
After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

author:Onigiri says things

I heard that Lao Jiang once issued a marriage ban, which actually caused 600,000 single boys in the national army to suffer? It turned out that these young men followed Lao Jiang to retreat to Taiwan back then, thinking that it was only temporary, but how did they know that in the end, they didn't even have the opportunity to start a family? Lao Jiang's strategy is really terrible! At that time, there was a serious shortage of marriageable women in Taiwan, but Lao Jiang did not allow these young men to get married and have children, isn't this just self-inflicted? I think Lao Jiang is determined to defend his obsession with "counterattacking the mainland", so he made such a ridiculous decision. It's a pity that the boys of the national army back then didn't succeed in the end, but instead lived into a group of singles, which is really regrettable!

Ah, I'm speechless when it comes to this topic. Everyone knows that Lao Chiang could only retreat to Taiwan with 600,000 national troops after the defeat of the Anti-Japanese War. However, not long after these troops settled in Taiwan, Chiang Lao issued a ban stipulating that no brothers in the Nationalist Army under the age of 38 were allowed to marry. Think about it, most of these lads were in their early 20s, what did that mean? They will have to stay up for at least 10 years before they can marry and have children!

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

Lao Jiang did this nothing more than to prevent this "elite" division from being "entangled in housework" and losing its combat effectiveness. He dreamed that one day he would be able to lead an army to counterattack the mainland, so he solved the problem of manpower first. But then again, it's a weird thing. At that time, the population of the island of Taiwan was only about 8 million, and the national army accounted for 600,000, and the number of marriageable women was already stretched. But Lao Jiang just turned a blind eye, just holding his unattainable dream, and turned a blind eye to the lifelong events of these young men.

I see, Lao Jiang must be happy in his heart, counting on these 600,000 "steel soldiers" to use their strength to counterattack the mainland. But time has passed, how can these young men have any interest in counterattacking? Within a few years, everyone saw clearly the ethereal nature of this so-called "counteroffensive". They have no loser prestige, they are just a group of chess pieces abandoned on a desert island by their masters.

So after a long time, these "elites" began to think about it. First of all, someone applied for discharge, after all, it is really boring to be a bachelor for many years. But Lao Jiang just won't give in! He actually wanted to deceive these guys, saying that as long as they retreated for 5 years, they could return to the mainland. I really want to cry when I hear it... Lao Jiang also said that when he returned to the mainland, these guys would be able to marry beautiful girls from the mainland, which was really naïve. You see, these lonely men and widows are already anxious after not seeing a woman for decades, how can they be fooled for a few more years?

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

If the situation wasn't in full swing at that time, Lao Jiang would probably have to be upset by these guys. Later, seeing that words were useless, Lao Jiang had no choice but to come up with a bad idea, that is, to set up a "military paradise" in various places and hire some women to serve as military prostitutes. But if you think about it, the monthly salary of the national army at that time was only 7 yuan, and the cost of a military prostitute was 10 yuan, how could they have that strength? For these poor boys, prostitution is a luxury.

At that time, I was thinking, why can't Lao Jiang see this real problem? He hoped to inspire everyone with his illusory dream of counterattack, but he stubbornly did not solve the most basic needs of these young men. Could it be that they have been beaten for a hundred years, and they will really be able to fight back to the mainland? Alas, how can there be such a leader in this world?

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

It wasn't until the situation stabilized that Lao Jiang realized the seriousness of the problem. But it was too late, and seeing that the morale of the army was gradually declining, he had to relax a little and allow some of the young men to retire from the army and enjoy the blessings. But there are still most people trapped in the army, and they can only watch their companions leave the bachelor class one by one. It is no wonder that some people will have a rebellious mentality and smuggle out to the mainland to visit relatives, although this is undoubtedly dangerous.

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

In such a predicament, these guys from the national army will naturally gradually lose their fighting spirit. Compared with the enthusiasm of the year, now they have little left but a resentment. When many people think of their fate, they hate Lao Jiang to the core. It's a pity, this old man in his twilight years is afraid that he won't be able to listen to it anymore.

What is touching is that in the years that followed, these veterans have been living in military villages all over Taiwan, living a life of poverty and helplessness. I heard that some veterans even went to the sea to do business, but unfortunately most of the results were not ideal. I always think that back then, they may still have the ambition to rebel against the mainland, who would have thought that they would be reduced to such a state now? It's really helpless in life.

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

But then again, although the situation was bleak at the time, fortunately, the situation turned around. At the end of the last century, Taiwan and the mainland realized the "three links," which gave these veterans the opportunity to get in touch with their families. For a time, scenes of old tears can be seen everywhere. After all, whether they can be reunited, but they have been worried about it for decades!

In the years that followed, some lucky people were finally able to return to their hometowns on the mainland and reunite with family and friends. Looking at their gray hair, my heart couldn't help but ache. If it weren't for Lao Jiang's ban back then, how could they miss so much company and time? But the world is impermanent, at least in the last days of life, these old people still have their last wishes.

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

But unfortunately, not all of these veterans have this good luck. It is said that only 10% of the 600,000 people of that year eventually got married and had children. The remaining 90% remained as alone as ever until they died. I want to come to these old

When people are dying, their hearts must be mixed. On the one hand, it is attached to relatives, but on the other hand, it is inevitable to feel a little lost about the impermanence of fate.

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

To be honest, although time has passed, every time I think back to Lao Jiang's ban back then, I still have a lot of criticism about it. Throughout the lives of these veterans, most of them spent their youth on ethereal dreams of a counteroffensive, and in the end achieved nothing. Especially those poor people who are old and single, they don't even have a beautiful wife and concubine, and they spend their lives alone. I really don't know why Lao Jiang drilled such a bull's horn back then?

That being said, I don't completely deny Chiang's approach. After all, in the turbulent times, he did pay a huge price in order to achieve his ideals. It's just a pity that this effort did not come true, but caused a large number of "victims". But then again, is this entirely the responsibility of Lao Jiang alone? If the Kuomintang regime had been on a more solid footing, perhaps this ban would not have appeared.

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

But in the final analysis, Lao Chiang, as the supreme leader, was indeed too hasty in dealing with such thorny issues. He could have solved the urgent needs of these guys first, and then thought about it in the long term after everyone settled down. It's a pity that he chose to go against the hearts of the people, and the result naturally made everyone complain about him.

If you think about it, there are certainly special historical reasons behind this incident. But in any case, for these old people, this is an unforgettable memory. They defended the Kuomintang regime with their youth and blood, but in exchange for such a tragic ending, it is really a sigh of sighing. Fortunately, in the end, they got their wish and were able to reunite with their loved ones in the last days of their lives. Although it was twilight, at least they had fulfilled a wish.

After the defeat and retreat to Taiwan, 600,000 defeated soldiers want to get married and have children, Lao Jiang: You are not allowed to marry if you are not 38 years old!

Overall, this past incident has undoubtedly left many deep memories and feelings. It not only allows us to see the impermanence of the fate of ordinary people under the great changes of the times, but also allows us to understand the contradictions and entanglements between the ideals and reality of a generation of leaders. Perhaps Lao Jiang's ban back then was not as simple as a question of right and wrong, but it undoubtedly brought a lot of innocent sacrifices and regrets. Therefore, we should reflect on the pursuit of ideals, but also uphold the humanistic spirit, and always pay attention to those forgotten little people. Only in this way can we truly avoid the repetition of the mistakes of history. #头条首发大赛#

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