
Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

author:Yinghu comes to entertain
Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

The Magnolia Award Ceremony has just come to an end, and various media and netizens have had a heated discussion on the award-winning results. This year, Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award respectively for their outstanding performances, and became the focus of attention. However, just when these honors were supposed to be festive, they set off more controversy and thinking.

When Hu Ge was interviewed by a group backstage, he confronted the online doubts about the fairness of the awards. He firmly stated that the Magnolia Award is not limited to Shanghai, but is an important award that is recognized worldwide. The remarks immediately sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. Some people support his statement, believing that Hu Ge has strength, and his influence is indeed not limited to China's film and television industry. A netizen commented on social media: "Hu Ge is not only popular in China, he also has a certain influence in the world, which is understandable." ”

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

However, there are also many people who question Hu Ge's self-justification. Some netizens believe that he is too sensitive and tries to amplify his achievements on a global scale, which is a bit conceited. A netizen named "Film and Television Fan" wrote in a discussion group: "Hu Ge's words are too high-profile, although he has strength, but it is a little unrealistic to talk about global influence." These words immediately sparked more netizens to discuss the thread, and everyone expressed their opinions.

In another group, a netizen who claimed to be a veteran movie fan made a long comment: "Hu Ge's remarks are actually not difficult to understand, he wants to prove his strength and status, but sometimes the expression is really easy to misunderstand." The term global influence, to the average viewer, may be a little distant. The comment went viral online, attracting more people to join the discussion.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

Some netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with Hu Ge's remarks more directly. A user with the online name "Entertainment Critic" launched a poll on Weibo, asking if everyone agreed with Hu Ge's claim of global influence. The proportion of "agree" and "disagree" among the voting options was almost evenly matched, indicating that public opinion is divided.

Hu Ge's remarks not only aroused various opinions and comments from netizens, but also brought everyone deep thought about the selection criteria for film and television awards. In today's fierce competition in the entertainment industry, the fairness of the awards and the transparency of the selection have become the focus of attention. It is hoped that the future awards will be more objective and fair, which can not only reflect local characteristics, but also take into account global influence, and inject new vitality and confidence into the development of the entire industry.

In the group interview, Zhou Xun was very calm and generous in the face of reporters' questions. When asked about the recent turmoil in "The Legend of Ruyi", she did not evade it and calmly said that she had been relieved about the matter. She believes that this kind of turmoil reflects a certain status quo in today's society and is an inevitable part of the entertainment industry. Zhou Xun's remarks show her deep understanding and tolerant attitude towards her own role and the operating mechanism of the entertainment industry.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

It is not easy to persist in public welfare activities, and "ONENIGHT for children" has become an important career for Zhou Xun in addition to performance. From the initial targeted donation to the current emphasis on "spiritual companionship", Zhou Xun hopes to arouse the society's attention and support for children in distress through his influence.

Zhou Xun's investment in public welfare activities is not a whim, but the result of long-term thinking and practice. She doesn't just donate money and materials to help the children, she also values supporting them psychologically and emotionally. For example, she often participates in activities in person, communicates with children, plays with them, and brings them joy and care, and this "spiritual companionship" is more important to her than material support.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

On the Internet, many netizens expressed their appreciation and support for Zhou Xun's public welfare activities. A netizen who claimed to be a parent posted on social platforms: "Zhou Xun is not only a good actor, but I admire her serious attitude towards public welfare. She not only donates money and materials, but more importantly, pays attention to the mental health and growth of children. This remark has been liked and forwarded by many netizens, showing the public's affirmation and support for celebrities to actively participate in public welfare activities.

However, not everyone is positive about Zhou Xun's public welfare activities. Some critical netizens believe that celebrities often participate in public welfare activities out of image considerations, rather than genuinely contributing to society. A netizen wrote in the comment area: "These celebrities show public welfare every day, in fact, they have already calculated the account in their hearts, for them, this is just a means to maintain their image." This view has sparked some discussion, with some arguing that celebrities' philanthropic actions should be judged by their actions and continued participation, rather than just words.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

In addition to the controversy, Zhou Xun's public welfare activities have also affected the public awareness of society to a certain extent. Through her actions, she has not only helped more children get practical help, but also provided a platform for society to pay attention to the disadvantaged. Her "ONENIGHT for Children" campaign is not only a charity project, but also a manifestation of social responsibility, guiding more people to pay attention to social issues and contribute to a better future together.

In general, through his public welfare activities, Zhou Xun not only supported the children in difficulty materially, but also gave them warmth and care spiritually. Her actions have inspired more people to participate in public welfare undertakings and bring positive impact and change to society. In the future, people hope to see more stars like Zhou Xun who practice social responsibility with practical actions to jointly build a more harmonious and beautiful society.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

However, although Zhou Xun's response seemed calm and rational, it did not completely calm the heat of public opinion. On the Internet, some netizens expressed dissatisfaction and ridicule for her calm attitude. Some commentators believe that Zhou Xun's response was too calm and seemed to not pay enough attention to the award controversy, in stark contrast to the performance of other stars in the award controversy. A netizen named "Film and Television Lover" posted on Weibo: "Zhou Xun's calm attitude is a bit like avoiding problems, doesn't she feel that these controversies have an impact on her own image?" This remark immediately sparked heated discussions among other netizens, and everyone expressed their opinions in the comment area.

Another netizen who claimed to be a fan of Zhou Xun sided with her, believing that her performance showed a mature and rational star image.

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

As a well-known film and television award in China, the Magnolia Award's selection mechanism and setting have also caused widespread controversy. People have begun to question the fairness and transparency of the internal awards in the entertainment industry, hoping that there will be more objective and open selection criteria in the future. These controversies have not only raised questions about the award itself, but also prompted deeper thinking: how to balance the local character of the award with the global influence while pursuing justice?

To sum up, the various reactions and controversies after the Magnolia Award are not only a test of the award itself, but also a profound reflection on the social and cultural background. We hope that future film and television awards will better reflect diversity and fairness, and provide better answers for the development of the industry and the expectations of audiences."

Make matters worse by attempting a coverup! Hu Ge knows that Magnolia is a game in the Shanghai circle, and his backstage speech alludes to his world-class appearance!

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