
This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

author:Kageshi Qiji
This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

When New China was just liberated, people thought every day that they were just fed, and there was no requirement for the quality of life.

With the improvement of living standards, people in today's era are no longer just pursuing food and clothing, but how to eat healthily. This is what modern people are pursuing, and this topic is very important to everyone.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

Especially for some elderly people, the topic of health and wellness is talked about by people. For this reason, there are also many elderly people who spend a lot of money to buy some so-called skin care products, and there are not a few elderly people who have been deceived.

There are many foods in life that are good for your health, and honey is one of them. Everyone knows the benefits of honey, whether it is children or the elderly, drinking some honey every day has many benefits for the body.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

However, there are a lot of fake honey in the market, although the taste is no different from real honey. As everyone knows, the honey bought back is dirtier than "gutter oil", and even a lot of them have to be bought every time, treating these fake honey as treasures.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

Benefits of eating honey regularly

The reason why many people consume honey every day is because honey has many functions and effects, and it has many benefits for everyone's body. It can not only have the effect of beauty and beauty, but also achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Studies have proved that honey has a good regulating effect on gastrointestinal function and can normalize gastric acid secretion. And for the elderly, honey can also prevent osteoporosis caused by calcium loss, which can improve the quality of bones to a certain extent.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

And for people who like to exercise, the protein and carbohydrates contained in honey water can help promote muscle recovery after exercise, and the glucose in honey water can quickly replenish energy and promote physical recovery after being absorbed by the human body.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

The vitamins, fructose and other ingredients contained in honey can play a role in assisting eye detoxification. And the sugar in honey is different from sucrose, the sugar in honey has an antioxidant effect, which can help remove free radicals in the body, thereby reducing skin aging.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

It can be said that honey water is suitable for people of all ages, but with the development of society. The role of honey is infinitely magnified, and there is not much honey in the market, so many black-hearted merchants have to use fake honey to deceive consumers.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

The dangers of fake honey

Many people know the benefits of honey, but the honey that many families buy is basically fake, especially when they see cheap honey in the market, they can't help but buy some.

The harm of these family customs is far beyond people's imagination, and even the degree of harm directly exceeds the harm of gutter oil, and many people are obviously unaware of these hazards.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

Pure natural honey is very rare in the market, since real honey can not be bought, then there are many black-hearted merchants, in order to make huge profits, will make some fake honey. As consumers, we can't tell the difference between these honeys with flavors and water, and these fake honeys will cause great harm to our health if we eat them for a long time.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

First of all, after eating the fake honey, it has no effect at all. Long-term consumption will also cause gastrointestinal reactions, and a lot of sugar in fake honey is white sugar, which not only has no auxiliary effect on weight loss, but also may cause the human body to be more obese, and in severe cases, it will also induce diabetes.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

Some fake honey is even processed with concentrated sulfuric acid to crack white sugar, which has no nutritional value at all, and may be poisoned because of the harmful substances in it.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

There are even merchants who add alum to fake honey, which will affect the development of intelligence if teenagers consume it for a long time. In addition, a large amount of pigments and flavors will be added to fake honey, which will cause certain harm no matter who drinks it.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

For pregnant women, the dangers of fake honey are self-evident. Even if it is real honey, pregnant women should not drink too much, let alone fake honey. Among them, industrial additives can cause great harm to pregnant women and babies, and even cause infertility hazards.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

I believe that many people can say a few points about the dangers of fake honey, but even so, there are still people who are keen to buy honey. However, the honey in the market is varied, as consumers, we don't know how to distinguish correctly, resulting in many people being deceived, so how should we distinguish the difference between real and fake honey?

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

How to distinguish real honey from fake

Under normal circumstances, the color of real honey is relatively dull and there are impurities in it, which are not harmful substances, but pollen on the body of bees when collecting honey. On the contrary, if you look at the honey oily and smooth and very shiny, you don't have to think that it is a fake honey blended.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

When buying honey in the market, there are several simple ways to distinguish it. When we buy, we can hold the bottle and shake it, or we can turn the bottle upside down, if the bubbles in the honey rise slowly, it is likely to be real honey. If the bubbles are small and the bubbles rise faster, this is fake honey.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

The most direct way is to brew with water, if it is genuine, honey will not be easily washed away by water. If the honey is blended industrially, it will be washed away directly by the water and then dissolved in the water. And the pure secretion is sweet and slightly sour, and the fake honey is very sweet, which is completely the taste of pure sugar.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

The price of raw honey is relatively high, and the production is very small, so it is not easy to buy. Sales are far from meeting the requirements of the market, which is why there is industrial honey, which does not have any health benefits at all.

Even if you don't know how to distinguish between real and fake honey, the easiest way is to buy it directly from a big brand, and there is a certain amount of protection.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

The fake honey in the market is even dirtier than gutter oil, so when you buy, you should still observe more and look for big brands. After all, these are all foods that are eaten in the stomach, and you should pay more attention to them, after all, no one wants to eat these poisonous foods all day long.

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

For the sake of everyone's health, we should learn how to distinguish. Therefore, when you buy honey, you must pay more attention, not only look at the price, but also pay attention to the quality, not only honey, but also other products to check the ingredient list, if the ingredients are like a paper, it is better not to buy.


Jimu News:

"Doxxing Fake "Soil Honey": Boiled with Sugar, Flavor and Alum, the Cost of Each Catty is Only a Few Yuan, Long-term Consumption or Damage to the Reproductive System

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

China Economic Net:

"CCTV exposes the inside story of honey fraud: raw insects and broken rice are ground and saccharified into "honey""

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

The Paper:

Attention! This kind of fake "soil honey" can be eaten for a long time or endanger health! Teach you how to tell with a bottle of water"

This food is dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many people, especially the elderly

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