
Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

author:Sophie talks about the world
Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

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Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Huang Zhan, formerly known as Huang Zhansen, was born in a poor family in Shunde, Guangdong. His father, Huang Laohan, spoke rudely and often cursed loudly at home, which affected Huang Zhan's character to a certain extent, making him extremely rebellious and stubborn since he was a child.

In order to prevent his son from going astray, Huang Laohan made up his mind to send Huang Zhan to study at the well-known local La Salle College. He hopes that the strict school rules will restrain Huang Zhan and make him an upright and promising young man.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

After entering La Salle College, Huang Zhan started a new life. As a lively and cheerful teenager, he quickly made a lot of new friends. However, it was in this school that a seemingly unintentional little thing laid the foundation between him and the later kung fu superstar Bruce Lee.

Once, in order to seek justice for his little brother, Huang Zhan openly provoked Bruce Lee, a school student, and the two broke out into a violent physical conflict. In this unprovoked fight, Huang Zhan completely had the upper hand, and was pushed to the ground by the passing Bruce Lee, and was beaten fiercely.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

After losing to Bruce Lee, Huang Zhan's heart ignited with a thick anger. He secretly swore in his heart that he would avenge himself and never be bullied so easily. As a result, Huang Zhan began to actively gather fox friends and dogs, and publicly attacked Bruce Lee many times, and the two fell into a long-lasting grudge entanglement.

Once, Huang Zhan even ripped off Bruce Lee's pants while he was going to the toilet in full view of everyone and openly insulted his private parts. In the face of Huang Zhan's vexatious behavior, Bruce Lee naturally couldn't sit idly by, so a chase battle began.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

The beginning of Bruce Lee's "iron man tenderness" contradictory identity

For a whole month, Bruce Lee was obsessively chasing Huang Zhan, striving to be ashamed of himself. What is ironic is that despite such a severe "revenge" from Bruce Lee, Huang Zhan has never had the slightest fear.

On the contrary, he justifiably gave Bruce Lee the nickname "Li Yichun", which seemed to imply that Bruce Lee was destined to "lose everything" in this big war.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Huang Zhan's indomitable personality made him undeterred by repeated defeats in this confrontation. Whenever he was taught a hard lesson by Bruce Lee, he covered his scarred body, shed nosebleeds and tears, and gritted his teeth: "I'm going to kill you sooner or later!" Looking at Huang Zhan's appearance, Bruce Lee sometimes dismisses it, and sometimes feels a little sympathy.

And Huang Zhan is just like the meaning of his name, "Huang Zhan" has the meaning of drizzle among the clouds, his brave and suspicious, unyielding character does not reach the goal, giving people a sense of stubbornness and unruliness.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Despite repeated setbacks in this grievance, he still gritted his teeth and persevered and never gave up.

The personalities of the two echo the contradictory identities of "iron man" and "tenderness", which are vividly displayed in this entanglement of enmity. Bruce Lee is calm and composed, arrogant and free; Huang Zhan is enthusiastic and paranoid, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

This incident also laid the initial foreshadowing for Huang Zhan's unique style of works in the future.

The flowers wandered and met Huawa and Lin Yanni

In the entertainment industry, Huang Zhan is known as one of the "Four Talents of Xiangjiang", alongside Ni Kuang, Cai Lan, and Jin Yong, and can be called the "Three Masters of Words". As a talented "merry genius", his love life is naturally extraordinary.

Huang Zhan met singer Hua Wa in an amateur singing competition. At that time, Hua Wa had a natural voice and won the crown on the field, Huang Zhan fell in love with her at first sight and took the initiative to talk to her.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Since then, the two have gradually become closer and closer under the drive of music, and finally come together.

Later, Huang Zhan entered the University of Hong Kong for further study. Although he was still a poor student at the time, his love for Huawa intensified, and he began to pursue Huawa passionately. Every day, he is inseparable from Huawa's side and is courteous and sincere to her.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

After seven years of unremitting dedication, Huang Zhan finally won the heart of Huawa, and the two tied the knot in 1967.

