
In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

author:Onigiri says things

Back then, in that protracted civil war, the two sides were comparable opponents. In the end, the people's soldiers won the final victory of the war with their indomitable perseverance and tenacious will. In this war, many Kuomintang generals were also loyal and brave warriors, although they stood on the opposite side of the people at the time. After the war, the Communist Party of China (CPC) granted amnesty to a group of Kuomintang war criminals with an incomparably broad mind, hoping to reintegrate them into the mainstream of society through ideological reform.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

A group of released Kuomintang war criminals finally received amnesty in 1975 after undergoing labor camp reform. As an important embodiment of the great unity of the Chinese nation, Chairman Mao decided to unconditionally release this last group of war criminals. It is quite surprising that 10 of them have made a request to go to Taiwan.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

Chairman Mao showed a very noble and tolerant mind in this regard. He not only arranged for a special plane to send them to Hong Kong, but also told the staff to take close care of them throughout the whole process, just in case. What is even more commendable is that Chairman Mao also said some warm words to them: "If you are not happy in Taiwan, you are welcome to return to the mainland at any time." This undoubtedly shows our party's pure heart in dealing with war criminals.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

The attitude of the Kuomintang towards this group was completely opposite. Chiang Ching-kuo was heavily wary of them, believing that they might have been "rebelled" by the mainland long ago, and that their return to Taiwan was nothing more than to engage in "espionage activities." Therefore, Chiang Ching-kuo repeatedly rejected their applications for entry, and even sent spies to interrogate them in a centralized manner.

In Hong Kong, the released war criminals are trapped in an aimless and anxious wait. They wanted to reunite their families, but they were treated like this, which is naturally very sad. Some people even submitted applications again to explain the ins and outs, but they were sternly rejected by the Kuomintang. When the party Central Committee learned of this, it once again extended an olive branch to them, saying that they could return to the mainland at any time.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

In the long waiting and torment, everyone is at risk. Finally, one person became disheartened and chose the path of self-destruction. This person is Zhang Tieshi, who could have commanded others from above, but he suffered the humiliation of the end of the road under the difficulties of the Kuomintang spies, and finally hanged himself.

This bad news undoubtedly brought a great shock to other war criminals. At this juncture, one of them made the decision to return to the mainland. This person is Cai Xingsan, who originally wanted to continue to follow Chiang Ching-kuo to serve, but finally came to his senses after waiting for an indefinite period. He then made a living in Hong Kong as a media writer, but his fear of the Kuomintang meant that he was secretive about the history of the year.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

Like Cai Xingsan, Wang Yunpei also chose to stay in Hong Kong, but his fate was not as lucky as Cai Shengsan. Due to homelessness and helplessness, Wang Yunpei soon fell into a state of poverty and depression in Hong Kong, and finally followed in the footsteps of Zhang Tieshi and broke himself.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

Four others chose to travel to the United States. They are Duan Kewen, Zhou Yanghao, Chen Shizhang and Wang Bingyue. In the United States, they have their own circumstances.

Zhou Yanghao and Wang Bingyue are relatively decent. Zhou Yanghao enjoyed his old age in the United States until his death in 1990, and the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco also made a special trip to lay a wreath, which shows his respect. Wang Bingyue's daughter moved to the United States relatively early, so he also lived a worry-free life there.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

As for Chen Shizhang, fate is not so favorable. His family followed the Kuomintang to Taiwan, but they were treated coldly there, and had to travel thousands of miles to the United States to reunite with Chen Shizhang. The family's life is so poor that it is unbearable to look at directly, and it is said that Chen Shizhang can only survive by weeding in the homes of rich people in his later years.

What happened to Duan Kewen is even more interesting. In order to sensationalize, he began to exaggerate his so-called "suffering" experience in the labor camp, and was anti-Chinese and anti-communist. One of his books was once brought to Zhou Yanghao by a reporter who wanted to hear the latter's evaluation. Unexpectedly, Lao Zhou scolded Duan Kewen: "He is completely nonsense, if it weren't for Chairman Mao and the Communist Party, how would we be where we are today?"

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

There were three men who were the wisest at the time. They are Yang Nancun, Zhao Yixue and Zhang Haishang. After the Kuomintang made things difficult for them in every possible way, these three people resolutely made the decision to return to the mainland. Since then, they have become local CPPCC members, and in the end, they have returned to their roots and hung their flags.

Combining the contents of the upper and lower paragraphs, it is not difficult for us to find how admirable the Chinese Communist Party's lenient attitude towards these war criminals was back then! Chairman Mao's words of "welcome back to the mainland" can be called a classic, which is really moving. In contrast, what the KMT did exposed its narrow-mindedness and paranoid fanatical nature.

In 1975, Kuomintang war criminals were pardoned, and 10 people applied to go to Taiwan

The archives of history have turned this cruel page, and the war criminals who were pardoned have finally gone west. But the various encounters they experienced when they left undoubtedly revealed two completely different political ideas and attitudes towards life. Treat those who have made mistakes, and give forgiveness and humane care to one party; The other side is narrow-minded and paranoid, and extremely vicious. It is like the night and the dawn, the distinction between the noble and the vile. If there is any doubt, history will correct them. #头条首发大赛#

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