
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

author:Xiao Moe*

The scene of Chongqing Film Week was full of stars, bringing together Yang Zishan, the star of "Executive Judge", Li Shaohong, the director of "Dream of Red Mansions", and Liu Xiaoqing, a 74-year-old "girl".

That night, Liu Xiaoqing wore a casual red one-piece skirt and enthusiastically interacted with the camera on the red carpet, which unexpectedly aroused heated discussions among netizens.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Many netizens believe that even if the picture is blurry, the "old man's smell" on Liu Xiaoqing's face is still clearly visible, especially her face, which makes the audience feel a "sense of steamed man" after medical beauty treatment.

What is puzzling is why Liu Xiaoqing chose a casual dress on the red carpet, and just a few days ago at the French Film Festival, she was dressed up to attend, dazzling.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

On June 15, Liu Xiaoqing attended the French Film Festival. On that day, she was dressed in a smart suit and did not wear any headdress, but the necklace around her neck was particularly eye-catching. She also interacted lovingly with the fans at the scene.

However, when netizens saw Liu Xiaoqing's face, they realized that her "face collapse" at that time had already been traced. In the photo, Liu Xiaoqing tried his best to smile at the fans, but his face looked very stiff.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Some netizens ridiculed Liu Xiaoqing: Without the blessing of beauty, Liu Xiaoqing looks "cliff-like" aging, can he still play the role of a "girl" now?

Powerful actors have transformed across borders and become the leader of the "girl sect".

Many netizens are curious about why Liu Xiaoqing loves to play the role of "girl" so much. In fact, it all has to start with the TV series "Wu Zetian".

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

In 1995, Liu Xiaoqing shined in the TV series "Wu Zetian", she played Wu Meiniang's girlhood and Wu Zetian's old age alone, and brilliantly played the roles of these two different stages.

Liu Xiaoqing was only in her early forties at the time, and with the skillful hands of the makeup artist and superb acting skills, the audience did not notice any disobedience, but praised her excellent acting skills.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Perhaps it was this performance that gave Liu Xiaoqing a taste of success, and since then he has been moving forward on the road of "girl" and has never looked back.

In 2023, Liu Xiaoqing's "I Have a Dream", a drama broadcast eight years ago, suddenly became popular on the Internet, not because of his superb acting skills, but because its plot is extremely "explosive".

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

The heroine played by Liu Xiaoqing, even though it rained in the middle of the night, still insisted on going back to school with a big belly. Seeing this scene, many netizens may speculate that the character she plays is a teacher.

However, in reality she plays a student, and she is the kind of student who is pursued by many people.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

In the play, the first to appear is the childhood sweetheart, then the barber pony, then the middle school teacher Hu Jun, and finally the veritable male protagonist Hong Qianjian. In order to marry the heroine played by Liu Xiaoqing, these male protagonists fought for "head to blood".

Tao Siyuan, an actor who played the role of "childhood sweetheart", recalled that the filming of the TV series was in 2014, when he was only 24 years old, and the object of the first kiss scene was Liu Xiaoqing.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

His words caused countless netizens to feel distressed, Liu Xiaoqing was 64 years old in 2014, which really made him feel wronged, and some people asked him if he got a high salary for this drama.

The male characters in the play are all around Liu Xiaoqing, and in addition, the crew also specially opened the beautification function for Liu Xiaoqing. Whenever the camera focuses on Liu Xiaoqing, the grinding effect of the picture is so strong that it is almost impossible to see her outline.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

However, while laughing, netizens suddenly discovered that "Ice and Snow Sniper 2" starring Liu Xiaoqing had been launched. After watching it, some viewers quickly spread the news on the Internet: 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing actually played an 18-year-old girl in the play!

Liu Xiaoqing in the movie, the wrinkles on her face can no longer be hidden, and her plump and deformed figure doesn't look like an 18-year-old girl no matter how you look at it.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

What's even more hilarious is that the actor who plays Liu Xiaoqing's father in the movie is actually 18 years younger than her. How did Liu Xiaoqing feel when he called his father to this "father" who was 18 years younger than him?

From then on, when it comes to "girl teaching", Liu Xiaoqing will become the primary impression in everyone's mind.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Even though "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has nothing to do with Liu Xiaoqing, netizens still joked: The biggest failure of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is that Liu Xiaoqing was not invited to play Wang Qinian's daughter.