On the wedding night, the shy Hua Wa took out a stack of song scores and love letters carefully preserved by Huang Zhan from the bottom of the box, and Huang Zhan held her hand emotionally and said: "I hereby solemnly promise that I will not disappoint you!" The seemingly happy married life began, and the two gave birth to two lovely sons one after another, and the family was happy.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

However, the good times did not last long, and the seven-year itch really hit relentlessly. At an awards ceremony, Huang Zhan met Bruce Lee's sister-in-law, Lin Yanni. Lin Yanni is not only from a famous family, but also has a beautiful style, she is simply Huang Zhan's ideal beauty.

Faced with this talented and beautiful woman, Huang Zhan was immediately fascinated by her unique style and began a shameless crazy pursuit.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

After several persuasions, Huang Zhan really captured Lin Yanni's heart, and the two began an underground relationship. Huang Zhan was completely dead to his wife Huawa, and announced the decision to divorce in public.

Huawa, who was pregnant, undoubtedly suffered a great blow and humiliation, and was grief-stricken.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Since then, Huang Zhan and Lin Yanni have been like glue, you and me. The two even co-founded the "Huang & Lin Advertising Company". Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and due to poor management, the company soon fell into trouble.

In the conflicting dispute, Lin Yanni finally chose to leave and went to work in Shengshi Company.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Just when everyone thought that the two would part ways, a shocking thing happened. Not long after Lin Yanni returned to Huang Zhan's side, Huang Zhan proposed to Lin Yanni in front of everyone at Mr. Jin Yong's banquet and got her approval.

Some people say that this is actually Huang Zhan after losing all his gambling money, thinking of using Lin Yanni's family background to make a comeback again.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

The creation of the word chapter sings about the prosperous age

In addition to the turmoil of love, Huang Zhan is also talented in creation. He has created popular theme songs for many film and television dramas, and is well-known in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

One of the most famous is the theme song of the 1983 TV series "Shanghai Tang" "The Prodigal Son". The process of creating this song is legendary. At two o'clock in the evening, the talented composer Gu Jiahui suddenly thought of a melody and impatiently called Huang Zhan to discuss the creation.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

At that time, Huang Zhan was suffering from diarrhea and ran into the toilet in embarrassment. Gu Jiahui was humming a newly conceived tune on the other end of the phone, and Huang Zhan was scratching his head in front of the toilet with a red face, which was a rare embarrassing scene for a while.

At this moment, Huang Zhan was attacked by diarrhea again, but this time the sudden situation seemed to open the door to his inspiration, and he immediately blurted out: "The waves are running, and the waves are rolling..." It only took a short time to squat on the toilet, and the lyrics of the whole song were conceived in this way.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Huang Zhan suddenly felt a little unsure, whether the Huangpu River really has such a magnificent wave? It wasn't until the broadcast of the drama "Shanghai Tang" that the theme song "The Voice of the Prodigal Son" became all the rage and became a well-known classic.

Another famous work is the theme song of the 1995 movie "Smiling Proud Jianghu" "A Laugh in the Sea". In order to compose this piece, Huang Zhan wrote a total of 6 versions before and after, but each of them was ruthlessly rejected by the great director Tsui Hark.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

Huang Zhan looked for new inspiration, and when he finally saw the words "Dale Biyi", he suddenly realized that he had finally completed the score according to this artistic conception. However, due to the repeated revisions, his emotions also became excited, and he even drew an excited male reproductive organ on paper as a catharsis.

even yelled directly at Tsui Hark: "If you want to just say it, if you don't want it, I'll ask for it!" Finally, the majestic song "A Laugh in the Sea" was born, and it became a classic in one fell swoop after the movie was released.

Huang Zhan: Fighting with Bruce Lee, kowtowing to Jackie Chan, lustful, good wine and good money, but living in an era

In addition to the film and television theme song, Huang Hao is also a pioneer of Chinese creation in Hong Kong. In 1978, Huang Zhan signed an exclusive lyricist contract with TVB, and teamed up with Gu Jiahui to create a number of popular golden songs.

In 1980, the owner of Eternal Records invited Huang Hao to create a Chinese song for Zhang Mingmin. Out of strong patriotic feelings, Huang Zhan immediately ignited his enthusiasm for creation, and soon composed "My Chinese Heart", which is full of positive energy.

Although Zhang Mingmin's singing did not cause much repercussions at the time, after it was relaunched at the first Spring Festival Gala a year later, the song was immediately widely circulated and became an inspirational brand that uplifted the people's hearts.

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