
In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

author:Xiaomei told you

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and after Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come, in the turbulent era of the late 40s of the last century, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was full of gunsmoke, and the contradictions between the two sides intensified. In 1949, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) rapidly advanced after joining forces in Zunyi, conquering important cities and cities, and finally driving the Kuomintang government to Taiwan. In this life-and-death struggle, both sides are trying to get rid of each other's leaders by all means, and assassination has become a common practice. Chiang Kai-shek ordered the assassination of Chen Yi twice, both of which ended in failure. In the end, he personally assigned the "special killer" Liu Quande to Shanghai to assassinate, and said in a firm tone, "Only Liu Quande can solve Chen Yi." These words give people a feeling that Chiang Kai-shek has no fear of Liu Quande, so where did Liu Quande come from?

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

Accompanied by the smoke of the rain of bullets, the faces of war full of hideous ones came into view. In the second half of 1949, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party entered a white-hot stage. Just as the Kuomintang was despondent, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) grew rapidly and soon captured Shanghai, Asia's largest metropolis. Chen Yi was appointed mayor of Shanghai, responsible for coordinating the overall situation and restoring production order.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

As soon as Chen Yi took office, he received a threatening letter from Chiang Kai-shek's spies. There was nothing in the envelope except a bullet that glistened coldly. Seeing this, Chen Yi just discarded it disapplausively, apparently turning a blind eye to this low-level threat. For Chen Lao, who once fought his way out of the encirclement in the bloody rain, how could a small bullet be difficult to stop him? This fearless spirit also made the staff around him extremely admired.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

In order to create trouble for Chen Yi, he sent spies to assassinate him twice, seeking to get rid of his fierce enemies in one fell swoop. It's a pity that they all ended in failure and were reprimanded by Mao Renfeng. Chiang Kai-shek finally personally issued a secret order to assassinate Chen Yi, and selected a "special killer" out of the mountain - Liu Quande.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

Speaking of Liu Quande, he is indeed extraordinary. Born in Jiangxi in 1913, he joined the Red Army at an early age and later became an underground worker of the party. It is a pity that in 1935, he was arrested by the Kuomintang military commander in Wuchang, and he could not withstand the torture, so he betrayed the party's ideals and took refuge in the enemy, and was regarded as an important confidant by Dai Li and others. Liu Quande was good at marksmanship, carried out assassination missions many times, and was an expert, so Chiang Kai-shek paid special attention to him.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

Following Chiang Kai-shek's order, Liu Quande and his entourage left Taiwan by boat, and after meeting Huang Bamei in Zhoushan, they secretly infiltrated the mainland on November 1, 1949. Although the route has long been exposed, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau is still determined to wipe out these assassins. After a difficult arrest, the public security officers finally found clues and locked down Liu Quande's possible hiding place.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

On November 8, the spy Lu Zhongda met the "prey" Liu Quande, who seemed to talk casually, but was actually testing the other party. Although Lu Zhongda was ultimately unable to detain him, it also gave the public security department confidence. A few days later, another spy, Gao Jiyun, came to the house of his old friend Shi Xiaofeng according to intelligence, but he didn't expect to really bump into Liu Quande who was hiding here.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

In the turbid current of force and struggle, assassination plots on both sides have occurred one after another, which seems to be brutal, but it also demonstrates the determination of both sides to fight unquenched. In the end, Liu Quande and his others were all arrested, and the assassination plan was put to an end. The enemy's stupid plot is doomed to eternal justice, and the people's soldiers will eventually dominate the country.

In 1949, guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi received a secret report: Let him come

This magnificent period of history has once again confirmed an eternal truth: the power of the people is infinite. Whether it is Liu Quande, the "special killer" under Chiang Kai-shek, or the conspiracy and trickery of his wolf ambitions, in the face of the righteous forces of the people, they will eventually be wiped out. As the saying goes, "who prays for the grasshopper shaking the tree, the white waves are monstrous, and they dare not sell". Our party went through that baptism of blood and fire, and in the end it defended the interests of the people and established New China. This is not only a manifestation of strength, but also a firm and promotion of ideals and beliefs. Let us unite closely under the banner of the party and jointly defend the prosperity and strength of the country and the well-being of the people#头条首发大赛! #