
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

author:Kageshi Qiji
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Mao Amin is known as a national treasure-level singer, but she used a song to disclose a top-secret military base on the mainland to the world, what is the secret behind this?

The lyrics of the song read: "There is a flower named Malan...... Generations of seekers have turned the green version of silk into snow, and generations of science and technology have cast border love. Youth has no regrets, life has no grievances, don't forget a flower called Ma Lan. ”

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Ma Lan here not only refers to a flower, but also a place that has been searched on the mainland map and cannot be found, but this place was completely made public by Mao Amin in 1992 with a song "The Ballad of Ma Lan".

What kind of secrets are there here, and why is it being disclosed to the world in such a special way?

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

"Malan" secret language

In the childhood memories of countless people, there is a very smooth nursery rhyme: "Little leather ball, kicking (banana pear), Malan blossoms twenty-one, two eight two five six, two eight two five seven ......"

Such a catchy ballad full of countless people's childhood memories actually hides the secret of the mainland's first atomic bomb, and every sentence contains secret words!

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

The little leather ball is the first atomic bomb on the mainland, because it looks like a leather ball, so it has this name, and it is also called "Miss Qiu".

The 102-meter-high tower used to place the atomic bomb during the first atomic bomb explosion test also proves that the first atomic bomb on the mainland was not dropped by air.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Malan Blossom refers to the moment of the atomic bomb explosion, "Malan Base" is China's first nuclear test base, and the explosion here is called Malan Blossom.

Twenty-one refers to the 21 test training base here, the base is called Ma Lan, because the site selection area of the nuclear test base is not grassy, and only a flower named "Ma Lan" grows tenaciously.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

At that time, in order to build a nuclear test base, the Soviet Union suggested that the mainland should choose Dunhuang, why was the final site selected in the desert of Lop Nur instead of other desert areas?

In the idea of the Soviet Union, the construction of a nuclear test base on the mainland was only for the development of an atomic bomb, but for the mainland, we had to build not only an atomic bomb, but also a hydrogen bomb!

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

In the long run, the smaller Dunhuang was eliminated by Lop Nur, which was just as desolate and a place known as the "Sea of Death", with a larger and more desolate area.

But it is in such a desolate place that a touch of Chinese red has risen, creating a miracle that shocked the whole of China and even the world!

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world


In order to create the mainland's first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, countless heroes were born here, the most well-known are Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian and others.

There were not only scientists, engineers, and technicians, but also countless people in charge of logistics, and when the mushroom cloud finally rose in the east, they had no extras and no celebrations, but everyone's hearts were extremely excited.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Behind such a shocking achievement is the joint efforts of thousands of people, who come from different places and have different surnames and names, but they all have a common title "Malan".

And the participation of many of these heavyweight scientists is actually inseparable from one person......

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

For him, science does have no borders, but scientists have their own motherland, and for their homeland, Qian Sanqiang can sacrifice everything.

At that time, Qian Sanqiang was only 34 years old and had already become one of the youngest research mentors of the French National Center for Scientific Research, but he decisively gave up everything and chose to return to his homeland to support the research and development of nuclear weapons.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

When we first chose the location for the development of the atomic bomb, the Soviet Union did help us to a certain extent, because our relationship was reasonable at that time, but after the research began, the relationship between the mainland and the Soviet Union completely "turned around".

All kinds of help from the Soviet Union gradually stopped, and for a time the research and development of the mainland's atomic bomb became difficult, and at this time Qian Sanqiang stood up.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Since we have lost the help of the outside world, we will rely on our own strength to research an atomic bomb that is completely our own!

Qian Sanqiang not only had great contributions to the development of the atomic bomb, but also Deng Jiaxian, Wang Ganchang, Guo Yonghuai, Yu Min, Peng Huanwu and other scientists who had great influence in their respective fields participated in the task of developing the atomic bomb under the introduction, recommendation and influence of Qian Sanqiang.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

A lifetime of change

Compared with Deng Jiaxian, Qian Xuesen and others, Qian Sanqiang's name is actually unfamiliar to many people, or even unheard of at all, but his contribution cannot be erased.

Before Deng Jiaxian was recommended by Qian Sanqiang to participate in the task of developing the atomic bomb, he was also abroad, but for the prosperity of the motherland, he said that "death is worth it".

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

So in the process of decades of research and development, Deng Jiaxian has never put his body first, and he can give up everything, even his life, for research.

Everything he did was remembered by every countryman, and he truly fulfilled what he said, and dedicated everything he had for the strength of the motherland, even if it was worth dying.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

After witnessing the explosion of the first atomic bomb, Guo Yonghuai once again devoted himself to the research and development of China's first artificial satellite, including the launch of China's first missile thermonuclear weapon.

Even for the sake of research and development, Guo Yonghuai locked himself in the Qinghai base for more than two months, and after discovering important clues, he rushed to Beijing by plane to report.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Unfortunately, the plane made a sound when it finally landed only a few hundred meters away and crashed into a cornfield, but at the end of his life, Guo Yonghuai still held the nuclear weapons data tightly in his arms.

Embracing Guo Yonghuai was his guard, and the two hugged each other tightly, they lost their lives, but the data in their arms was intact.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

In the last 72 hours of his life, General Lin Junde still insisted on sorting out the relevant data, and he, like every "Malan person", was still dedicating himself at the end of his life.

Every "Malan", when they joined in this mission, their lives were completely changed, and it can be said that to some extent, they suddenly disappeared from this world and became invisible.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

Decades later, some were able to reunite with their families, while others died in the mission and dedicated their lives to their country.

It is precisely because of their existence that we have our life today, and we have a prosperous and powerful motherland today, so just like the lyrics say, don't forget a flower called Malan, and don't forget every "Malan person".

Source source

Global Network "This well-known nursery rhyme is actually the secret language of the mainland's first atomic bomb!" 》

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

History of "Two Bombs Father Guo Yonghuai Suffered a Plane Crash"

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League "The well-known nursery rhyme actually hides the secret of China's first atomic bomb? Netizen: It turns out that we were all intelligence officers when we were children"

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to reveal a top-secret military base in China to the world

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