
As for the origin of the claim that Tian Jiaying died by shooting, and why this claim is false

author:Xiaomei told you

In this world, there are still many erroneous remarks that we need to purge urging, especially some statements that involve history. Unfounded conspiracy theories and slander will not only cause harm to the person concerned and his family, but also be a great disrespect to the deceased. As the saying goes, "live to be old, learn to be old", and we have the responsibility to expose the essence of rumors and restore history to its original face. Today, let's talk about some rumors about Tian Jiaying's death, it is said that he did not commit suicide, but was shot and killed?

As for the origin of the claim that Tian Jiaying died by shooting, and why this claim is false

Tian Jiaying, this name may be unfamiliar to most people, but he was once one of the closest assistants of the great man. On May 23, 1966, this 44-year-old intellectual committed suicide by hanging himself from a beam and died unjustly, which made people sigh.

However, in recent years, there have been various strange theories about the cause of Tian Jiaying's death, the most popular of which is the statement that "he did not commit suicide, but was shot". Some people claim that the archives of the Organization Department, the archives of the Archives Bureau, and the archives of the Central Committee Office record this inside story, and they are sure that Tian Jiaying was shot and killed.

As for the origin of the claim that Tian Jiaying died by shooting, and why this claim is false

Those so-called "internal files", numbered in a haphazard and inconsistent manner, are obviously non-existent. They invariably referred to a "salvage talk" and said that there had been a shooting incident while Mr. Tian was being talked. But in fact, An Ziwen, Wang Li, and Qi Benyu, who came to the door on May 22, 1966, only announced the dismissal and transfer of Tian Jiaying, and there was no so-called "rescue" intention.

That night, Qi Benyu also made a tough phone call and asked Tian Jiaying to sign. This was undoubtedly the last straw that crushed this upright intellectual. Tian Jiaying hung up the phone angrily and bluntly told his wife Dong Bian not to sign.

According to Qi Benyu's later statement, it was Tian Jiaying who took the initiative to call him that night and asked him to go over to get the documents. However, after verification by Wang Fan and others, including Dong Bian, Tian Jiaying's secretary Xiao Xianxian, Wang Miaoqiong and other parties, they did not remember that Qi Benyu had visited Tian Jiaying's residence that night.

As for the origin of the claim that Tian Jiaying died by shooting, and why this claim is false

It is not difficult for us to see that the so-called "shooting theory" is completely false and fabricated. At noon on May 23, 1966, Chen Yiguo found Tian Jiaying dead in the library, and there were no traces of gunshot wounds on his body.

You must know that Tian Jiaying is an honest and reliable scholar with firm ethics. "Soldiers can be killed, not humiliated" was his belief before his death, and the unfair treatment undoubtedly made him resentful. And his last words that "there will be evil retribution for the wicked" also revealed his helplessness and anger at fate.

Tian Jiaying worked tirelessly to build that library for the great man all his life, and the relationship between the two as teachers and friends is admirable. In the face of many grievances, he finally chose to commit suicide by hanging a beam, which is very regrettable. There is no reason why we should not respect the truth of history, let alone hastily believe those groundless rumors.

As for the origin of the claim that Tian Jiaying died by shooting, and why this claim is false

Rumors stop at the wise, and rumors will naturally be self-defeating. History should be recorded truthfully, and it is human to show respect for the deceased. The grievances experienced by Tian Jiaying are certainly suffocating, but we should reflect on them so that such tragedies will not be repeated.

As for the origin of the claim that Tian Jiaying died by shooting, and why this claim is false

At the same time, let us spurn those who spread rumors and slanders, who have not only insulted the deceased, but also tarnished the true face of history. Skepticism is valuable, but blindly believing rumors betrays a lack of independent thinking.

We should have the courage to face the cruelty of history, but also have the wisdom and courage to expose the nature of the lie and do justice to the deceased. Only in this way will we not go astray and be blinded by rumors. Let us work together to give Tian Jiaying and other wronged people a historical truth and justice#头条首发大赛! #

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