
In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

author:Xiaomei told you

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and saw that Deng Hua was not in the audience: inviting the old chief to the stage, there are always countless heroic deeds that can be sung and cried in the smoke of war, and those revolutionary pioneers who fought bloodily used their lives and blood to create the glory of New China. However, in that turbulent era, in addition to the rain of bullets, there were many little-known small stories. Today, let's walk into that bloody era together to explore an interesting episode that happened between Qin Jiwei and Deng Hua. Back then, this "iron-striking man" Deng Hua was arranged to sit in an inconspicuous corner at an important meeting, which made Qin Jiwei, a famous general, dissatisfied.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

Comrade Qin Jiwei, this is a great old general. He has been familiar with guns since he was a child, and at a young age he participated in the anti-"encirclement and suppression" in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region, the anti-"encirclement and suppression" in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Region, and the famous Long March. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Qin Jiwei commanded the famous Battle of Shangganling, which caused the enemy's soul to scatter and became famous. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, this iron-blooded general successively held important posts such as deputy commander of the Yunnan Military Region and commander of the Chengdu Military Region.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

Comrade Deng Hua was also a respected veteran revolutionary, and Chairman Mao personally gave him the nickname "the man who strikes iron." Comrade Deng Hua, who has been alert and brave since he was a child, joined the Communist Party in 1927, and later followed Zhu De and Chen Yi to participate in the famous Southern Hunan Uprising, fighting all the way to Yan'an. During the entire revolutionary period, Comrade Deng Hua made great contributions to the anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign in the Central Soviet Region, the Battle of Zhiluozhen, the Eastern Expedition, the Western Expedition, or the famous Pingxingguan and Hundred Regiment Battles. It can be said that he was the mainstay of the revolutionary war.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

Fast forward to 1950, and the war on the Korean battlefield was renewed. In the face of a strong enemy, Comrade Deng Hua was even more promising, and his command was impressive. In the Battle of Shangganling, he fought side by side with Comrade Qin Jiwei, formulated exquisite tunnel tactics, and finally won this cruel battle. I have calculated that in the battle of Shangganling alone, Comrade Deng Hua commanded our army to destroy more than 27,000 enemy troops, which shows that his command is determined.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

Okay, with all that said, let's go back to the main line of the story. That year, Comrade Qin Jiwei attended an important meeting. Who knows, when he saw that Comrade Deng Hua was arranged in an inconspicuous corner, he became angry. As compatriots, how can they be treated so differently? Comrade Qin Jiwei didn't say a word, and immediately stepped forward to invite Comrade Deng Hua to sit on the rostrum.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

At this moment, there was an uproar in the audience. In that era of strict hierarchies, it was too out of place for a general to defend an ordinary cadre like this, right? However, for Comrade Qin Jiwei, the most important thing in the revolutionary era was to work with one fist, and everyone was striving for the same goal.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

Seeing Comrade Qin Jiwei's righteous words, the audience was solemn and silent. In the end, Comrade Deng Hua was invited to sit on the rostrum, and Comrade Qin Jiwei was also very happy. This small episode reflects the friendship between revolutionaries in that era, and also reflects Comrade Qin Jiwei's character of advocating equality and cherishing friendship.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

After reading this little story, I believe everyone has a deeper understanding of Qin Jiwei and Deng Hua, the two founding generals. In the smoke of war, they wrote heroic chapters with their blood and lives, and contributed their youth to the rise of New China. And in that difficult era, the friendship between them was as pure and touching as this little episode showed. This kind of revolutionary friendship of sharing weal and woe is precisely the powerful force that supports them to go forward without fear of difficulties.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei held a meeting, and when he saw Deng Hua in the audience, he felt uncomfortable: invite the old chief to come to the stage

Looking back on this period of the past today, it not only gives us a better understanding of that magnificent era, but also makes us reflect on the preciousness of friendship and the importance of equality. I hope that each of us can cherish friendship and respect each other like Qin Jiwei and Deng Hua on the road of life in the future, which is not only a tribute to the great people, but also a promotion of good qualities. #头条首发大赛#

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