
In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

author:Onigiri says things

The tragic life of a founding general condenses the helplessness and heroism of the hard years of that era. In April 1982, Chen Xilian suffered the pain of losing his son again in the year of Ershun, and this ominous news exploded in his heart like thunder.

Time is merciless, life and death are impermanent. A plane crash took the life of his son Chen Zaiwen in this way. As a veteran soldier who has experienced the smoke of war, Chen Xilian has not seen life and death, but the pain of separation of flesh and bone between parents and children is like a sharp blade, tearing at his heart fiercely. Looking at the mountains, he remembered how many times he had brushed shoulders with death and was thrilling...

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

Despite the pain, the old man still showed tenacious will and admirable tenacity. In the face of the condolences of his superiors, he said sadly: "I am used to seeing life and death in my life, and I will do the work of other people in the family, so that the leaders can rest assured." This sentence moved everyone present. Life is impermanent, sharing honor and disgrace, this is the portrayal of Chen Xilian's life. Those big calloused hands seem to tell a new era paved by a generation with blood and life...

Hearing this tearful story, I believe everyone is deeply impressed by the life process of this old hero. As a founding general who has repeatedly made military exploits and is known as the "contemporary Zhao Zilong", Chen Xilian's life is a living heroic epic.

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

Mr. Chen was born in an ordinary peasant family, joined the Red Army at the age of 14, and began a lifelong career as a horseman. At such a young age, he chose to throw his head and shed his blood for national independence and people's liberation, which shows what a capable, resolute, and tenacious young man he is!

Later, in many battles, Chen Xilian repeatedly made combat achievements, especially the victory in the attack on Yangmingbao on the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve in 1937, which made him famous in one fell swoop, and was rewarded by Chiang Kai-shek with 20,000 yuan of officers, and the army was also known as one of the "four famous regiments of the War of Resistance". This kind of bloody blade brave and fearless performance must have touched many people.

Like other heroes, Chen Xilian's revolutionary career was full of hardships and ups and downs. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, his first wife Li Zhihui passed away forever, leaving the children to depend on Mr. Chen. Later, his son also died, which was undoubtedly a big blow to a man.

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

But during the years of the Revolutionary War, what about the hardships that the heroes endured? For example, Comrade Zhu De lost six children, and Comrade Lin Biao was also widowed at a young age. Therefore, even though Chen Xilian suffered a huge blow, he still carried it tenaciously and did not give up his revolutionary belief for a moment.

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

In Chen Xilian's hometown, we see such a very educational detail: in order to support his family, Chen Xilian had to herd cattle in the landlord's house and do odd jobs at a young age, and the hardships can be imagined. Later, when he wanted to pick up his mother in his old age and come to the city to enjoy his old age, his mother refused because she was used to living in the country. Seeing such a plot, I can't help but think of the sentence: "Jiang Wan is dredging tongs, and the night is curtaining." We should be vigilant and save more elderly people from this kind of poverty and hardship in the new era.

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

During the revolutionary years, Chen Xilian and countless heroes were all like this to help the poor and overcome difficulties, and repeatedly walked through difficulties. In 1942, Old Man Chen met Li Zhihui while studying at Yan'an Kang University, fell in love at first sight and eventually became husband and wife. This rare romantic love is a ray of warm sunshine in those cruel years. It's a pity that fate was unfortunate, and after Li Zhihui died, he left only a 3-year-old child, and Mr. Chen raised the child alone.

In the following years, Chen Xilian remarried Wang Xuanmei, and the two added two more sons, Chen Zaiqiang and Chen Zaiwen. Fortunately, Wang Xuanmei loves Li Zhihui's children very much, and the family is close to each other and happy. This is simply a dream of a happy life for the old man Chen from the countryside.

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

However, the good times did not last long, and the poor Li Zhihui's child finally died, and Mr. Chen suffered the pain of losing his son again. It can be described as a wave of unevenness. In this sad situation, Chen's old son Chen Zaiwen made him very comforted, because this son and his old man were simply carved out of the same mold, and they were surprisingly similar in appearance and personality.

During the 1959 National Day military parade, Chairman Mao saw the father and son walking by, and said in surprise: "This father and son are fired in a kiln." It can be seen that Chen Zaiwen and his father do have a wonderful resemblance.

The biggest misfortune in Chen Xilian's life is to lose his son again in the year of Ershun. That year, when Chen Zaiwen was piloting a military plane on a mission, he accidentally crashed into Gongcheng and suffered an air crash, and died with his crew. When the news reached his ears, Old Man Chen was very sad. In those days, flight accidents happened from time to time, but Chen Xilian was really heartbroken about the sudden death of a relative and his untimely death.

In 1982, Chen Xilian's second son was killed, and the central government sent people to express condolences, and Chen Xilian's words were admirable

However, as an old revolutionary who had experienced the baptism of war, Chen Xilian did not languish in sadness. When someone came to condole and worried that he would not be able to bear the blow, Old Man Chen was unusual, and said calmly: "I am used to seeing life and death in my life, and I will do the work of other people in the family, so that the leaders can rest assured." When everyone at the scene heard these words, they all cast admiring glances, who would have thought that a person who was close to old age could be so calm when he first suffered the pain of losing a child?

This is Chen Xilian, an innate revolutionary hero. He has experienced too many hardships and tribulations in his life, but he has never deviated from the revolutionary road and has always maintained a strong revolutionary fighting spirit and tenacious will. He said: "I am used to seeing life and death in my life", although his words are plain, but they express the heroic spirit of a generation of people who have fought bloodily and gone forward one after another. It is precisely because of countless such revolutionary martyrs that we have a happy life of peace and well-being today.

In general, the legendary life of Chen Xilian, the founding general, vividly demonstrated the indomitable and tenacious will of the revolutionary pioneers of that generation, who used their blood and lives to create New China. Chen Xilian has experienced countless blows from life and death and the death of his relatives, but he has never given up his revolutionary ideals and beliefs. He is like an iron giant who will never fall, and he uses his life to interpret what it means to be a "revolutionary hero".

We are fortunate to live in an era of peace, but we must never forget the hard work of our ancestors. Let us take Chen Xilian as an example, carry forward the revolutionary spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice and treating death as home, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation#头条首发大赛! #