
The United States and the Philippines have threatened that the South China Sea may become the fuse of war, and the Philippines will help the US military in the Taiwan Strait



The United States and the Philippines have threatened that the South China Sea may become the fuse of war, and the Philippines will help the US military in the Taiwan Strait

As China continues to rise, the United States and its lackeys continue to threaten China with war. According to a recent report by the Global Times, the Washington Post recently disclosed a speech by the new Indo-Pacific commander Samuel Paparo, in which he threatened that once mainland ships "invade" Taiwan through the strait, the US military will turn the Taiwan Strait into a "sea of hell" by deploying "thousands of unmanned submarines, unmanned ships and unmanned aircraft" to "buy time for a full-scale counterattack" by the United States and Taiwan and their partner forces.

With regard to Paparo's threat, Chinese military experts said that this is a "naked intimidation" against China and a shameless "bragging." On the one hand, it is undeniable that in March this year, the Pentagon did announce a $1 billion "Avenger" program to build unmanned ships and drones; On the other hand, the scientific capabilities and industrial level of the United States "cannot achieve the scale described by Paparo in 3-4 years." Besides, China is not weaker than the United States in the field of UAVs, and even has a lead, and China can still deploy "thousands (ships) of UAVs" in the first island chain.

Therefore, Paparo's threat seems very "hollow", and even if the United States really builds thousands of drones and unmanned ships in the future, China can do the same, and do better, the reason is very simple, China's industrial output value has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years, and the added value of manufacturing accounts for about 30% of the world. With such a strong industrial capacity, at a fraction of the cost equivalent to the US military, Commander Paparo is determined to fight "crowd tactics" with China in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned ships, and unmanned boats? I'm afraid that the United States will be the one who will fall into hell.

The United States and the Philippines have threatened that the South China Sea may become the fuse of war, and the Philippines will help the US military in the Taiwan Strait

Coincidentally, following the United States, the Philippines has also made threats to China. According to a report by the global network on June 28, Philippine Ambassador to the United States Jose Romuldez recently said that China's tough measures in the South China Sea will "swallow up countries in the Asia-Pacific region" and "lead to the specter of nuclear war", and once something happens, "it will affect the whole of Asia." In addition, Romualdez also warned China that the current US military bases in the Philippines are only to "strengthen the Philippine defenses," but in the event of war, the Philippines will agree to the United States using Philippine bases to "defend Taiwan."

If the threat of the U.S. Indo-Pacific commander to China is "bragging", then the threat of the Philippine ambassador is even more "anti-intellectual". On the one hand, does the Philippines have nuclear weapons? No. Well, the Philippine ambassador has to defend himself, his big brother the United States has it, but the Americans will fight a nuclear war with China for the Philippines? Therefore, the Philippine ambassador is either stupid himself, or he thinks China is stupid, will China believe the Philippine "nuclear threat"? Of course not, so the answer is that the Philippine ambassador is "stupid and bad".

On the other hand, the Philippines wants to use the "Taiwan issue" to blackmail China, which is "carrying a lantern to the toilet - looking for". If it is said that the confrontation between China and the Philippines around several islands in the South China Sea only made the Philippines "lose face", then the Philippines' involvement in the game between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait is a real "self-defeat", and it is sending the Filipino people into the cogs of China and the United States to be bitten to death, and they will be sandwiched alive into a pulp. Even former South Korean President Moon Jae-in advised his successor to "remain neutral", even if Yoon Suk-yeol did not listen, which also shows that any small country involved in the game between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait is "playing with life".

The United States and the Philippines have threatened that the South China Sea may become the fuse of war, and the Philippines will help the US military in the Taiwan Strait

Well, if China really made concessions to Manila in the South China Sea in order to avoid the Philippines from intervening in a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the Philippines would "not intervene"? It's useless, the Marcos government has long been controlled by the United States, and he has already betrayed the national interests of the Philippines for the sake of his family's overseas interests. When the time comes, China will lose its wife and soldiers, who will cry to? Therefore, the Philippine ambassador to the United States is also "underestimating" China, and the United States can't scare China.

On the eve of its rise, China is only one step away from a great national rejuvenation, and according to Harvard University's "Thucydides Trap" project, the probability of a great power rise ending in war is as high as 75%. Realistically speaking, before human beings move towards deep space and immigrate to aliens, China's rise will inevitably cause the decline of American hegemony, which is an irreconcilable structural contradiction, therefore, the probability of China and the United States going to war is actually very high, but there is no showdown yet, but with the passage of time, this day will inevitably come, and once the war starts, it is destined to be a huge war, or even a world war.

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