always be bright. #头条首发大赛#