
The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

author:Kageshi Qiji

Don't underestimate a country that was founded on a U.S. military base!

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

After Chang'e-6 successfully returned and completed the mission of retrieving soil on the back of the moon, media around the world reported one after another, but South Korean netizens proved with their strength that eating too much kimchi is really easy to hallucinate.

Yonhap News Agency's television station claimed that this was the world's first sample return from the far side of the moon, and even South Korea's KBS television station admitted that Chang'e was the name of the moon goddess in Chinese mythology.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

But there are those Korean netizens and individual media who do not give up, and even distort the facts, claiming: Don't talk nonsense, South Korea's technology has been stolen.

They keep claiming that China has stolen South Korean technology again, but South Korea does not have such technology, and we have long been accustomed to inconsistent claims and this kind of stealing.

There are even some South Koreans who are even more outrageous, simply because it is Chinese news, so they simply can't believe it, at least for them, the information provided by China is not credible.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

But they are worshipped and praised as God-like America, and now there are two astronauts who have never been able to return to Earth because of spacecraft failure.

But there are also a few Korean netizens who see it more clearly, thinking that everyone in South Korea is resting on their laurels, China is indeed amazing, and it will be difficult for South Korea to ...... in another 100 years

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Some South Korean netizens said that if they should admit it, they must admit that China's aerospace technology is indeed the highest, and they should be vigilant, South Koreans......

Although we have long been familiar with this kind of operation, this toad is lying on the surface of his feet, and even if he does not bite, it is disgusting......

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

If two atomic bombs were dropped on Seoul and everything within a radius of 100 miles was melted, I am afraid that there would be millions of unmelted mouths on the ground.

In the face of hard-mouthed Korean netizens, mainland netizens have never been polite, and they gave full play to the cultural heritage of thousands of years and went back directly.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

South Koreans are so powerful, but they dare to build a country on a US military base, and it is already very good if they don't directly say that Chang'e-6 is theirs.

Some netizens said that they have never heard of a country called South Korea on the earth since ancient times, and they only remember that there is a country called North Korea.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Even the Korean museum showed the media the royal seal of 500 years ago in early June, and I have to say that this little thing looks really chic, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the "imperial treasure" given by the ancient Chinese dynasty to the vassal state.

What's more coincidental is that this so-called "national treasure" in their mouth is stored in the museum of the ancient palace of Korea, which is the same name as our Forbidden City.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

In the end, South Korea stole and stole on the mainland, and finally directly took out the evidence and admitted that South Korea started as a "licking dog", no wonder it is now tied to the collar by the United States.

I thought that what was on display in South Korea was something rare, but I didn't expect it to become their own "clown mirror", really focusing on a history that is all about compilation, and the application for the World Heritage is all about deception, what else can they do themselves?

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

The history fabricated by Korean netizens has even been so outrageous that he once ruled China, and even Tang Taizong Li Shimin was described by them as a stupid and incompetent aggressor, and he was blinded in the eye......

From the screenshots of the TV series posted by netizens, South Korea's description of Li Shimin is that he has been defeated repeatedly, and has damaged hundreds of thousands of troops, and was finally shot blind in one eye, and begged the generals of Goguryeo to spare his life.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

This kind of plot really made countless netizens explode, is this still the strongest carbon-based creature we know in the 7th century, the ceiling of combat power and the "Asian Continent Chief" at that time?

We have seen the official history and the wild history, but we haven't seen these shit made up by South Korea, this kind of plot is even more outrageous than the hand-to-hand days of anti-Japanese dramas.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

What's even more ridiculous is that in the anti-Japanese drama, we also won the anti-Japanese victory, but in the end they directly destroyed the country, such an outrageous plot, even Li Shimin didn't expect that he would have a catastrophe after a thousand years.

There are still people who are curious, obviously remembering that it was Li Shimin who overthrew their army of more than 100,000 at the beginning, and finally failed to capture the city and withdrew his army, why did he become the one who was overturned?

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Such an outrageous drama is from a 2002 South Korean historical drama called "Morning of the Empire", in this drama, in the end, Li Shimin also ceded land to the other party, do you think this is the lower limit of South Korea's fabricated history?

In a 2006 Korean historical drama, Li Shimin was shot blind again, and was even chased and beaten by the Goguryeo army, and in some other historical dramas, Li Shimin's eye was blind again and again.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

These are just the tip of the iceberg of South Korea's efforts to smear China and fabricate history in its own film and television dramas, and in other dramas, many Chinese cultures have become Korean.

Some of them can't be stolen at all, and they directly claim that they have the same technology, and that it is better than China's, and even use the renminbi as a fire tool.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Even the Chinese characters that we have used for thousands of years have become "Chinese characters created by Koreans" in the mouths of Koreans, and even Korean netizens felt ashamed as soon as this remark came out.

In February, a South Korean writer claimed on a television program that the actual creator of Chinese characters was not Chinese but South Korea, and even gave so-called evidence.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

He believes that Chinese characters actually appeared on the basis of the oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin Shang, but the Yin Shang at that time was actually created by the Dongyi people, and the Dongyi people mentioned here are only Koreans and Japanese.

After saying these words, even Korean netizens couldn't help but scold him: Is he crazy?

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

From the reactions of Korean netizens, it can be seen that although they love to steal Chinese culture and customs, they also know very well that they can't steal Chinese characters at all.

In fact, most of the Korean culture they are proud of is actually stolen from China, and even many traditional Chinese cultures have been applied for intangible cultural heritage by South Korea.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Even the kimchi that they can't live without is actually derived from China, and it has to be said that South Korea is getting darker and darker on the road of "cultural self-confidence".

Many of the cultures stolen from China, they don't even know how to use them, and sometimes they make a lot of jokes, and even become a global laughing stock.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

"Stealing" seems to have long become the genetics of Koreans, who used to steal culture, but now they steal technology, and if they can't steal, it means that we stole Korea.

For example, this Chang'e-6, since we said that we stole South Korea's technology, why didn't they have it with us? Their various nonsense really comes without a draft.

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

But some netizens joked that there is a reason why South Korea has been stealing our culture, South Korea used to be a vassal state of China, and now they still regard themselves as a province of China, so they will steal Chinese culture.

Source source

Global Times's "Another Fallacy! Korean writer said on the show that "Chinese characters are created by Koreans", Korean netizens: I am embarrassed to see it"

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Observer Network "In this Korean drama, Li Shimin was shot blind again, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy"

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

Global Network "South Korea Rare Exhibition of 500-year-old Royal Seal: The handle is in the shape of a turtle and is designated as a national "treasure""

The face is gone! South Korean media commented on the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the facts, and was angrily scolded by the whole network

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