
This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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On an early summer afternoon, the sun shines through the glass windows of the hospital corridor on the white tiles, giving off a faint glow.

Li Chenxi, recently, he noticed that there is a kind of sugar on the market that claims to be safe to eat, and some experts say that it is healthier to eat this sugar regularly.

Deciding to learn more about this sugar and see if it is part of a healthy life, Li Chenxi walked into the lobby of the hospital and walked straight to the physical examination department.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

He was greeted by a nurse with a warm smile, who skillfully led Li Chenxi to perform various examinations, including blood sugar, blood lipids, electrocardiogram, etc.

I can't help but sigh at the convenience of modern medical care, and I am also full of expectations for the upcoming results of the physical examination.

After the physical examination, Li Chenxi was arranged to have an interview with Director Wang, an internist. Director Wang is a middle-aged man who wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looks quite elegant.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

"Mr. Li, the results of your physical examination are out," Director Wang said as he flipped through the report, "The overall condition is not bad, but your blood sugar is a little high." ”

Li Chenxi nodded, he had long known that he had a soft spot for sweets, and this physical examination just gave him the opportunity to understand the health problems of that new type of sugar.

"Director Wang, I recently saw a new kind of sugar, which is said to be healthier than ordinary sugar, and some experts even say that eating it regularly is good for the body. Is this true? Li Chenxi asked.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

Director Wang smiled and said, "You should be talking about oligosaccharides or some new sugar substitute products, right?" Indeed, there are now plenty of purported healthy sugar substitutes on the market. We can explore their health value in several ways. ”

Next, Director Wang explained to Li Chenxi in detail several common sugar substitutes and their health effects.

Let's look at oligosaccharides," said Director Wang, "oligosaccharides are prebiotics that can promote the growth of beneficial intestinal flora, thereby improving intestinal health."

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

Oligosaccharides are not easily absorbed directly by the body, so they do not raise blood sugar as quickly as regular sugar. It's a great alternative for people with blood sugar management needs. ”

Li Chenxi nodded in understanding, but he still had questions in his heart: "So, is this sugar completely free of health risks?" ”

Director Wang shook his head: "Everything should be in moderation, although oligosaccharides have little effect on blood sugar, excessive intake may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating, diarrhea, etc."

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

In addition, it is not as sweet as ordinary sugar, and many people will unknowingly consume more calories in order to achieve the same sweetness, which is also something to be aware of. ”

Next, Director Wang talked about several other common sugar substitutes, such as aspartame, sucralose, and erythritol.

"Aspartame and sucralose are common artificial sweeteners that are hundreds of times sweeter than sucrose but contain almost no calories.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

They are a great option for people who want to control their weight.

However, aspartame is not suitable for phenylketonuria patients, and sucralose can break down harmful substances when cooking at high temperatures, so be careful when using it. ”

"As for erythritol, it's a natural sugar substitute that is almost not metabolized by the body, so it's low in calories and doesn't cause blood sugar fluctuations.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

It is safe, but excessive intake may also cause gastrointestinal upset. Li Chenxi listened carefully to Director Wang's explanation, and had a clearer understanding of this kind of "assured sugar" in his heart.

"So, 'safe sugar' doesn't mean that you can eat it without moderation, but that they are indeed healthier than regular sugar within reason"

Director Wang concluded, "For most people, choosing these alternative sugars can reduce sugar intake to a certain extent and reduce the associated health risks.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

However, no food should be excessive, and a healthy lifestyle should be maintained by eating a balanced diet and exercising moderately. Li Chenxi nodded, feeling that today's physical examination and this conversation were very rewarding.

Decide to try these sugar substitutes in your life, but at the same time, you will pay more attention to a balanced diet and stop relying too much on sweets.

Through a conversation with Director Wang, Li Chenxi learned that the so-called "reassuring sugar" is indeed healthier than traditional sucrose in some aspects, but only if it is consumed in moderation.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

Different sugar substitutes have different advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one for you is the key.

At the same time, a healthy lifestyle requires a well-balanced diet and moderate exercise. No food alternative, no matter how advanced, is a substitute for healthy lifestyle habits.

In this era of information explosion, Li Chenxi is well aware that as a writer and medical doctor, he has a responsibility to pass on scientific health knowledge to readers.

This candy is safe to eat! Expert: It's healthier to eat regularly, but do these things well

I decided to pay more attention to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in my next writing, and use my own brushstrokes to help more people on the road to health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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