
Her love and joy

author:A collection of Cao Huishuang's original works

Her love and joy

pencil case

Since the third grade of primary school, some students in the class have beautiful pencil cases, which are closed as soon as they are buttoned, and then opened with a flick. Pencils, pencil sharpeners, pens, erasers, etc. can all be placed inside. When the pencil case is placed in the school bag, the pencil case will make a rattling sound as the person walks and runs, which is very magical. There were already five or six classmates in the class, and with a beautiful pencil case, she wanted to join the Shenqi clan as well.

On Saturday, when her father, who was working outside the home, was coming back, she boiled hot water more diligently than ever, and when he returned, he made tea. At dinner, she was more diligent in helping her mother set the table and serve food. After the meal, her happy father gave her two dimes according to the custom, but this time she did not ask for two dimes, but said about the pencil case, but she did not expect her father to agree happily.

Since then, she has been looking forward to her father coming home every day, and finally after two weeks, her father really bought her a pencil case, this pencil case, more beautiful than all the classmates' pencil cases, there are three fairies on the box surface, one in the near distance, two in the distance, the fairies are fluttering, so that she likes it very much. You must know that there was a movie in the village last year, called "Tianxian Pei", and the female students remembered the group of dancing fairies at the beginning of the movie.

When she asked her classmates for a new pencil case, she could see the envy in their eyes. Usually, because she is reluctant to let the little fairies stay alone in the classroom, she holds a pencil case in her hand when she plays games with her classmates. Once, when she kicked the key, she accidentally dropped the pencil case on the ground, and happened to be stepped on by a classmate, and then stepped on the little fairy's body, and she held the pencil case and felt distressed for several days.

This pencil case has been with her to graduate from primary school, perhaps because of the fairy spirit, she was admitted to a key middle school, and the people in the village said that being admitted to that school was half a foot into the university gate. Later, she had several pencil cases, and they were getting more and more advanced, but the pencil case of the little fairy, she always remembered and liked it deeply.

In a blink of an eye, his son is going to preschool and elementary school, she keeps buying pencil cases for her son, and there is no shortage of pictures of little fairies on the surface of the refurbished pencil case, but it can't be compared with the pencil case she had at the beginning.

Whenever she mentions the old play "Tianxian Pei", she will think of the pencil case. There are many people who say that there is a fairy spirit in her writing, and if there is really a fairy spirit, it is the pencil case left for her.

Her love and joy

She likes rainy days, in front of the window or under the porch, tinkling to the sound of the rain, ticking and counting the raindrops. The rain curtain is like a curtain, separating her from this small space, and she is joyful and happy. The warmth in the rain is poetic and smart, and the swirling in the rain and fog makes the poetry pure. This kind of beautiful feeling has been there since she was a child, maybe it's just nature

She likes the somewhat dull yellow weather, which usually snows, and the more snow falls, the heavier it gets. She loves to go into the snow, let the snowflakes hug and kiss herself, how good, the snow with love and righteousness gives her infinite joy. The feeling of joy makes her perceive the infinite beauty of life and the infinite open-mindedness of the world. She prefers to walk around on the thick snow, creaking and listening, as if listening to the whispers of the earth. The winter sun came at the right time to add the icing on the cake, the snow was inlaid with beautiful gold edges, and her joy was a dragonfly, flying low and high.

She likes the junction of dusk and evening, the sky gradually quiets down, the earth is also spread out quietly, there is a thin drunk between heaven and earth, drunk with all things in heaven and earth, drunk with the mood of returning to people. Her joy is like a flower folded into silk paper, loneliness is a crepe petal, and resentment is a flower heart, with a unique delicacy and another style.

She likes both thin and thick letters, thin is what is said, and thick is the thousands of feelings in the words. The other party's apprehension when writing the letter made her laugh, this is the taste of wanting to talk about it. When I put the letter in the envelope, I was overjoyed all the way, and I didn't reply to the letter for the time being, pretending to be reserved for a while, so that the haze could be stretched a little longer, and then a little longer. Thinking of this, she actually laughed out loud.

Yes, what she likes is subtle, small ordinary things, which are gone when you flick, fly when you pat them, and less praise. The little things give her affection, give her thoughts, and in these little things, the joy she touches is lovely, and the joy she reaches is mischievous. Just because she likes it, she is willing to have this joy for the rest of her life.

