
The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Zhang Xiaowen is a 40-year-old white-collar worker in the company, who has been working under pressure for a long time, eating irregularly, and has recently felt a dull pain in his abdomen from time to time.

At first he didn't care, thinking it was just too tiring from work, but after the symptoms persisted for several weeks, he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

At the hospital, doctors arranged for Zhang Xiaowen to perform a variety of tests, including blood tests, ultrasounds, and, most importantly, colonoscopy.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

The results showed that he had several small polyps in his colon. Doctors told him that intestinal polyps were not uncommon, especially at his age.

While most intestinal polyps are benign, some may develop into malignancy. Therefore, the doctor advised him to have regular check-ups and consider surgery to remove these polyps.

When Zhang Xiaowen was anxious, a friend of his told him about some folk remedies for "curing" intestinal polyps, such as certain Chinese herbs and special diets.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

These methods are said to allow polyps in the body to resolve on their own.

With a skeptical mindset, Zhang Xiaowen began to search the Internet for relevant information, and found that many people claimed to have cured their intestinal polyps through these natural remedies.

"The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution."

This sentence sparked Zhang Xiaowen's interest. He began to seriously wonder if there was any scientific basis for these claims. Is it possible to find a balance between a doctor's advice and these natural remedies?

Zhang Xiaowen decided to talk to his attending doctor, Dr. Li, about the problem. Dr. Lee is a seasoned gastroenterologist who is very patient with his patients.

"Dr. Li, I saw a lot of people on the Internet saying that intestinal polyps can be cured through some natural treatments, what do you think?" Zhang Xiaowen asked.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

Dr. Li smiled and said, "Xiaowen, I understand your concern. It is true that many folk remedies and dietary regimens are beneficial to the health of the body in some ways, but for problems such as intestinal polyps, we still rely on scientific diagnosis and treatment. ”

He goes on to explain: "There are many reasons for the formation of intestinal polyps, and genetics, diet, and lifestyle are all influencing factors.

Although some studies have shown that a healthy diet and lifestyle can prevent the formation of intestinal polyps to some extent, once intestinal polyps have formed, they still need to be treated medically. ”

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

Zhang Xiaowen nodded, but was still a little puzzled: "So what about those who claim to cure intestinal polyps through natural treatments?" ”

Dr Lee explains, "There could be several reasons for these cases. First, the rate at which intestinal polyps grow and how quickly they become malignant varies from person to person, and some polyps may not change for years.

Some small polyps may fall off naturally in the body or be removed by the immune system, but that doesn't mean all polyps will go away on their own.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

On top of that, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these natural remedies. In order to give Zhang Xiaowen a clearer understanding of the treatment of intestinal polyps, Dr. Li detailed several treatment methods commonly used in modern medicine.

Review regularly. If the polyp is small and there are no obvious signs of malignancy, doctors usually recommend that people have a colonoscopy every other year or six months to watch closely for changes in the polyps.

This is followed by endoscopic excision. If the polyp is large or at risk of malignancy, your doctor will recommend endoscopic surgery to remove the polyp.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

This method is less invasive and has a faster recovery, and is currently the main means of dealing with intestinal polyps, which is surgical resection.

If polyps are large and complex, or if signs of malignant changes are already showing, your doctor may recommend partial colonectomy surgery.

Although this is a last resort, it is necessary to prevent cancer. After listening to Dr. Li's explanation, Zhang Xiaowen finally understood the truth.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

Decide to follow your doctor's advice, have regular colonoscopies, and adjust your diet and lifestyle habits to reduce the recurrence of intestinal polyps.

After returning home, Zhang Xiaowen began to seriously study healthy eating, increasing fiber intake, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, reducing the intake of red meat and processed foods, and insisting on moderate exercise every day.

Believing that a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the formation of new intestinal polyps, he decided to rely on scientific medical treatment for existing polyps.

The real antidote to intestinal polyps is in your body, and all things are mutually reinforcing, and there is a solution

Scientific diagnosis and treatment are essential when faced with health problems. While natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent disease, they are not a substitute for formal medical treatment.

We should look at all kinds of information rationally, follow the advice of professional doctors, combine scientific medical methods and healthy living habits, and jointly maintain our physical health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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