
Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

author:Diary of a Little Monster

In recent days, the experience of foreign tourists here has often turned all their previous preconceived notions of the country upside down. Let's dive into the personal experience of an American tourist whose story might give you a whole new perspective on China.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

The American tourist, let's call Tom for the time being, traveled three weeks to China, starting in Beijing and ending in Guangzhou. Tom's experience was full of surprises from the moment he stepped into a high-speed rail station in China. Every high-speed rail station he used was larger and more modern than any airport he had seen before in any country.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

The high-speed train can reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour, but the ride is exceptionally smooth. Tom said that on China's high-speed rail, he experienced unprecedented comfort and convenience, and even began to wonder why other countries could not have the same system.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

Next, during Tom's journey, he was impressed by China's clean energy technology. He noticed that almost all the vehicles on the street were electric vehicles, which made what should have been a noisy street surprisingly quiet. He learned that China's global market share in solar and wind energy is as high as 80%, which is an incredible number.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

When it comes to medical care, Tom's experience shocked him even more. Once, after a trip to the Great Wall, Tom had pain in his leg. The next day, he didn't get better, so he went to a nearby hospital. Without any appointment, the whole process of registration, seeing a doctor, taking a film, treatment and taking medicine was completed within three hours.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

The total cost is about 340 yuan, which is equivalent to 50 US dollars, which is almost unimaginable in the United States. In the United States, the same treatment not only requires an appointment in advance, but is also expensive. Tom's sense of security in China is also one of his profound experiences. During his trip, he was free to roam around the city, day and night.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

There were a lot of pedestrians on the streets, and there were people dancing and playing in the parks and streets, which made him feel very relaxed and safe. He said that during his global travels, only in China did he feel no threats of any kind, including violence and theft.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

Finally, Tom also shared his observations on the planning and environment of the city. Every city he visited, big or small, was filled with modern high-rises, modern transportation hubs such as airports and high-speed rail stations, and clean shopping malls and public areas. The greenery in the city is impressive, and even the middle of the road is planted with beautiful plants and flowers.

Foreign tourists: China has redefined the standards of development and modernization!

Through this trip to China, many of Tom's preconceived notions were completely changed. He stressed that if a country's quality of life and degree of modernization are to be truly evaluated, it cannot be just based on GDP and per capita income figures. China's modernization and standard of living have reached a level that the rest of the world can learn from.

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