Her love and joy

Clever article

She likes to flip through fashion magazines, not only the pictures are beautiful, but also the chic essays, which can make her find joy and find wonderful ideas.

The frontispiece is the No.1 in this issue of the magazine, Xiao Miaowen, look at the title, look at the author, and then read it beautifully.

Small wonderful texts, usually after the fifteen or sixteen pages of the magazine, appear at intervals, interspersed with small flowers and grasses, making the magazine more interesting and smart.

Small essays are generally not long, more than 2,000 words long, and 5 or 600 words short. It is all about the details of life, talking about the feelings of the market, and containing a certain philosophy of life.

Xiao Miaowen has a fresh and elegant artistic conception, tells the story warmly, and makes people's character inexhaustible for a long time. The story is concise and transparent, and there is no lack of wisdom and wisdom in the middle of the peaks and loops.

Xiao Miaowen is a smile in my heart, and a shallow chant and low singing in my mood; Xiao Miaowen is the smile between the eyebrows, the blush on the cheeks, the soul in the world, and the clarity and transparency in the world.

Xiao Miaowen is her spiritual rest, beautifully cared for, and she smiled in it. Xiao Miaowen is like a stream, flowing lightly and clearly into the bottom of her heart, and like a red mountain fruit accidentally found in the mountains, it is pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the heart.

Xiao Miaowen gives her poetry, gives her indifference and calmness, and gives her the fragrance of spirit; Xiao Miaowen added a freshener to her fireworks life, added a few touches of orchid fragrance, and added a mediocre charm.

Xiao Miaowen has expanded her spiritual space, she likes to be fascinated, and from time to time she grabs some inspiration in enlightenment, weaving some amazing sentences, and she is willing to bloom in it for a long time to bloom the flowers of enlightenment!

Candy wrapper

When she was a child, sugar was a rarity, and whoever was sick in the family would give someone a bowl of sugar water to drink. Not only is it rare for her to wear white sugar and brown sugar, but also for the candy cubes wrapped in candy wrappers, to be exact, those colorful candy wrappers, the kind that are squirming.

When she finally got a few pieces of candy, she would slowly peel off the candy wrappers at both ends, put the candy cubes in her mouth, and blindfold them over the sun to see the colorful world.

When she was in her twenties, she became a teacher, and saw that students often had good-looking candy wrappers, each type of sugar produced in different places had a nice name, the name of the factory on the candy paper, the various ingredients of sugar, etc., the style and pattern of the candy paper were much better than the previous sugar wrappers. She half-jokingly told the students that whoever has a beautiful candy wrapper should leave one for the teacher. Sure enough, there were quite a few students who stuffed her with one or two beautiful candy wrappers from time to time. She cleaned the candy wrappers she received, flattened them, and pressed them into a thick book, and when she was free, she would turn them out and enjoy them slowly. Many people have a hobby of collecting stamps, and she collects candy paper, isn't it also an excellent hobby.

She likes old-fashioned sugar cubes, the sugar cubes are in the middle of the candy wrapper, twisted left and right on both sides, and the twisted braids look as good. The colorful sugar is piled together, the wings want to fly like the same, and the elves are like fantasies.

Candy paper is an old painting from her childhood, smeared with good memories and sweet feelings. Although she was poor in material things, she could get a piece of candy to satisfy her for many days, and even those troublesome mathematical formulas were not so hateful.

After entering the age of thirty, she began to learn to write, and if she wanted to write, she first wrote something sweet, to reconcile the bitterness of the world. She is good at writing prose poems, a few hundred words in length, beautiful and honest, proper and considerate, and like candy paper, it makes people nostalgic. For every small prose poem, she will come up with a good-looking title, the title is beautiful candy paper, and the affection of the text is well cared for. Her prose poems, the sentence structure is windy and snowy, the length is beautiful, the text of swords and swords, she writes relatively less, and there are many articles about the disadvantages of the needle, so there is no need for her to be more.

In the crowd, she wrote silently, giving candy cubes to passers-by. She must be beautiful, and when she is beautiful, the language she writes is overflowing with goodness, and the emotions transmitted to passers-by are bright and pleasant. As soon as she opened the note, the topic of "longing is the best compliment", pushed the door in, she smiled, thought for a while, and began the production of language candy cubes......