
The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Li Ming is a 50-year-old middle school teacher who is usually in good health, but when summer comes, he always feels weak and his mouth is dry.

Especially in the last few days, the weather has been hot, and he clearly feels that he is often tired and dizzy.

Liu Mei, the wife at home, saw it in her eyes and was anxious, so she urged him to go to the hospital for a check-up. Li Ming is not a person who likes to go to the hospital.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

But this time, in order to reassure his wife and his own health, he decided to go to the city hospital. Liu Mei prepared everything for him early in the morning, and Li Ming did not slack off and rushed to the hospital early.

In the waiting room of the hospital, Li Ming met his friend Dr. Zhao. Dr. Zhao is an expert in internal medicine, and after a few words of greeting, Li Ming spoke out about his troubles.

After hearing this, Dr. Zhao said that Li Ming's condition may have a lot to do with the recent hot weather, and suggested that he do a few basic tests first.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

The process of inspection was not complicated, but Li Ming was still a little apprehensive. After blood draws, blood pressure measurements, electrocardiograms, and some routine physical exams, he returns to the office to wait for results. About half an hour later, Dr. Zhao walked in with his report.

"Teacher Li, your indicators are normal, but your blood pressure is a little high. Have you been feeling tired and sweating a lot lately? Dr. Zhao asked with concern.

"Yes, Dr. Zhao, the weather has been so hot lately, I have drunk a lot of cold drinks and cold beer, and I feel more tired instead of quenching my thirst." Li Ming replied.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

Dr. Zhao nodded, and continued, "As the weather gets hotter, middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to feel unwell.

The cold drinks and cold beers mentioned are precisely the problem. Although cold drinks can bring temporary coolness, they are not good for the body, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. ”

Li Ming was a little surprised: "Then what should we drink?" Dr. Zhao smiled and explained, "Actually, the best drink is warm water, and occasionally you can drink some light salt water or sugar salt water to replenish electrolytes.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

In addition, it is also helpful to eat more fruits in the summer, especially watery fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, and peaches. ”

After listening to Dr. Zhao's advice, Li Ming was thoughtful. It turned out that the cold drinks I usually drank not only did not quench my thirst, but made my body weaker. For the sake of his health, he decided to break this bad habit starting today.

In the next few days, Li Ming followed the doctor's instructions, drank more warm water, drank less cold drinks, and at the same time, under Liu Mei's advice, ate more fruits.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

Slowly, he felt that his body had recovered a lot, and his fatigue had also decreased. On this day, Li Ming came to the hospital again for a reexamination. Seeing his changes, Dr. Zhao nodded with satisfaction: "Teacher Li, it seems that your physical condition has improved.

When the weather is hot, the body loses more water and electrolytes, and it is not enough to drink cold drinks alone. Be sure to drink water and nutrients properly. ”

Li Ming said gratefully, "Doctor Zhao, thank you so much. I never thought that drinking cold drinks would have such a big impact. ”

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

Dr. Zhao replied with a smile: "This is also a misunderstanding of many people. In fact, when the weather is hot, the body needs not cold stimulation, but gentle conditioning. Especially in middle-aged and elderly people, the ability to adjust the body is reduced, and it is necessary to pay more attention to these details. ”

Li Ming nodded, indicating that he would keep in mind the doctor's advice. Dr. Zhao continued, "Also, you can try eating more fruits that are rich in water and vitamins.

For example, watermelon can not only replenish water, but also bring a refreshing feeling; Cantaloupe and peaches are rich in vitamins and have a good health care effect on the body. ”

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

After returning home, Li Ming and Liu Mei developed a healthy eating plan together, not only reducing the intake of cold drinks, but also increasing the variety and intake of fruits.

I even learned some fresh fruit pairings, such as juicing watermelon and mint together, which is both healthy and relieving the heat.

As the days went by, Li Ming's health got better and better. Not only did he feel more energetic, but his blood pressure stabilized. This made him realize how important a healthy lifestyle is to one's body.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

A few months later, Li Ming met Dr. Zhao again and expressed his gratitude to him: "Dr. Zhao, thanks to your advice, I feel much better now. Actually, it's not just a physical change, it's also a lot more relaxed. ”

Dr. Zhao smiled with satisfaction: "Mr. Li, it is not easy for you to persevere.

In fact, the key to the development of a healthy lifestyle lies in the daily accumulation of bits and pieces. As long as we pay more attention to some details, the body will naturally improve greatly. ”

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

Li Ming not only understood the importance of how to properly replenish water in summer, but also deeply realized the huge impact of scientific diet on health.

Share these experiences with your friends and students in the hope that they will benefit as well.

When the weather is hot, middle-aged and elderly people should pay special attention to replenishing water and electrolytes, avoid drinking too many cold drinks, and choose more warm water and light salt water.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

Eating more water-rich fruits, such as watermelon, cantaloupe and peaches, can help your body cope better with hot weather.

These small lifestyle changes can lead to unexpected health gains. We understand the impact of high summer temperatures on the health of middle-aged and elderly people, and reasonable drinking and eating habits can effectively improve these problems.

A scientific and healthy lifestyle can not only improve physical fitness, but also bring more vitality and happiness to daily life.

The weather is getting hot, and the doctor reminds the middle-aged and elderly: drink less water, eat more of these 3 fruits, and hope to listen to persuasion

I hope you can pay attention to these small details and enjoy a healthy and refreshing summer.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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