
The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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Electric vehicles bring convenience to travel, but also there are many potential safety hazards, especially in recent years, electric vehicle fire accidents have increased, so from April 2024, a wave of electric vehicle night inspection actions has been set off, the purpose is to reduce electric vehicle fire accidents and ensure the safety of car owners.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

The nationwide night inspection of electric vehicles has ended, can it fundamentally eliminate electric vehicle fires? Recently, the latest fire data has been released in many places, let's take a look.

Electric vehicle night inspection action to ensure the safety of electric vehicle travel

Because the fire accident of electric vehicles seriously affects the safety of electric vehicles, and even threatens the safety of people's lives and property, so a unified night inspection action of electric vehicles has been launched across the country.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

The night inspection action is jointly rectified by multiple departments, focusing on the parking and charging of electric vehicles, requiring electric vehicles to be parked in a standardized manner, and not allowing electric vehicles to be charged in violation of regulations, and not to be allowed to charge upstairs and flying wires.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

The night inspection operation has largely dealt with electric vehicles, cleaned up a lot of illegally parked vehicles, and restricted the use of illegal parking places to ensure the safety of electric vehicle parking and charging.

The night inspection of electric vehicles is over, can the fire of electric vehicles be solved? The latest data from many places is out

So, after the night inspection operation, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? Fire departments in many places have released the latest electric vehicle fire data, let's take a look.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

On June 27, the relevant departments of Beijing held a press conference, since June, a total of 69 electric vehicle fires have occurred in Beijing, of which 58 were caused by battery failure, but fortunately all the fires occurred outdoors and did not cause casualties.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

On June 28, the Guangzhou Fire Department issued a police report that a fire broke out in an electric bicycle shed, resulting in the burning of electric bicycle charging piles and carports, and there were no casualties.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

On June 23, a fire broke out in the shop of the electric vehicle distribution department in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, resulting in the electric vehicle in the shop being burned down, leaving only the frame, but fortunately there were no casualties.

3 suggestions for curing electric vehicle fires

Judging from the recent fire data in various places, although the number of fire accidents of electric vehicles has been reduced through night inspection actions, it has not been followed by electric vehicle fires, so if you want to cure electric vehicle fire accidents, Xiaobian believes that the following three points should be paid attention to.

Strictly inspect inferior lithium batteries from the source

Inferior batteries are an important cause of fire in electric vehicles, especially lithium batteries, so it is necessary to strictly investigate inferior lithium batteries from the source, first of all, lithium batteries must meet the new national standard standards, and it is not allowed to sell non-compliant batteries, and finally it is necessary to start from the merchants, and it is not allowed to use inferior lithium batteries.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

Appropriately relax the requirements of the new national standard

If the requirements of the new national standard for electric vehicles can be appropriately relaxed, such as speed restrictions, weight restrictions, etc., then users will not lift the speed limit and will not use lithium batteries, so that users do not need to modify electric vehicles to avoid line fire accidents.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released

Charging carports should do a good job of fire safety measures

Finally, it should be noted that the electric vehicle charging shed should do a good job of fire safety protection measures, in case of fire in the process of electric vehicle charging, it should be remedied in time to avoid affecting other electric vehicles and causing greater safety accidents.

The end of the night inspection operation of electric vehicles, can the problem of electric vehicle fire be solved? The latest data from many places are released


Through the nationwide night inspection action, the number of electric vehicle fires has been significantly reduced, but at present, it has not completely cured the fire of electric vehicles, so the industry has put forward three suggestions, which need to strictly investigate inferior lithium batteries from the source, relax the new national standard standards and do a good job in the fire safety measures of the charging shed, so as to ensure the safety of electric vehicles.

So, do you think that electric vehicle fire accidents can be completely solved through strict investigation? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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