
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

author:Dharma Academy Dragon Gate Array

The front windshield glass is triple silver-plated, the canopy is double-silver-plated, and the boomerang is coming.

5,000 founding version of the wife, if the car is returned, it will lose 1.25 billion, and if the glass is replaced, it will lose 21.79 million, and Boss Lei will lose two big heads. No one expected that Boss Lei, who likes to play marketing, was still hit by his own boomerang.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

Crisp 7 focuses on sunscreen and fills the gap of a century.

Three layers of silver plating, focusing on sun protection, originally thought to fill the gap in the automobile industry for 140 years, and also became a big selling point of a certain meter su7, so it overturned.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

The whole country seems to know.

Under Yu Dazui's repeated reminders, after the confirmation of some car owners, it seems that the people of the whole country know about it recently.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

Doesn't affect the signal, really.

The front shield glass of the SU7 is silver-plated, in fact, it does not affect the GPS signal, does not affect the vehicle navigation, does not affect the mobile phone signal, really, does not affect at all. Saying that it has an impact is all smearing, and as for the bag not including the big mouth, I don't know.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

Changing glass is not called maintenance, but "navigation experience technology upgrade", which is a leap in technology.

Some car owners are already replacing these front windshields, and there is also a nice name, called "Navigation Experience Technology Upgrade". This name not only conceals the essence of maintenance, but also seems to bring a technological leap to car owners.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

The upgrade cost is 4,359 yuan, and a certain rice pays.

In terms of cost, according to the information provided by the owner, the front windshield of each car costs 4359 yuan, and the owners do not need to pay out of their own pockets, all paid by a certain meter, which is a little comfort for the owners.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

These 5,000 car owners are the most loyal iron fans, and they have broken the defense.

However, these 5,000 founding owners are not only loyal fans of a certain meter, but also a staunch supporter of a certain meter SU7. Their trust and support are the driving force for a certain meter to move forward.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

The loss of returning the car is 1.3 billion, and the loss of replacing the glass is 21.79 million, Boss Lei chooses one?

Faced with this sudden problem, Boss Lei needs to make a difficult decision:

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

1. Is it a comprehensive recall of these vehicles, unconditional replacement of the front windshield, and some additional rights and interests to soothe these injured hearts?

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

2. Or choose a more responsible plan and return the car directly, although this will bring huge economic losses to a certain meter, but it may reflect the company's bearing and sense of responsibility.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

The first plan is to replace the front windshield, which costs relatively little, and only needs 21.79 million to solve all the problems. But this approach seems to be a suspicion of evading the problem, and it is difficult to fully compensate for the disappointment of car owners.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

The second option, direct return and refund, is costly, up to 1.25 billion return fees are a lot of expenses for any enterprise. How to deal with the 5,000 second-hand cars after recovery and how to realize them is also a difficult problem. But this practice can undoubtedly win the respect and trust of car owners, and can also win more reputation and market share for a certain meter.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

What kind of people are prone to going crazy?

On the martial arts rivers and lakes, there is always no shortage of those who are impetuous and eager to succeed. They ignore the natural laws of martial arts, despise objective facts, and blindly pursue the quick fix of cheats. However, the more you rush to achieve results, the easier it is to fall into the trap and end up reaping the consequences.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?
5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

Excessive marketing will also go crazy and be easy to backfire.

In the same way, companies should be well versed in this. Whether it is product research and development, market promotion, or brand building, we should take the product as the core, respect the market rules, and avoid the disadvantages of excessive marketing.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

Double-edged swords, boomerangs, don't mess around.

It is important to know that although excessive marketing methods can cause waves for a short time, it is also a double-edged sword that is easy to backfire. Just like a boomerang, you may end up hurting yourself, and the pain will be indescribable. Therefore, enterprises should work steadily and win by quality in order to be invincible for a long time.

5,000 crisp wives, the loss of 1.3 billion for returning the car, and the loss of 21.79 million for changing glass, Boss Lei chooses one?

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