
In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

author:Onigiri says things

In 1976, Ye Jianying, a 79-year-old man, moved frequently, sometimes even three times in one night. As a veteran senior revolutionary, he once helped Chairman Mao save the day in the rain of bullets, and was highly praised by Chairman Mao on the Long March for "saving the party, saving the Red Army, and saving us people". Ye Jianying's frequent moves, is it out of a cautious heart, or is there something else hidden? A witness bluntly said: Ye Shuai is fulfilling Chairman Mao's dying entrustment.

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

In September 1976, Chairman Mao Zedong's health deteriorated to the point where he needed to be kept alive by a ventilator. At 4:37 p.m. on September 8, Chairman Mao finished his last reading, after which he fell into a prolonged coma. Seeing Chairman Mao dying, the high-level central officials were arranged to visit in small groups.

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

Ye Jianying, Li Xiannian, and Wu De were placed in a group. When Ye Jianying walked to Chairman Mao's sickbed, his eyes were hazy with tears and his heart was painful, and he didn't notice that Chairman Mao opened his eyes with difficulty, trying to cast his weak gaze on him. The staff immediately reminded Ye Jianying to approach again, Chairman Mao touched the back of his hand with his bare hands, and his lips opened slightly but he couldn't make a sound. Finally, the hand slipped limply, as if to convey a silent mission.

After Chairman Mao passed away, Ye Jianying, who was already old, knew that the heavy responsibility was on his shoulders. As Chairman Mao's praise of "Zhuge is only cautious in his life, and Lu Duan is not confused about major matters", Ye Jianying remembered Chairman Mao's brief touch on the back of his hand, which represented an extremely difficult entrustment.

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

In order to fulfill this dying wish, Ye Jianying began to move frequently and be cautious, for fear of revealing the party's secrets. He boxes most of his things and keeps important documents under his pillow at night; Everywhere I go, I change rooms to live, and be vigilant that my whereabouts are exposed. The people who visited Ye Shuai only heard the sound of the radio, and Wang Hongwen, a close confidant of Chairman Mao during the Cultural Revolution, closely watched Ye Shuai's every move.

"Cunning rabbit three holes, it's always right to be careful." This is what Ye Shuai thinks. He acted cautiously step by step, and finally at the end of October 1976, he joined forces with Hua Guofeng and others to break the rule of the "Gang of Four". Chairman Mao praised "Lu Duan's big things are not confused", and Ye Shuai finally realized this entrustment.

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

From the rain of bullets to the bloody rain, Ye Shuai, who has gone through the Long March, has brought supreme glory; But he also shouldered Chairman Mao's last entrustment, and at the age of nearly eighty, he turned the danger into a disaster and smashed the Gang of Four. He writes a great life with plain actions, heroic and cautious, as the so-called "Heaven and earth actually turn the endgame into a hero".

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

At the critical moment of the confrontation with the "Gang of Four", Ye Jianying continued to take a cautious approach. On October 4, 1976, the People's Daily published an article entitled "Always Follow Chairman Mao's Established Policy", which pointed directly at Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying. Seeing that the situation was becoming increasingly tense, Ye Jianying immediately went to the residence of Wang Dongxing, then the head of the Central Guard Regiment, and bluntly said, "The current situation is urgent, and we must smash the conspiracy of the Gang of Four as soon as possible." "

On the evening of October 6, a curtain will be opened. Ye Jianying and Hua Guofeng carefully arranged a meeting to review Mao Xuan's proofs, but the attendees included Zhang Chunqiao, a key member of the "Gang of Four", and others. It's a well-designed trap. At 7 o'clock in the evening of the same day, Ye Jianying came to Huairentang early, and Hua Guofeng was also present. A screen was erected behind them, and Wang Dongxing and the soldiers of the Guard Regiment with loaded guns lurked behind.

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

After everything was ready, Zhang Chunqiao and others arrived as scheduled. Soon after the meeting began, Ye Jianying suddenly sounded the code, Wang Dongxing led people to rush out quickly, and Zhang Chunqiao and others were immediately arrested. In the ensuing nationwide manhunt and arrest operation, the remnants of the Gang of Four were all arrested, and the wolf's ambition was finally extinguished.

It all goes back to that September morning. When the staff reminded Ye Jianying to re-approach the sickbed, he finally saw Chairman Mao's difficult eyes and silent entrustment. From that moment on, Ye Jianying carried this supreme trust, and he used his actions to interpret the spirit of "Zhuge is only cautious in his life".

In order not to alarm the Gang of Four, Ye Jianying had to hide from east to west, adjust the room in the middle of the night, amplify the sound of the broadcast, and even burn the secret letter. It can be described as doing things silently and tastefully, step by step. He knows very well that this is the last chance given to him by Chairman Mao, and there must be no mistakes.

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

In the end, Ye Jianying, with his scheming and prudent style and rock-solid faith, successfully repelled the stubborn disease of the Gang of Four and cleared the biggest obstacle for the development of the party and the country. Chairman Mao's last wish was finally realized. Everything is just to meet the needs of the party and the people and put New China back on the right track. Ye Jianying, who is nearly eighty years old, used his life to demonstrate the Communists' firm belief in "sacrificing and daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky".

In 1976, 79-year-old Ye Jianying moved frequently, and the secretary sighed: Sometimes you can move three times a night

The development of history is often not smooth sailing, but full of ups and downs, thrilling twists and turns. On that night in 1976, Chairman Mao's silent entrustment to Ye Jianying before his death carried the future of the party and the country. Ye Jianying's cautious and calm measures finally completed this supreme trust and cleared many obstacles for New China. His life interprets what it means to be "Zhuge is only cautious in his life, and Lu Duan is not confused about major things". From the Long March to the arrest of the Gang of Four, Ye Jianying used his actions to write a communist's firm belief and unremitting struggle. It is precisely such heroic figures who can sing and cry from generation to generation that have led to the continuous take-off and glory of the Chinese nation today. #头条首发大赛#

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