
At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

author:Xiaomei told you

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, Deng Xiaoping: Let him go, although more than 70 years have passed since the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the heroic deeds of those years are still unforgettable. In this battle of blood and fire, the performance of one deputy commander of the column was particularly eye-catching. He not only captured Huang Wei, the commander of the enemy's 12th Corps, alive, and made great achievements, but also became furious because of a joking joke at the celebration banquet, and actually overturned the wine table on the spot, which really stunned the soldiers present! What is unthinkable is that Deng Xiaoping smiled slightly and treated indifferently in the face of such "arrogant" behavior. What kind of "fiery" personality made him dare to blaspheme like this?

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

Speaking of the deputy commander of the column, he is the hero Liu Changyi! This guy has been very good since he was a child, working hard all the way from a small guerrilla, and eventually became a member of the New Fourth Army. From Xu Xiangqian, who began to accept the influence, to later directly worshiped Chen Geng and other predecessors as teachers, this is enough to learn the heroic and fearless style!

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

You see that he is this style on the battlefield, always charging into battle and taking the lead. In the Battle of Xuanda in 1933, he was beaten into a "seriously wounded" by a shell, lying on the edge of the trench with blood on his face. Unexpectedly, the comrades of the organization desperately saved him, and let him pounce on the old guy of Hades.

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

In the future, Liu Changyi was even more dominant, you see, in 1947, even Wang Shusheng told him that the Dabie Mountain base area in the future will rely on you to support the field. This guy didn't say a word, and with those 1,000 men and horses, he fought his way out, stood out from the enemy's heavy encirclement, and re-established his base in a corner of Dabie Mountain. Next, his troops were unstoppable, and they simply knocked down the enemy's important strongholds one by one and strengthened their own strength. In the eventful years, their self-defense army finally joined forces with the main forces of Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, and became a sharp blade to defeat the enemy.

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

Liu Changyi also showed his skills in this battle, and he was the main commander in the battle of Suxian, annihilating more than 10,000 defenders in one fell swoop and seizing countless weapons and ammunition. Huang Wei, the commander of the 12th Corps of the enemy, captured alive The combat exploits were even more brilliant, and in the end, no one would have imagined that this kid would come up with such a "cunning" idea, and asked for an extra 500 catties of meat to feed the muscles and bones of the soldiers, so that there was the scene of flipping the table at the celebration banquet later!

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

I have to say that Liu Changyi, the old and strong "living Zhang Fei", is really interesting. He is fierce and abnormal on the battlefield, and his blood is boiling and unquellable, but once he gets off the battlefield, he is dressed as a simple and honest old peasant, and you can't imagine that this is the person who just killed and ruthlessly when you see him again. At the battle celebration banquet that year, Deng Xiaoping watched him overturn the wine table and get angry, and couldn't help but laugh dumbly, this kid's hot temper is too much like a naughty child. No wonder Deng Xiaoping didn't care at the time, he just smiled, knowing in his heart that this buddy's temper had risen, so he let him dissipate his anger, and he would come back to make amends for his sins in a while.

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

Liu Changyi's experience of "living Zhang Fei" is indeed legendary, he fought all the way out of the encirclement in that era with his hot-blooded temper and extraordinary bravery, and fought with death several times, and finally made great achievements. Even at the celebration banquet after the end of the war, he failed to completely restrain his bold and heroic spirit, and even overturned the wine table in public to demonstrate.

At the celebration banquet of the Huaihai Campaign in 1949, the deputy commander of the column overturned the wine table on the spot, and Deng Xiaoping: Let him go

Fortunately, the wise leader Deng Xiaoping was broad and calm, so that this scene did not cause a greater conflict. With such a brave deputy commander of the column guarding the great cause of the revolution, the flower of victory in our war years was able to bloom with a splendid fragrance. Liu Changyi, the "disciple of Whampoa who does not teach but learns well", has written the chapter of the revolutionary era with his hard-boned spirit, which is worthy #头条首发大赛of being remembered by our descendants forever! #