
When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

author:Onigiri says things

The smoke of war is always cruel and merciless. In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, a deputy division commander named Zhao Lianyu was brutally assassinated, and his life was buried just 5 kilometers away from the Chinese border.

Dear readers, have you ever heard of the name Zhao Lianyu? His glorious deeds may have been forgotten in the long river of history, but he used his life to compose a hymn of heroic righteousness. As the deputy commander of the 126th Division, Zhao Lianyu has experienced a hundred battles and is a real war master. After the self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam began, in order to avoid falling into the quagmire of war, China decided to quickly attack the hinterland of Vietnam to impose punishment, and Zhao Lianyu personally participated in the battle and commanded.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

In the face of the invincible Chinese army, the Vietnamese army repeatedly resorted to insidious tactics, fighting guerrillas and wounding our soldiers. Just when Zhao Lianyu led his troops to survey the terrain, he was shot and assassinated by an old farmer. What is unbelievable is that this killer turned out to be a common man, but there was an amazing skill hidden inside. In the end, he was captured, and it turned out to be a Vietnamese ace sniper who had been trained in China.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

In that hot and cruel summer, the rumbling of artillery fire was often heard on the Sino-Vietnamese border. Vietnam's leader, Le Duan, is ambitious, not only in the country, but also in the hinterland of China. Under repeated provocations, the central authorities finally made a decision, and the military beheading of Vietnam was about to break out.

Before the expedition, the elderly Zhao Lianyu took the initiative to ask his superiors for help, and he was eager to pick up the steel gun in his hand again to protect his family and defend the country. This peasant child, who has been oppressed since childhood, fought all the way in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and finally served as the deputy commander of the 126th Division. The smoke of war seems to have long been blind to him.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

Zhao Lianyu, who went to the Sino-Vietnamese border with the army, made his heroic and tenacious combat ability the number one expert in conquering the fortress. When attacking Gaoping, Langshan and other positions, Zhao Lianyu followed one after another, took the lead, and made great contributions to seize the initiative on the battlefield. His command is as subtle as "temporary victory", which is admirable.

However, fate always plays tricks on people. Just when our army made decisive progress and the central government ordered the whole army to retreat, Zhao Lianyu encountered an accident. In order to clear the withdrawal channel, he led a battalion to advance into the mountains, but was shot in the carotid artery by an old farmer and died on the spot. This "old peasant" armed with a murder weapon made the stratagem stop the withdrawal of the army, and almost caused an even greater tragedy.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

After investigation, it was discovered that the murderer was actually a Vietnamese ace sniper who had been trained in China, Nguyen Thanh Hung. He was well versed in China's military uniforms and system, and singled out higher-ranking officers. Moreover, Nguyen Chengxiong has the stunt of "100 shots and 100 hits", which once made the US military frightened. Such a clever skill actually dressed up as an old peasant and blended into the ambush among the civilians.

Whenever they thought of the tragic sacrifice of Zhao Lianyu, the officers and soldiers were all furious. In the hearts of Chinese soldiers, "not hurting a single hair of the people" is a military discipline that has been passed down from generation to generation, and this is also the secret of the Chinese army winning the hearts and minds of the people. However, the Vietnamese army has disregarded humanitarianism and repeatedly used civilians as shields. Even China's rescue food is seen as a threatening weapon. Such a style is heart-wrenching.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

It was precisely because China did not defend itself against the enemy that Zhao Lianyu suffered this catastrophe. After learning the inside story, Xu Shiyou was filled with grief and indignation, and immediately gave stern instructions to remove all suspicious civilians. Nguyen Thanh Hung was also detained and tried for protection under the Geneva Conventions. Look, the smoke of the war is still as tragic as it is in front of you...

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

War has always been merciless, it has taken countless lives and left too many wounds. Although Deputy Division Commander Zhao Lianyu has passed away, his heroic deeds are still admirable. As a veteran who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Zhao Lianyu's love for the motherland is unforgettable. Even in his advanced age, he still took the initiative to join the ranks of the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.

In the smoke of war, Zhao Lianyu showed excellent command skills. He personally led his troops to conquer important positions such as Cao Ping and Lang Son, and made outstanding contributions to the final victory. In the desperate struggle with the Vietnamese army, Zhao Lianyu's heroic nature, standing up and treating death as home, embodied the tenacious style of Chinese soldiers.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

Sadly, just as the Chinese army was preparing to evacuate, Zhao Lianyu suffered an accident. A Vietnamese sniper disguised as an old farmer shot him, which was heartbreaking. It turned out that the murderer, Nguyen Thanh Hung, had been trained in China in his early years and knew the system of our army well. He cunningly infiltrated the civilian population and waited for an opportunity to commit murder, which was really a despicable trick.

But the Vietnamese army has so brazenly harmed unarmed civilians, and they also regard China's humanitarian aid as a weapon. It's just reckless and heinous!

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

Zhao Lianyu's death once again triggered the world's deep thinking about war. Although China and Vietnam have long since reconciled, the wounds caused by the war to the people of the two countries cannot be healed quickly. In the face of death and destruction, people yearn for peace and stability, and for no more wars and turmoil. Therefore, we should cherish the happy life we have now and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

At the same time, we must also remember the exploits of the martyrs, because it was they who exchanged their blood and lives for today's era of peace. As the guardians of the motherland, although Zhao Lianyu and others have passed away, their spirit lives on. Let us take these heroes as a mirror, cherish the present, be grateful, and jointly safeguard the security and peace of the country.

When the army was withdrawn, the deputy division commander was killed by a black gun, and the murderer could not be found for a long time, and at this time, an old Vietnamese peasant appeared

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, Deputy Division Commander Zhao Lianyu was unfortunately assassinated, which is deplorable. His passing reflects the cruelty of war and reminds us to cherish peace. As a veteran, Zhao Lianyu used his life to interpret the profound connotation of "loving the motherland". Although his exploits are now forgotten, his spirit lives on. Let us take the martyrs as a mirror, always be vigilant, never forget our original aspirations, cherish the memory of the great achievements of the revolutionary pioneers, jointly safeguard national peace and security, and create a better new era. #头条首发大赛#

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