Netizens are quite disgusted with Liu Xiaoqing's role as a "girl". However, before joining the "Girl Sect", Liu Xiaoqing has always been a popular actor.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

When he first debuted, Liu Xiaoqing lacked acting experience. In order to successfully interpret the role of "sweet girl" in "The Great Wall of the South China Sea", she stayed in Shantou for more than half a year, just to get closer to the role.

This film officially launched Liu Xiaoqing's acting career, and three years after the release of "The Great Wall of the South China Sea", she became famous for "Little Flower" and became a well-known actor.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

The following year, 30-year-old Liu Xiaoqing won the Hundred Flowers Award, which was already the peak of many actors' careers. However, for Liu Xiaoqing, this only marked the beginning of her acting career.

From 1987 to 1989, Liu Xiaoqing won the Hundred Flowers Award for actress laurels three times in a row, a record that no one has ever matched.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Some netizens sighed that Liu Xiaoqing's acting career is quite exciting, but what is more eye-catching than this is her emotional experience.

After 7 relationships and 4 husbands

Liu Xiaoqing has experienced 7 relationships in her life and has a total of 4 husbands. Her shortest marriage lasted only a year, and her marriage to her current husband was the longest of her life.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Jiang Wen, a well-known person in the directorial industry, also had an emotional experience with Liu Xiaoqing.

The story starts in 1986, when Liu Xiaoqing was already a successful actor, and Jiang Wen was a rookie in the entertainment industry.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

The two met in the play and developed a relationship, which also continued outside the play. Many people were curious about this and asked Liu Xiaoqing why he fell in love with Jiang Wen. In this regard, Liu Xiaoqing only said that under the circumstances at that time, it was almost inevitable to have feelings for Jiang Wen.

This sister-brother relationship, which is eight years apart, was not favored by the outside world at that time, because some netizens broke the news that Liu Xiaoqing had a lover relationship with Chen Junguo at that time.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Her marriage to Chen Junguo has also been controversial. At that time, some netizens broke the news that Chen Junguo was married when he met Liu Xiaoqing, and in order to be with Liu Xiaoqing, he chose to divorce his original wife.

After Chen Guojun divorced Liu Xiaoqing, he wrote a special book detailing the entire process from their love to divorce. Some netizens believe that Chen Guojun is alluding to Liu Xiaoqing.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Liu Xiaoqing didn't care about the rumors were true or false. At the same time, she is busy falling in love with Jiang Wen. According to netizens, Jiang Wenneng became a director precisely because of Liu Xiaoqing's suggestion.

Some people even said that the funds for Jiang Wen's movies were all brought in by Liu Xiaoqing. Although Liu Xiaoqing poured all his sincerity into Jiang Wen, this relationship still came to an end in 1994.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

After the emotional experience with Chen Junguo and Jiang Wen, Liu Xiaoqing fell in love with Wu Weiguo, who is known as the "Emperor of Hong Kong TV Dramas".

Some netizens broke the news that in 1995, Liu Xiaoqing made a cameo appearance in Wu Weiguo's TV series "Bao Qingtian", and Wu Weiguo fell in love with this bright-looking Liu Xiaoqing at first sight.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Wu Weiguo didn't care about Liu Xiaoqing's past relationship history, and cared for her during the crew. Liu Xiaoqing also admires Wu Weiguo's character very much.

No matter in or out of the play, they get along very well and talk happily. After the TV series cooperation ended, the two still maintained close contact, and finally got closer and closer and came together.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

In 1996, in order to be able to meet Liu Xiaoqing frequently, Wu Weiguo shifted his career focus to the mainland. However, his career did not go well in the Mainland. It wasn't until the filming of "A Fang Gongfu" that the relationship between the two was exposed.

However, to his surprise, he not only lost his career, but also failed to keep his love. In 2000, the couple, who had been in love for five years, finally broke up.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Liu Xiaoqing later entered into another marriage, which lasted only two years before it ended. At this time, she was 55 years old, and this was her third divorce.

However, Liu Xiaoqing soon ushered in her "twilight love". In 2013, at the age of 63, she and Wang Xiaoyu married in the United States. Since their marriage, the relationship between the two has been consistent, and their married life has been harmonious and happy, and there have never been rumors of discord.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing made an appearance in France! The face is haggard and precipitous, and the dress has aroused heated discussions

Some netizens sighed, maybe Liu Xiaoqing is old and no longer tosses like before! Epilogue.

After seeing Liu Xiaoqing's aging, many netizens thought that she should be more open-minded and not indulge in self-created illusions. Aging naturally is also a beauty. We also look forward to Liu Xiaoqing being able to reproduce the glory of "Furong Town"!

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