
In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

author:Onigiri says things

"As soon as the army looks at the money, the glory is tarnished." This was the blunt warning of then-Defense Minister Zhang Aiping at a meeting of the Military Commission in the early 90s. General Zhang had personally experienced the difficult years of the revolutionary war years and was deeply worried about the trend of business in the army at that time. However, the tide of reform and opening up is spreading throughout the country, and the armed forces will inevitably be affected. Countless commercial stores marked with military insignia have sprung up, and many troops have completely immersed themselves in the dream of doing business.

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

Looking back at history, since the beginning of its establishment, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has taken "serving the people wholeheartedly" as its fundamental purpose. Since then, the communists and the people's soldiers have always pursued the glorious tradition of working hard and serving the people. Whether it is the Long Bo Army's conquest of Sichuan and Shaanxi, or the Eighth Route Army leaving so many heroic deeds, or the people's soldiers in the war-torn era, they have defended the birth of New China and the peace of their homeland with their blood and lives again and again.

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

However, as soon as the tide of reform and opening up in the 80s came, the wave swept the whole country, and the army was no exception. At that time, the people's yearning for a better life reached a new climax, and the atmosphere of mercenary also spread. There has also been a business boom within the armed forces to support the army. Countless factories, shops, gas stations and other commercial establishments marked with military insignia began to bloom everywhere. In the face of the commercial wave spreading within the army, although the "old master" Zhang Aiping has retired, his alarm bell is still ringing from time to time.

General Zhang made a straightforward statement at the meeting and resolutely opposed the army's strict orders to do business. As a veteran revolutionary who has personally experienced bloody battles, Zhang Aiping truly felt the harm brought to the army when money and power were intertwined. He cited the "Shame of Jingkang" in the history of the Song Dynasty and the storyline in "Water Margin" to illustrate the erosion and scourge of the military's private economy on military morale and military discipline. He justly expounded that once the army is mired in making money and doing business, it will inevitably abandon its own duties and its military discipline will be slack. In the end, even small countries will not be able to resist it, and the foundation of the country will be in jeopardy.

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

Although the past is in the past, Zhang Aiping is not a great success. His original intention was very simple, that is, he did not want the people's army to be polluted by money. As a descendant of the revolution, Zhang Aiping looked at the booming economic situation after the reform and opening up, and was both happy and worried. He was glad that the national strength of New China was scaling to a new height, but at the same time he was worried that the glorious traditions of the army would be dusted. "Money doesn't matter if it's good or bad, but when it comes to money, people are good or bad." Zhang Lao doesn't want us to lose our reason and faith and become insensitive in the face of money.

Just when Zhang Aiping sounded the alarm again and again, the army's business army had already expanded its territory and soon swept the whole country. The commercial outlets marked by the military emblem are all over the north and south of the river...

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

When Zhang Aiping saw all this, she was extremely anxious. He knew very well that once the army was completely carried away by money, it would inevitably lose its original intention and stance of being a people's army. So, even though he is in his old age, he still doesn't forget to wake up the young soldiers who are addicted to the business sea from time to time.

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

"Don't get drunk and dream to death!" Zhang Aiping often said to the young soldiers around her, "You are revolutionary soldiers, how can you be bewitched by money?" Have you forgotten the hard years of those years?" Whenever he mentions the past, this veteran general, who has lived and died several times in the flames of war, is always full of infinite emotion and responsibility.

Indeed, from the caves of Yan'an to the Jinggang Mountain, from the Loess Plateau to the snowy border, countless revolutionary pioneers have opened up the future of New China with their blood and lives. Now, has the revolutionary ideal been abandoned and sunk in the pile of money? This heavy revolutionary belief has been deeply imprinted in Zhang Aiping's mind.

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

"As soon as the party's banner is discarded, the bones of the revolution will block the way!" Zhang Aiping said earnestly. He knows very well that if the army is really polluted by money and loses its ideals and beliefs, that is the greatest sorrow. As a result, this old general is like a stubborn rock, no matter how the tide of commerce beats, he is as solid as a rock.

However, Ms. Zhang's appeal has not been heeded by too many people. From Chinese herbal medicine companies to real estate development, from garment production to mining, military emblems can be seen everywhere, and it seems to have been integrated into every corner of society. Some people believe that this is the inevitable result of reform and opening up, and is also the need for the development of the army itself.

In the face of doubts, Zhang Aiping did not flinch. "Reform is necessary, but it cannot be copied from the model of a foreign market economy." He said earnestly: "The national defense science and technology system is the crystallization of history, and the criterion for judging is not market efficiency, but battlefield efficiency." The interests of national security are above all else!"

In 1986, Zhang Aiping angrily denounced the army for doing business: once the army looks at money, the glory will be completely tarnished

Ms. Zhang's fears are well-founded. He had experienced that war-torn era, and he really felt the hard years when the army had no money. In those years, even though there was a repeated shortage of arms and materials, the officers and men still had high morale and were not afraid of life and death. On the other hand, nowadays, blindly chasing money is not a kind of blasphemy against the revolutionary martyrs?

Every National Day, we will see the figure waving the bright five-star red flag in the streets and alleys. This banner that will never fade embodies the blood and dreams of too many revolutionary martyrs. And an old revolutionary like Zhang Aiping is the defender and defender of the banner. He used his life to interpret what it means to be not afraid of difficulties and not forget his original intention.

In the face of the temptation of business after the reform and opening up, he did not hesitate to hold high the banner, showing that the glory of the military will never fade. Today, the peace and well-being we have are precisely defended with the lives of revolutionary ancestors like Zhang Aiping. Let us always remember their exploits, inherit their revolutionary spirit, and defend the glorious traditions of the people's army with concrete actions#头条首发大赛! #